AN ACT relating to physician assistants. [SB-88]
Amend KRS 311.840 to define terms; amend KRS 311.842, 311.848, 311.850 311.862, 202A.011, 202C.010, 216B.175, and 600.020 to change references to "supervising physician" to "collaborating physician" to conform; amend KRS 311.858 to list the services a physician assistant may provide, and require a physician assistant to consult and collaborate with or refer a patient to an appropriate licensed physician as indicated by the patient's condition and the standard of care; create a new section of KRS Chapter 311 to establish requirements for a collaboration
SB-88: AN ACT relating to physician assistants.
Sponsored by: Sen. Rick Girdler
To Licensing & Occupations (s) on 02/06/2025
AN ACT relating to coverage for epinephrine devices. [HB-236]
Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to require health benefit plans to cover epinephrine devices for covered persons; limit a covered person's cost-sharing amount to $100 annually; amend KRS 304.17A-099 to exempt the epinephrine device coverage requirement from being suspended under state law due to the triggering of federal cost defrayment requirements; amend KRS 205.522, 205.6485,164.2871, and 18A.225 to require Medicaid, KCHIP, self-insured employer group health plans offered by the governing board of a state postsecondary
HB-236: AN ACT relating to coverage for epinephrine devices.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Blanton
To Appropriations & Revenue (s) on 03/12/2025
AN ACT relating to undesignated glucagon. [HB-174]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 217 to define terms; permit health care practitioners to prescribe and dispense undesignated glucagon in the name of a school or to a trained individual; permit trained individuals to receive, possess, and administer undesignated glucagon during diabetic medical emergencies; permit schools to stock undesignated glucagon; provide for immunity from civil liability for any personal injury resulting from good faith actions to use undesignated glucagon to treat diabetic medical emergencies.
HB-174: AN ACT relating to undesignated glucagon.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nancy Tate
To Health Services (h) on 02/04/2025
AN ACT relating to gender transition services. [HB-154]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 311 to define terms;prohibit health care providers from accepting payment or reimbursement for gender transition services from a state or local government or Medicare, except when specific conditions exist; require licensing or certifying agencies to revoke a health care provider's license for a violation; create new sections of KRS Chapter 205 and Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304, and amend KRS 18A.225, 164.2871, and 304.17C-125 to require Medicaid, the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program (KCHIP), state
HB-154: AN ACT relating to gender transition services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Thomas Huff
To Health Services (h) on 02/04/2025
AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the possession of cannabis. [HB-105]
Propose to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky to guarantee the right of an individual 21 years of age or older to possess, use, buy, or sell one ounce or less of cannabis and to cultivate, harvest, and store up to five cannabis plants for personal use; grant the General Assembly control over the production, processing, and sale of cannabis and cannabis-derived products; designate the ballot question; direct the Secretary of State to publish the proposed amendment in a newspaper of general circulation; direct the Secretary of State
HB-105: AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the possession of cannabis.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
Floor Amendment (1) Filed on 03/04/2025
AN ACT relating to cannabis. [HB-106]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 218A to make possession of a personal use quantity of cannabis exempt from civil or criminal penalty; amend KRS 218A.010 to define "cannabis," "personal use quantity of cannabis," and "cannabis accessory"; amend KRS 218A.1422, regarding cannabis possession, to conform; amend KRS 218A.1423, regarding cannabis cultivation, to conform; amend KRS 218A.500, regarding drug paraphernalia, to exempt personal use cannabis accessories; amend KRS 218A.1421, regarding cannabis trafficking, to exempt personal use quantities;
HB-106: AN ACT relating to cannabis.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
To Judiciary (h) on 02/04/2025
AN ACT relating to public health and safety. [HB-140]
Amend KRS 214.450 to define "autologous donation" and "directed donation"; amend KRS 214.452 to require blood establishments to test for spike proteins, antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and synthetic mRNA; require additional screening questions for blood donors; add to the list of conditions requiring the refusal or sale of blood; provide that a person shall not be compelled to donate blood; require blood establishments to inform donors of the potential uses for donations; require blood to be sold to hospitals before
HB-140: AN ACT relating to public health and safety.
Sponsored by: Rep. Josh Calloway
Withdrawn on 02/12/2025
AN ACT relating to sex crimes. [HB-23]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 532 to provide that any person who has been convicted of, pled guilty to, or entered an Alford plea to a sex crime in which the victim was under the age of 12 shall undergo medroxyprogesterone acetate treatment; provide that treatment shall begin no later than one month before the person is released from custody; provide that treatment shall continue until the person is released from probation, parole, or postincarceration supervision; provide that the person shall be evaluated by a licensed physician prior to
HB-23: AN ACT relating to sex crimes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Dotson
To Judiciary (h) on 02/04/2025
AN ACT relating to undesignated glucagon. [HB-75]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 217 to define terms; permit health care practitioners to prescribe and dispense undesignated glucagon in the name of a school or to a trained individual; permit trained individuals to receive, possess, and administer undesignated glucagon during diabetic medical emergencies; permit schools to stock undesignated glucagon; provide for immunity from civil liability for any personal injury resulting from good faith actions to use undesignated glucagon to treat diabetic medical emergencies.
HB-75: AN ACT relating to undesignated glucagon.
