Relating To Historic And Cultural Preservation. [HB-2693]
Establishes the Cultural Corridor Authority to develop plans to redevelop areas affected by disaster while maintaining historic and cultural preservation. Establishes an income tax credit to incentivize the voluntary relinquishment of real property located in areas affected by disaster. Directs the Attorney General to commence eminent domain proceedings for certain purposes. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
HB-2693: Relating To Historic And Cultural Preservation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Saiki
The Committee(s) On Wal Recommend(s) That The Measure Be Deferred. on 02/06/2024
Relating To Historic And Cultural Preservation. [SB-2980]
Establishes the Cultural Corridor Authority to develop plans to redevelop areas affected by disaster while maintaining historic and cultural preservation. Establishes an income tax credit to incentivize the voluntary relinquishment of real property located in areas affected by disaster. Directs the Attorney General to commence eminent domain proceedings for certain purposes. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 20242025.
SB-2980: Relating To Historic And Cultural Preservation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynn Decoite
Referred To Eet/psm/wtl, Wam/jdc. on 01/26/2024
Relating To Water Resources. [SB-2978]
Establishes an income tax credit to incentivize the voluntary relinquishment of private water systems. Directs the Attorney General to commence eminent domain proceedings in certain counties. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceed. Makes an appropriation. Takes effect 7/1/2050. (SD1)
SB-2978: Relating To Water Resources.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynn Decoite
Reported From Wtl (stand. Com. Rep. No. 2316) With Recommendation Of Passage On Second Reading, As Amended (sd 1) And Referral To Wam/jdc. on 02/14/2024
Relating To Water Systems. [SB-2985]
Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to acquire all West Maui water systems by eminent domain and hold the water systems in trust for the County of Maui to manage.
SB-2985: Relating To Water Systems.
Sponsored by: Sen. Angus McKelvey
Referred To Wtl, Wam/jdc. on 01/26/2024
Relating To Beach Preservation. [SB-1026]
Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to acquire by eminent domain the fee simple interest to the parcels of land with improvements thereon located between 59-145 and 59-175C Ke Nui Road. Appropriates funds.
SB-1026: Relating To Beach Preservation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris Lee
Carried Over To 2024 Regular Session. on 12/11/2023
Eminent domain; offer to sell to former owner. [HB-735]
Eminent domain; offer to sell to former owner. Provides that a former owner may enter into a contractual agreement or agree to a contractual provision waiving his right to receive an offer of sale from a condemnor. Under current law, any agreement or provision waiving such right is void and unenforceable.
HB-735: Eminent domain; offer to sell to former owner.
Sponsored by: Rep. Briana Sewell
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/13/2024
SB-1373: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 5; Title 29, Chapter 17; Title 29, Chapter 16 and Title 65, Chapter 27, relative to eminent domain.
Sponsored by: Sen. Steve Southerland
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Judiciary Committee on 03/21/2023
You have voted SB-1373: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 5; Title 29, Chapter 17; Title 29, Chapter 16 and Title 65, Chapter 27, relative to eminent domain..