AN ACT relating to the emergency powers of the Governor. [SB-133]
Amend KRS 39A.010 to remove potential, threatened, or impending occurrences from enumerated emergency management system items; amend KRS 39A.020 to define "executive action" to include all orders and guidelines, including industry-specific or agency specific guidelines related to a declared emergency; amend KRS 39A.030 to remove hazards from list of enumerated items that the emergency management program is responsible; amend KRS 39A.050 to limit the powers of the Division of Emergency Management; amend KRS Chapter 39A.070 to prohibit the director
SB-133: AN ACT relating to the emergency powers of the Governor.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth
To State & Local Government (s) on 02/07/2024
Relating To Emergency Management. [HB-2515]
Clarifies the types of events that constitute disasters and emergencies for the purposes of emergency management. Takes effect 7/1/2042. (SD1)
HB-2515: Relating To Emergency Management.
Sponsored by: Rep. Della au Belatti
Report Adopted; Passed Second Reading, As Amended (sd 1) And Referred To Jdc/wam. on 03/14/2024
Relating To Contractors. [SB-2981]
Establishes as a class B felony the unlicensed performance of contractor work, during or within 5 years following a national emergency, state of emergency, or disaster proclamation, in an affected political subdivision.
SB-2981: Relating To Contractors.
Sponsored by: Sen. Angus McKelvey
Referred To Cpn/psm, Jdc. on 01/26/2024
Relating To Solicitation Of Funds From The Public. [SB-2983]
Beginning 1/1/2026, authorizes the Department of the Attorney General to regulate charitable fundraising platforms and platform charities. Includes provisions relating to the misuse of funds. Imposes vicarious liability upon a platform charity for a charitable fundraising platform's misuse of funds, and vice versa. Takes effect 1/1/2026. (CD1)
SB-2983: Relating To Solicitation Of Funds From The Public.
Sponsored by: Sen. Angus McKelvey
Act 205, 07/05/2024 (gov. Msg. No. 1306). on 07/08/2024
Relating To Emergency Management. [HB-2188]
Prohibits residential rent increases in affected areas for an unspecified period after a severe storm warning or issuance of an emergency proclamation.
HB-2188: Relating To Emergency Management.
Sponsored by: Rep. Della au Belatti
Introduced And Pass First Reading. on 01/24/2024
Relating To Emergency Management. [SB-2908]
Clarifies the powers of the Governor and mayors to extend or terminate a state of emergency. Clarifies when proclamations take effect. Prohibits residential rent increases in areas subject to emergency declarations or severe weather warnings. Shortens and clarifies the duration of price control periods and the prohibition against residential-tenancy terminations. Effective 1/1/3000. (HD2)
SB-2908: Relating To Emergency Management.
Sponsored by: Sen. Angus McKelvey
Received Notice Of Appointment Of House Conferees (hse. Com. No. 759). on 04/18/2024
Relating To Insurance. [HB-2013]
Establishes personal property insurance coverage, home inventory, and claims and appeals requirements for insurers issuing homeowners policies in cases where a policyholder experiences total loss of an owner-occupied resident, including its contents, as a result of an event that has been declared a disaster by the governor.
HB-2013: Relating To Insurance.
Sponsored by: Rep. Micah Aiu
Referred To Wal/cpc, Fin, Referral Sheet 2 on 01/24/2024
You have voted HB-262: AN ACT amending the 2022-2024 State/Executive Branch biennial budget, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency..
You have voted HCR-31: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging local governments to facilitate the creation of long-term recovery groups prior to the occurrence of disasters..
HR-79: A RESOLUTION solemnly recognizing the 11th anniversary of the March 2, 2012, tornadoes and offering sincerest condolences to the families of the 22 Kentuckians who lost their lives as a result.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Hale
Adopted By Voice Vote on 03/02/2023
You have voted HR-79: A RESOLUTION solemnly recognizing the 11th anniversary of the March 2, 2012, tornadoes and offering sincerest condolences to the families of the 22 Kentuckians who lost their lives as a result..
AN ACT relating to state property and declaring an emergency. [HB-579]
Amend KRS 56.100, 56.120 and 56.160, to increase the self-insured retention amounts of the state fire and tornado insurance fund from $1 million to $10 million; amend KRS 56.180 to raise the fund balance threshold for when moneys will be transferred to the general fund from $10 million to $100 million until June 30, 2025; EMERGENCY.
HB-579: AN ACT relating to state property and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Meredith
Taken From Rules on 03/16/2023
AN ACT relating to the emergency powers of the Governor. [SB-273]
Amend KRS 39A.100 to remove certain emergency powers of the Governor including seizing, taking, or condemning property or making compensation for the seized property; remove provision allowing the Governor to declare curfews and prohibit the sale or consumption of goods; remove the provision allowing the Governor, upon recommendation of the Secretary of State to set a different time or place for holding elections in an area for which a state of emergency has been declared; amend KRS 117.015 to remove the requirement that the State Board of Elections
SB-273: AN ACT relating to the emergency powers of the Governor.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth
To State & Local Government (s) on 02/23/2023
AN ACT relating to special purpose funds and declaring an emergency. [HB-344]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 12 to define "relief fund"; direct government agency head, cabinet secretary, or appointed official to provide a report and analysis of all relief funds created to accept and expend funds recieved from any source to provide assistance to entities impacted by an emergency; direct report to be submitted to the Legislative Research Commission by the end of each fiscal year; EMERGENCY.
HB-344: AN ACT relating to special purpose funds and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Myron Dossett
Introduced In House on 02/16/2023
AN ACT relating to economic development. [HB-303]
Amend KRS 11.200 and 12.020 to rename the Office of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Innovation to the Office of Entrepreneurship and Innovation within the Cabinet for Economic Development; amend KRS 12.020 to rename the Department for Business Development to the Department for Business and Community Development, the Incentive Administration Division to the Program Administration Division, the Office of Marketing and Public Affairs to the Office of Strategy and Public Affairs, the Communications Division to the Marketing and Communications Division,
HB-303: AN ACT relating to economic development.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joshua Branscum
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 75) on 03/23/2023
AN ACT relating to disaster relief funding and declaring an emergency. [SB-99]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 12 to define "relief fund"; direct government agency head, cabinet secretary, or appointed official to provide a report and analysis of all relief funds created to accept and expend funds recieved from any source to provide assistance to entities impacted by an emergency; direct report to be submitted to the Legislative Research Commission by the end of each fiscal year; EMERGENCY.
SB-99: AN ACT relating to disaster relief funding and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Givens
Signed By Governor(acts Ch. 91) on 03/24/2023