Attorney-issued subpoenas; release of witness. [HB-1756]
Attorney-issued subpoenas; release of witness. Provides that, in a civil case only, a person to whom an attorney-issued subpoena is directed may be released from compliance with such subpoena by the attorney who issued the subpoena or a person acting on such attorney's behalf. As introduced, this bill is a recommendation of the Boyd-Graves Conference. Attorney-issued subpoenas; release of witness. Provides that, in a civil case only, a person to whom an attorney-issued subpoena is directed may be released from compliance with such subpoena by the
HB-1756: Attorney-issued subpoenas; release of witness.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jeffrey Campbell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0092) on 03/21/2023
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; state public bodies, meetings, virtual public access. [HB-1738]
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; state public bodies; meetings; virtual public access. Provides that all state public bodies may provide public access to meetings through electronic communication means and may provide the public with the opportunity to comment at such meetings through the use of such electronic communication means when public comment is customarily received. Virginia Freedom of Information Act; state public bodies; meetings; virtual public access. Provides that all state public bodies may provide public access to meetings through
HB-1738: Virginia Freedom of Information Act; state public bodies, meetings, virtual public access.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0536) on 03/26/2023
Uniform electronic filing system; studying feasibility of establishing for various courts. [HJR-59]
Study; OES to study feasibility of establishing a uniform electronic filing system for all state circuit, general district, and juvenile and domestic relations courts and provide a plan for the establishment of such system; report. Requests the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia to (i) determine the cost of the creation and implementation of a uniform filing system for all state circuit, general district, and juvenile and domestic relations district courts; (ii) identify any potential challenges of and concerns relating
HJR-59: Uniform electronic filing system; studying feasibility of establishing for various courts.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Wampler
Left In Rules on 11/21/2022
Law-enforcement employees; alleged wrongdoing. [SB-669]
Alleged wrongdoing of law-enforcement employees. Requires all law-enforcement agencies that employ at least 10 law-enforcement officers, to ensure that, in the case of all written citizen complaints or complaints submitted in an electronic format, the agency (i) allows for the submission of citizen complaints through the agency's website or other electronic format; (ii) provides a receipt or written acknowledgment confirming the submission of the complaint to the individual filing such complaint; (iii) provides a written response to any individual
Bail for a person accused of a crime that is an act of violence; notice to attorney. [SB-614]
Bail for a person accused of a crime that is an act of violence; notice to attorney for the Commonwealth. Requires a magistrate to transmit within 24 hours a copy of the checklist for bail determination form to the attorney for the Commonwealth when a magistrate conducts a bail hearing for a person arrested on a warrant or capias for an act of violence. The bill also provides that transmission of such copy to the attorney for the Commonwealth may be by facsimile or other electronic means.
SB-614: Bail for a person accused of a crime that is an act of violence; notice to attorney.
Sponsored by: Sen. William Stanley
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0048) on 04/01/2022
Administrative Process Act; final orders, electronic retention. [SB-480]
Administrative Process Act; final orders; electronic retention. Clarifies that signed originals of final agency case decisions may be retained in an electronic medium. This bill is a recommendation of the Administrative Law Advisory Committee and the Virginia Code Commission.
SB-480: Administrative Process Act; final orders, electronic retention.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0247) on 04/08/2022
Health insurance; provider credentialing, receipt of application. [SB-427]
Health insurance; provider credentialing; receipt of application. Requires the protocols and procedures for the reimbursement of new provider applicants that are established by a carrier that credentials providers in its network to require that the carrier provide recognition or notification of receipt of such applicant's credentialing application (i) electronically if the carrier uses an online credentialing system for new provider applicants or (ii) by mail or electronic mail, as selected by the applicant, within 10 days of receiving the application
SB-427: Health insurance; provider credentialing, receipt of application.
Sponsored by: Sen. Siobhan Dunnavant
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0472) on 04/11/2022
Elections; electronic return of voted military-overseas ballots. [HB-880]
Elections; electronic return of voted military-overseas Elections; electronic return of voted military-overseas ballots; pilot program. Directs the Commissioner of Elections to establish and supervise a pilot program by which an overseas voter who is a registered voter of a county or city participating in the pilot program may return his voted military-overseas ballot by electronic means. The Commissioner is required by the bill to promulgate standards and develop procedures for the secure transmission and return, storage, and processing of voted
HB-880: Elections; electronic return of voted military-overseas ballots.
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfonso Lopez
Left In Privileges And Elections on 02/15/2022
Uniform electronic filing system; studying feasibility of establishing for various courts. [HJR-59]
Study; OES to study feasibility of establishing a uniform electronic filing system for all state circuit, general district, and juvenile and domestic relations courts and provide a plan for the establishment of such system; report. Requests the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia to (i) determine the cost of the creation and implementation of a uniform filing system for all state circuit, general district, and juvenile and domestic relations district courts; (ii) identify any potential challenges of and concerns relating
HJR-59: Uniform electronic filing system; studying feasibility of establishing for various courts.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Wampler
Continued To 2023 In Rules By Voice Vote on 03/04/2022
Property Owners' Association Act; use of electronic means for meetings and voting. [HB-954]
Property Owners' Association Act; use of electronic means for meetings and voting. Provides that reasonable accommodations shall be made to allow a member of the board of directors of a property owners' association to attend a meeting by telephone or video conference if such member is incapable or otherwise unable to be physically present at such meeting and that such member shall be deemed present for quorum and voting purposes. The bill also requires any guidelines adopted by the board of directors of an association for the use of electronic means
HB-954: Property Owners' Association Act; use of electronic means for meetings and voting.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kelly Convirs-Fowler
Left In General Laws on 02/15/2022
Virginia Public Procurement Act; methods of procurement, submitting bids electronically. [HB-964]
Virginia Public Procurement Act; methods of procurement; submitting bids electronically. Provides that all state public bodies accepting bids or proposals for contracts pursuant to the Virginia Public Procurement Act shall provide an option to submit bids or proposals through the Commonwealth's electronic procurement system, known as eVA. The Director of the Department of General Services, or his designee, is authorized under the bill to grant an exemption from such requirement at the request of a state public body and upon a showing of good cause.
