Relating To Beach Preservation. [SB-1026]
Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to acquire by eminent domain the fee simple interest to the parcels of land with improvements thereon located between 59-145 and 59-175C Ke Nui Road. Appropriates funds.
SB-1026: Relating To Beach Preservation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris Lee
Referred To Wtl, Wam/jdc. on 01/27/2023
HB-287: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 5; Title 29, Chapter 17; Title 29, Chapter 16 and Title 65, Chapter 27, relative to eminent domain.
Sponsored by: Rep. Lowell Russell
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Civil Justice Subcommittee Of Civil Justice Committee on 03/21/2023
You have voted HB-287: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 5; Title 29, Chapter 17; Title 29, Chapter 16 and Title 65, Chapter 27, relative to eminent domain..
Compensation for the taking of a business. [SB-220]
Compensation for the taking of a business. Provides that if a city or town (municipality) condemns property, a person operating a business on the property may be compensated for business losses resulting from the condemnation. Provides that a municipality may not acquire property using an alternative condemnation procedure conducted by the public works board if the municipality is notified of the person's intent to claim compensation for business losses.
SB-220: Compensation for the taking of a business.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Bohacek
Committee Report: Amend Do Pass Adopted; Reassigned To Committee On Tax And Fiscal Policy on 02/09/2023
Eminent domain; various changes to the laws pertaining to condemnation procedures. [SB-694]
Eminent domain. Makes various changes to the laws pertaining to condemnation procedures, including (i) providing that localities shall not condition or delay the timely advancement or approval of any application for or grant of any permit or other approval for real property for the purpose of allowing the condemnation or acquisition of the property; (ii) redefining "lost access" for the purposes of determining just compensation (iii) requiring a condemnor to provide the property owner with a copy of its title report and all recorded instruments
SB-694: Eminent domain; various changes to the laws pertaining to condemnation procedures.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0735) on 04/27/2022
Eminent domain; redefines lost access and lost profits. [SB-666]
Eminent domain; lost profits. Redefines "lost profits" for the purposes of determining just compensation in eminent domain cases. Eminent domain; lost profits. Redefines "lost profits" for the purposes of determining just compensation in eminent domain cases.
SB-666: Eminent domain; redefines lost access and lost profits.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Petersen
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0734) on 04/27/2022
Local condemnation authority; locality may acquire property interests outside its boundaries, etc. [SB-218]
Local condemnation authority. Provides that any locality may acquire property interests outside its boundaries by exercise of eminent domain power in connection with a highway transportation project located partially within a neighboring locality when the governing body of the neighboring locality wherein such property interests are located approves such use of eminent domain.
SB-218: Local condemnation authority; locality may acquire property interests outside its boundaries, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeremy McPike
Stricken At Request Of Patron In Local Government (15-y 0-n) on 01/24/2022
Eminent domain; payment of judgment, attorney fees. [SB-9]
Eminent domain; payment of judgment; attorney fees. Provides for attorney fees to be awarded in eminent domain cases in which there is a judgment for a property owner if such judgment is not paid within the time required by law. Eminent domain; payment of judgment; attorney fees. Provides for attorney fees to be awarded in eminent domain cases in which there is a judgment for a property owner if such judgment is not paid within the time required by law.
SB-9: Eminent domain; payment of judgment, attorney fees.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Petersen
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0702) on 04/27/2022