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrielle Camuel
To Health Services (h) on 02/04/2025
AN ACT relating to Medicaid managed care. [SB-13]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to limit the number of managed care organizations contracted by the Department for Medicaid Services to no more than three; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2026.
SB-13: AN ACT relating to Medicaid managed care.
Sponsored by: Sen. Danny Carroll
Received In House on 02/19/2025
AN ACT relating to prescription drugs. [SB-12]
Amend KRS 304.17A-164 to define terms; establish cost-sharing requirements for prescription drugs; require rebates to be passed through; establish confidentiality requirements for the rebate information; create a new section of KRS 365.880 to 365.900 to provide that the actual amount of rebates received is a trade secret; provide that compliance with prescription drug cost-sharing and rebate requirements shall not be in violation of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act; amend KRS 304.17C-125, 304.38A-115, 18A.225, and 164.2871 to apply the cost-sharing
SB-12: AN ACT relating to prescription drugs.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Meredith
To Banking & Insurance (s) on 01/09/2025
AN ACT relating to pharmaceutical manufacturers. [SB-14]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 315 to define terms, prohibit discrimination against 340B covered entities by pharmaceutical manufacturers, and authorize the Attorney General to investigation violations.
SB-14: AN ACT relating to pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Danny Carroll
Received In House on 02/14/2025
AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the possession of cannabis. [SB-36]
Propose to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky to guarantee the right of an individual 21 years of age or older to possess, use, buy, or sell one ounce or less of cannabis and to cultivate, harvest, and store up to five cannabis plants for personal use; for the production, processing, and sale of cannabis and cannabis-derived products to be controlled by the General Assembly; specify the question to be printed on the ballot; direct the Secretary of State to publish the proposed amendment in a newspaper of general circulation; direct
SB-36: AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the possession of cannabis.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Yates
To State & Local Government (s) on 01/09/2025
AN ACT relating to the regulation of cannabis and making an appropriation therefor. [SB-382]
Establish KRS Chapter 245, relating to adult use cannabis, to administer its cultivation, processing, transportation, sale, use, taxation, and licensing; define terms; establish the Adult Use Cannabis Control Board and its membership, procedures, powers, and duties; direct the board to promulgate administrative regulations for the administration and enforcement of the chapter; set up advisory committees appointed by the board; create the Department of Cannabis Control within the Public Protection Cabinet for the oversight of cannabis operations
SB-382: AN ACT relating to the regulation of cannabis and making an appropriation therefor.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Yates
To Judiciary (s) on 03/01/2024
AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the possession of cannabis. [SB-362]
Propose to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky to guarantee the right of an individual 21 years of age or older to possess, use, buy, or sell one ounce or less of cannabis and to cultivate, harvest, and store up to five cannabis plants for personal use; for the production, processing, and sale of cannabis and cannabis-derived products to be controlled by the General Assembly; specify the question to be printed on the ballot; direct the Secretary of State to publish the proposed amendment in a newspaper of general circulation; direct
SB-362: AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the possession of cannabis.
Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Berg
To State & Local Government (s) on 03/01/2024
AN ACT relating to nicotine products. [HB-11]
Amends KRS 241.060 to allow the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to conduct hearings and appeals; amends KRS 438.305 to define terms, to require the Secretary of State to create and publish a list of certain tobacco product retailers, to require the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to create and maintain a tobacco noncompliance database and reporting system, to require wholesalers to verify a retailer’s presence in the database prior to transactions, to establish and impose fines for wholesalers that unlawfully sell to a retailer that
HB-11: AN ACT relating to nicotine products.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Hale
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 111) on 04/05/2024
AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Prescription Drug Affordability Board and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-823]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 194A to establish the Kentucky Prescription Drug Affordability Board; establish the duties and membership of the board; provide that the board be a budgetary unit of the Office of Data Analytics; authorize the board to promulgate administrative regulations; establish conflict of interest requirements for board members, staff, and third-party contractors; create the Kentucky Prescription Drug Affordability Board fund; require the Office of Data Analytics to assess and collect an annual fee from manufacturers and
HB-823: AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Prescription Drug Affordability Board and making an appropriation therefor.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sarah Stalker
Introduced In House on 02/26/2024
AN ACT relating to coverage for the treatment of postpartum mood disorders. [HB-713]
Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to require health benefit plans to provide coverage for FDA-approved prescription drugs for the treatment of postpartum mood disorders; amend KRS 164.2871, 205.522, 205.6485, and 18A.225 to require a self-insured employer group health plan provided by a state postsecondary education institution to its employees, Medicaid, and Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program to comply with the new section on postpartum mood disorder coverage; direct that provisions apply to health benefit plans
HB-713: AN ACT relating to coverage for the treatment of postpartum mood disorders.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rachel Roberts
Introduced In House on 02/26/2024
AN ACT relating to pharmaceutical manufacturers. [HB-806]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 315 to define terms; prohibit discrimination against 340B covered entities by pharmaceutical manufacturers; authorize the Attorney General to investigate violations; amend KRS 315.010 to include pharmacists who compound drugs intended for human use without a valid prescription in the definition of "manufacturer."
HB-806: AN ACT relating to pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Flannery
Introduced In House on 02/26/2024