HB-964: Virginia Public Procurement Act; methods of procurement, submitting bids electronically.
Sponsored by: Sen. Suhas Subramanyam
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0360) on 04/11/2022
Property Owners' Association Act; access to association records, electronic participation. [HB-955]
Property Owners' Association Act; access to association records; electronic participation in association meetings. Clarifies that all books and records kept by or on behalf of an association shall be made available to a member in good standing or his authorized agent in a manner consistent with the association's routine practices and procedure for the keeping and production of such books and records, to include both physical and electronic methods of production. Current law makes no mention of the electronic production of such books and records.
HB-955: Property Owners' Association Act; access to association records, electronic participation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kelly Convirs-Fowler
Left In General Laws on 02/15/2022
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; meetings held through electronic communication means. [HB-722]
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; meetings held through electronic communication means; local advisory boards and commissions. Allows a local public body that serves in an advisory capacity to gather through electronic communication means without a quorum of the public body physically assembled at one primary or central meeting location if certain conditions, outlined in the bill, are met.
HB-722: Virginia Freedom of Information Act; meetings held through electronic communication means.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gwendolyn Gooditis
Left In General Laws on 02/15/2022
Bail for a person accused of a crime that is an act of violence; notice to attorney. [HB-756]
Bail for a person accused of a crime that is an act of violence; notice to attorney for the Commonwealth. Requires a magistrate to transmit within 24 hours a copy of the checklist for bail determination form to the attorney for the Commonwealth when a magistrate conducts a bail hearing for a person arrested on a warrant or capias for an act of violence. The bill also provides that transmission of such copy to the attorney for the Commonwealth may be by facsimile or other electronic means.
HB-756: Bail for a person accused of a crime that is an act of violence; notice to attorney.
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0047) on 04/01/2022
Health insurance; provider credentialing, receipt of application. [HB-773]
Health insurance; provider credentialing; receipt of application. Requires the protocols and procedures for the reimbursement of new provider applicants that are established by a carrier that credentials providers in its network to require that the carrier provide recognition or notification of receipt of such applicant's credentialing application (i) electronically if the carrier uses an online credentialing system for new provider applicants or (ii) by mail or electronic mail, as selected by the applicant, within 10 days of receiving the application
HB-773: Health insurance; provider credentialing, receipt of application.
Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0471) on 04/11/2022
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; meetings conducted through electronic meetings. [SB-214]
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; meetings conducted through electronic meetings. Amends existing provisions concerning electronic meetings by keeping the provisions for electronic meetings held in response to declared states of emergency, repealing the provisions that are specific to regional and state public bodies, and allowing public bodies to conduct all-virtual public meetings where all of the members who participate do so remotely and that the public may access through electronic communications means. Definitions, procedural requirements,
SB-214: Virginia Freedom of Information Act; meetings conducted through electronic meetings.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Read Third Time And Defeated By Senate (19-y 21-n) on 02/07/2022
Va. Freedom of Information Act; meetings conducted through electronic meetings, states of emergency. [HB-444]
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; meetings conducted through electronic communication means. Amends existing provisions concerning electronic meetings by keeping the provisions for electronic meetings held in response to declared states of emergency, repealing the provisions that are specific to regional and state public bodies, and allowing certain public bodies to conduct all-virtual public meetings where all of the members who participate do so remotely and that the public may access through electronic communications means. The bill excepts
HB-444: Va. Freedom of Information Act; meetings conducted through electronic meetings, states of emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Wampler
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0597) on 04/11/2022
Health care providers; transfer of patient records in conjunction with closure, etc. [HB-555]
Health care providers; transfer of patient records in conjunction with closure, sale, or relocation of practice; electronic notice permitted. Allows health care providers to notify patients either electronically or by mail prior to the transfer of patient records in conjunction with the closure, sale, or relocation of the health care provider's practice. Current law requires health care providers to provide such notice by mail.
HB-555: Health care providers; transfer of patient records in conjunction with closure, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. C.E. Hayes
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0073) on 04/01/2022
Electronic vehicle titling and registration; permits DMV to expand existing program. [SB-215]
Electronic vehicle titling and registration. Permits the Department of Motor Vehicles to expand the existing electronic titling program for new motor vehicles to all applications for original motor vehicle titles, thereby authorizing person-to-person online titling. The bill authorizes the Department to charge certain fees. The bill also allows for the online registration of such motor vehicles, allows for the issuance of a temporary certificate of registration valid for no more than 30 days, and makes discretionary the current requirement to search
SB-215: Electronic vehicle titling and registration; permits DMV to expand existing program.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeremy McPike
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0701) on 04/11/2022
Campaign finance; mandatory electronic filing for all candidates. [HB-495]
Campaign finance; mandatory electronic filing for all candidates. Requires all independent expenditure and candidate campaign finance reports to be filed electronically with the Department of Elections. Under current law, such expenditure and finance reports can be filed either electronically or in writing with State Board of Elections. The bill also shifts administrative duties given to the State Board of Elections, such as the receipt of certain filings, to the Department of Elections.
HB-495: Campaign finance; mandatory electronic filing for all candidates.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kenneth Plum
Left In Privileges And Elections on 02/15/2022