AN ACT relating to reorganization. [HB-226]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 194A to establish the administration of behavioral health community crisis response and transfer the administration from the Department for Military Affairs to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services; repeal KRS 36.250, 36.255, 36.260, 36.265, and 36.270, related to the Kentucky Community Crisis Response Board.
HB-226: AN ACT relating to reorganization.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Bratcher
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 58) on 03/22/2023
HR-33: A RESOLUTION recognizing University of Louisville Hospital's Burn Center and designating February 5 to 11, 2023, as Burn Awareness Week in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
Adopted By Voice Vote on 02/10/2023
You have voted HR-33: A RESOLUTION recognizing University of Louisville Hospital's Burn Center and designating February 5 to 11, 2023, as Burn Awareness Week in the Commonwealth of Kentucky..
AN ACT relating to urban search and rescue and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-157]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 39A to create the Kentucky Urban Search and Rescue Program under the Division of Emergency Management and specify its administration, requirements for crafting policies and procedures and issuing Kentucky administrative regulations, and funding; APPROPRIATION.
HB-157: AN ACT relating to urban search and rescue and making an appropriation therefor.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Hart
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 115) on 03/28/2023
AN ACT relating to governmental agencies, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. [HB-89]
Appropriate General Fund moneys to the Bowling Green Veterans Center capital project; set the average wholesale price of gasoline for fiscal years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024; appropriate General Fund moneys for the Biennial Highway Construction Program; appropriate General Fund moneys to the Revenue Sharing budget unit; appropriate General Fund moneys for training grants under the KCTCS-TRAINS Program; appropriate General Fund moneys to provide the additional resources necessary to implement House Bill 4 from the 2022 Regular Session; appropriate Restricted
HB-89: AN ACT relating to governmental agencies, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham
To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 02/23/2023
HR-4: A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of the individuals whose lives were tragically lost in the recent flooding that ravaged Eastern Kentucky.
Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham
Introduced In House on 08/26/2022
You have voted HR-4: A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of the individuals whose lives were tragically lost in the recent flooding that ravaged Eastern Kentucky..
SR-10: A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of the individuals whose lives were tragically lost in the recent flooding that ravaged Eastern Kentucky.
Sponsored by: Sen. Brandon Smith
Introduced In Senate on 08/26/2022
You have voted SR-10: A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of the individuals whose lives were tragically lost in the recent flooding that ravaged Eastern Kentucky..
AN ACT relating to disaster relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. [HB-1]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 39A to establish the East Kentucky State Aid Funding for Emergencies (EKSAFE) fund; amend KRS 39A.305 to provide that moneys in the West Kentucky State Aid Funding for Emergencies (WKSAFE) fund shall carry forward until June 30, 2026; provide that financial assistance to cities, counties, and school districts for realized revenue losses shall be limited to 100% of the lost revenue in fiscal year 2022-2023, 66% of the lost revenue in fiscal year 2023-2024, and 33% of the lost revenue in fiscal year 2024-2025; provide
HB-1: AN ACT relating to disaster relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser
3rd Reading, Passed 97-0 With Committee Substitute (1) on 08/26/2022
AN ACT relating to disaster relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. [SB-1]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 39A to establish the East Kentucky State Aid Funding for Emergencies (EKSAFE) fund; amend KRS 39A.305 to provide that moneys in the West Kentucky State Aid Funding for Emergencies (WKSAFE) fund shall carry forward until June 30, 2026; provide that financial assistance to cities, counties, and school districts for realized revenue losses shall be limited to 100% of the lost revenue in fiscal year 2022-2023, 66% of the lost revenue in fiscal year 2023-2024, and 33% of the lost revenue in fiscal year 2024-2025; provide
SB-1: AN ACT relating to disaster relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser
Floor Amendment (2) Filed To Committee Substitute on 08/26/2022
A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION to establish the Kentucky Natural Disaster and Tornado Relief and Response Task Force. [SCR-293]
Create the Kentucky Natural Disaster and Tornado Relief and Response Task Force to study the Commonwealth's and the federal government's emergency preparedness, response, and restoration efforts, and to make recommendations to increase emergency preparedness, response, and enhance restoration efforts; outline the membership; require the task force to meet monthly during the 2022 interim; require the task force to submit findings and recommendations to the Legislative Research Commission by December 1, 2022.
SCR-293: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION to establish the Kentucky Natural Disaster and Tornado Relief and Response Task Force.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Mills
Adopted By Voice Vote on 04/14/2022
SR-264: A RESOLUTION expressing sympathy to the citizens of the Commonwealth affected by the historic December 2021 tornado outbreak and honoring the many acts of courage and kindness provided to the impacted communities by citizens of the Commonwealth.
Sponsored by: Sen. Whitney Westerfield
To Senate Floor on 03/21/2022
You have voted SR-264: A RESOLUTION expressing sympathy to the citizens of the Commonwealth affected by the historic December 2021 tornado outbreak and honoring the many acts of courage and kindness provided to the impacted communities by citizens of the Commonwealth..
AN ACT relating to emergency response plans for animals. [SB-172]
Amend KRS 39A.050 to require the Kentucky Emergency Operations Plan to establish and include an emergency response plan to coordinate with local government agencies, animal shelters, animal control officers, and other entities to develop a plan for household pets and assistance animals that would include notification requirements for lost household pets and assistance animals, protocols for returning pets and assistance animals, and minimization of euthanasia of owned household pets and assistance animals.
SB-172: AN ACT relating to emergency response plans for animals.
Sponsored by: Sen. Julie Adams
To State & Local Government (s) on 02/17/2022
AN ACT relating to emergencies and declaring an emergency. [HB-460]
Amend KRS 39A.090 to extend the maximum effective dates of executive orders issued by the Governor to 270 days unless an extension is approved by the General Assembly; remove the General Assembly's power to terminate a declaration of emergency; rescind the Commonwealth's waiver of immunity for cases brought as a result of declarations of emergency; amend KRS 39A.100 to expand the Governor's ability to exercise emergency executive powers to promote and secure the safety and protection of the civilian population; remove the Governor's obligation to
HB-460: AN ACT relating to emergencies and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joni Jenkins
Introduced In House on 02/07/2022