AN ACT relating to Medicaid managed care. [SB-24]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to limit the number of managed care organizations contracted by the Department for Medicaid Services to no more than three; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2025.
SB-24: AN ACT relating to Medicaid managed care.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Wilson
To Health Services (h) on 03/06/2024
AN ACT relating to driving under the influence of marijuana. [SB-32]
Amend KRS 189A.005 to define "marijuana concentration"; amend KRS 189A.010 to create a per se limit for a marijuana concentration measured by a blood test; create presumption that a person is not under the influence if the marijuana concentration is less than four; amend KRS 189A.050, 189A.070, 189A.090, 189A.240, and 189A.410 to conform.
SB-32: AN ACT relating to driving under the influence of marijuana.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Wilson
To Judiciary (s) on 01/03/2024
AN ACT relating to pharmaceutical manufacturers. [SB-27]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 315 to define terms, prohibit discrimination against 340B covered entities by pharmaceutical manufacturers, and authorize the Attorney General to investigation violations.
SB-27: AN ACT relating to pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Meredith
Received In House on 03/12/2024
AN ACT relating to cannabis. [HB-72]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 218A to make possession of a personal use quantity of cannabis exempt from civil or criminal penalty; amend KRS 218A.010 to define "cannabis," "personal use quantity of cannabis," and "cannabis accessory"; amend KRS 218A.1422 regarding cannabis possession to conform; amend KRS 218A.1423 regarding cannabis cultivation to conform; amend KRS 218A.500 regarding drug paraphernalia to exempt personal use cannabis accessories; amend KRS 218A.1421 regarding cannabis trafficking to exempt personal use quantities; amend
HB-72: AN ACT relating to cannabis.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
Introduced In House on 01/02/2024
AN ACT relating to reproductive privacy. [HB-518]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 311 to establish reproductive rights and define terms; amend KRS 18A.225 to remove the prohibition of insurance coverage for abortion; amend KRS 39A.180 to allow the Governor to suspend statutes related to abortion during a declared emergency; amend KRS 156.496 to allow a school district to operate a family resource center that provides abortion counseling; amend KRS 205.010 to permit financial aid for an abortion; amend KRS 205.510 to include abortions or induced miscarriages as medical care; amend KRS 205.560
HB-518: AN ACT relating to reproductive privacy.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
Introduced In House on 02/22/2023
AN ACT relating to expulsion of students. [HB-498]
Amend KRS 158.150 to include possession of any intoxicating tetrahydrocannabinol product as a cause for suspension or expulsion from school; require a local board of education to expel a student for at least 12 months if a student makes threats that pose a danger to other students or staff; require a local board of education to conduct an expulsion review process to determine whether a student's expulsion shall continue or end; amend KRS 158.155 and 158.444 to conform.
HB-498: AN ACT relating to expulsion of students.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joshua Branscum
Introduced In House on 02/22/2023
AN ACT relating to medicinal cannabis. [HB-590]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 218A to define "cannabis"; require the Kentucky Center for Cannabis to establish criteria for determining when sufficient data exists to support the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes; permit the center to produce and dispense cannabis products to certain patients; permit the center to establish and operate cannabis dispensing centers throughout the state, exempt patients who receive cannabis products from the center from prosecution for a violation of KRS 218A.1421, 218A.1422, or 218A.1423.
HB-590: AN ACT relating to medicinal cannabis.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser
Introduced In House on 02/22/2023
AN ACT relating to drugs and medicines and declaring an emergency. [SB-237]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to provide that an independent institution or postsecondary education institution that requires a student to receive an immunization for disease must allow exemptions; establish a cause of action related to any violations of the requirement; amend KRS 209.552 to allow vaccine requirement exemptions at long-term care facilities; create a new section of KRS Chapter 216B to provide that a health facility that requires an employee to receive an immunization for disease must allow exemptions; establish a cause
SB-237: AN ACT relating to drugs and medicines and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth
To Health Services (s) on 02/23/2023
AN ACT relating to workers' compensation. [HB-488]
Amend KRS 342.610 to exclude certain levels of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the blood from the presumption that an injury was caused by the introduction of certain substances into the employee's body.
HB-488: AN ACT relating to workers' compensation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Alan Gentry
Introduced In House on 02/21/2023
AN ACT relating to homicide. [HB-388]
Amend KRS 507.020 to allow individuals who administer, deliver, distribute, or sell controlled substances that result in death to be charged with murder.
HB-388: AN ACT relating to homicide.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Reed
Introduced In House on 02/21/2023
AN ACT relating to the protection of children. [HB-470]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 311 to define terms; state that the provision of gender transition services to a person under the age of 18 years by a health care provider or mental health care provider is unethical and unprofessional conduct; require an investigation of any report of provision of gender transition services to a person under the age of 18 years; require revocation of the provider's license if confirmed and termination of public funding for a public employee; require that providers be jointly and severally liable for all damages
HB-470: AN ACT relating to the protection of children.
Sponsored by: Rep. DJ Johnson
Laid On Clerk's Desk on 03/15/2023
AN ACT relating to coverage for diabetes treatment. [HB-376]
Amend KRS 304.17A-148 to require that cost sharing for noninsulin drugs and certain equipment and supplies for the treatment of diabetes not exceed certain cost-sharing thresholds; allow the equipment and supplies cost-sharing limit to be adjusted annually; prohibit insurers from conducting or imposing utilization review for diabetes treatment prescribed by a health care provider; direct that provisions apply to health benefit plans issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2024; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2024.
HB-376: AN ACT relating to coverage for diabetes treatment.
Sponsored by: Rep. Danny Bentley
Introduced In House on 02/17/2023
AN ACT relating to pharmacy. [SB-170]
Amend KRS 315.010 to remove reference to protocols authorized by the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy from the definition of "prescription drug order."
SB-170: AN ACT relating to pharmacy.
Sponsored by: Sen. Julie Adams
To Health Services (s) on 02/21/2023
AN ACT relating to biosimilar medicines. [HB-346]
Amend KRS 304.17A-163 to permit insurers to require insureds to try biosimilar biological products prior to providing coverage for the equivalent branded prescription drug under certain circumstances; amend KRS 217.814 to define biosimilar biological product; amend KRS 217.822 to require dispensing of biosimilar biological products under certain circumstances.
HB-346: AN ACT relating to biosimilar medicines.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser
Introduced In House on 02/16/2023
AN ACT relating to the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. [HB-349]
Amend KRS 214.430 to permit expedited partner therapy for sexually transmitted infections including but not limited to trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, or chlamydia infection; amend KRS 311.990 to remove the penalty of a Class D felony for a person who donates organs, skin, or other human tissue while being positive for the human immunodeficiency virus; create a new section of KRS Chapter 214 to provide that nothing in KRS 214.181, 214.265, or 214.995 shall be construed to prohibit a person from obtaining or performing a self-test to detect human immunodeficiency
HB-349: AN ACT relating to the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.
Sponsored by: Rep. Danny Bentley
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 150) on 03/31/2023