Voter registration at the Department of Motor Vehicles; opt-out voter registration. [SB-1051]
Voter registration at the Department of Motor Vehicles; Voter registration at the Department of Motor Vehicles; opt-out voter registration. Provides for the electronic transmission by the Department of Motor Vehicles to the Department of Elections of certain information for any person coming into an office of the Department of Motor Vehicles or accessing its website in order to (i) apply for, replace, or renew a driver's license, (ii) apply for, replace, or renew a special identification card, or (iii) change an address on an existing driver's license
SB-1051: Voter registration at the Department of Motor Vehicles; opt-out voter registration.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Stricken At Request Of Patron In Privileges And Elections (13-y 0-n) on 01/31/2017
Electronic wills; process for execution of will. [HB-1643]
Electronic wills. Provides a process for the execution of an electronic will, which has the same force and effect as a traditional, written will. The bill requires the electronic will to be stored in an "authoritative electronic record," kept under the control of a "qualified custodian," and contain the electronic signature of the testator and the electronic signatures of either two witnesses or a notary public. The bill defines the terms "authoritative electronic record," "certified paper original," and "qualified custodian."
HB-1643: Electronic wills; process for execution of will.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Loupassi
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/07/2017
Order of publication; use of electronic medium. [HB-1589]
Order of publication; use of electronic medium. Provides that a court may direct that an order of publication be electronically posted using an electronic medium chosen by the court, in lieu of directing such order be published in a newspaper.
HB-1589: Order of publication; use of electronic medium.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Defeated By Senate (13-y 26-n) on 02/10/2017
Commitment hearings; sharing of records and information. [HB-1551]
Commitment hearings; sharing of records and information. Requires the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court to provide electronic data, including individually identifiable information, on proceedings pursuant to the Psychiatric Treatment of Minors Act and the Emergency Custody of Voluntary and Involuntary Civil Admissions Act to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services upon request and provides that the Department may use such data for the purpose of developing and maintaining statistical archives, conducting
HB-1551: Commitment hearings; sharing of records and information.
Sponsored by: Rep. Peter Farrell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0188) on 02/23/2017
Circuit court clerks; electronic transfer of certain documents. [HB-1515]
Circuit court clerks; electronic transfer of certain documents. Permits circuit court clerks to transfer electronically, or provide electronic access to, documents related to certain real property information to certain public officials.
HB-1515: Circuit court clerks; electronic transfer of certain documents.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Leftwich
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0042) on 02/17/2017
Absentee voting; applications and ballots; photo identification required. [SB-872]
Absentee voting; photo identification required with application. Requires any voter submitting an application for an absentee ballot by mail or by electronic or telephonic transmission to a facsimile device to submit with his application a copy of one of the forms of identification acceptable under current law. The bill exempts military and overseas voters and persons with a disability from this requirement. This bill is identical to HB 1428.
SB-872: Absentee voting; applications and ballots; photo identification required.
Sponsored by: Sen. Amanda Chase
Requires 27 Affirmative Votes To Override Veto on 04/05/2017
Electronic filing of land records; fee for paper filing. [SB-870]
Electronic filing of land records; fee for paper filing. Provides that a clerk of a circuit court that has established an electronic filing system for land records may charge a fee not to exceed $5 per instrument for every land record filed by paper. This bill is identical to HB 2035.
SB-870: Electronic filing of land records; fee for paper filing.
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Stuart
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0090) on 02/20/2017
Voter identification; information contained in electronic pollbook. [SB-439]
Voter identification; photograph and identifying Voter identification; photograph and identifying information contained in electronic pollbook; challenge of voter. Requires electronic pollbooks to contain a photograph and identifying information received by the Department of Elections from the Department of Motor Vehicles for each registered voter for whom the Department of Motor Vehicles has such a photograph and identifying information. The bill prohibits lists of voters furnished pursuant to current law from containing any voter's photograph
SB-439: Voter identification; information contained in electronic pollbook.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Left In Privileges And Elections on 12/02/2016
Virginia Electronic Communications Privacy Act; established, report. [HB-1332]
Virginia Electronic Communications Privacy Act; report. Prohibits a state or local government agency from taking certain actions relating to access to electronic communication information from a service provider, access to electronic device information from any person other than the authorized possessor of the device, or access to electronic device information by means of physical interaction or electronic communication with the electronic device. Exceptions allow access to electronic communication information or access to electronic device information
HB-1332: Virginia Electronic Communications Privacy Act; established, report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Anderson
Left In Science And Technology on 12/01/2016
Motor vehicle safety inspections; single sticker. [SB-526]
Motor vehicle safety inspections; single sticker. Provides that passage of a motor vehicle safety inspection is a condition to registration or registration renewal. Motorists would be provided with a safety inspection decal that indicates the month of the vehicle's registration and requires that safety inspection stations obtain such decals from the Department of Motor Vehicles. The bill also provides for electronic submission of evidence of passage of a safety inspection to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
SB-526: Motor vehicle safety inspections; single sticker.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeremy McPike
Left In Transportation on 12/02/2016