Courts, Family

State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2022 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to orders of protection. [HB-488]
Amend KRS 403.763 and 456.180 to enhance a second or subsequent violation of an order of protection to a Class D felony.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Petrie To Judiciary (s) on 03/09/2022

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2022 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to juvenile justice. [HB-318]
Amend KRS 610.030 to require a court referral for truancy cases when there is no improvement within 30 days; require a court-designated worker to make a finding if diversion is failed due to lack of parental cooperation; allow a court to refer cases back to the court-designated worker and order parental cooperation; amend KRS 610.265 to require children charged with serious felony offenses to be detained pending a detention hearing; amend KRS 610.340 to provide that confidentiality does not apply to cases in which a child has admitted to or been (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. John Blanton Floor Amendments (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) And (7) Filed on 03/30/2022

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2022 Regular Session

AN ACT making appropriations for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Judicial Branch of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, boards, commissions, subdivisions, and other state-supported activities. [HB-289]
The Judicial Branch Budget: Detail Part I, Operating Budget; appropriate to Court of Justice: 2021-2022: $11,765,500, 2022-2023: $489,784,300, 2023-2024: $495,509,400; appropriate to Judicial Retirement System: 2021-2022: $18,800, 2022-2023: $5,699,300, 2023-2024: $6,027,300; detail Part II, Capital Projects Budget; detail Part III, General Provisions; detail Part IV, Budget Reduction or Surplus Expenditure Plan; APPROPRIATION.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Osborne Introduced In House on 01/13/2022

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2022 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to juvenile justice. [SB-74]
Amend KRS 610.030 to require a court referral for truancy cases when there is no improvement within 30 days; require a court-designated worker to make a finding if diversion is failed due to lack of parental cooperation; allow a court to refer cases back to the court-designated worker and order parental cooperation; amend KRS 610.265 to require children charged with serious felony offenses to be detained pending a detention hearing; amend KRS 610.340 to provide that confidentiality does not apply to cases in which a child has admitted to or been (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. John Schickel To Judiciary (s) on 01/12/2022

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2022 Regular Session

AN ACT making appropriations for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Judicial Branch of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, boards, commissions, subdivisions, and other state-supported activities. [HB-244]
The Judicial Branch Budget: Detail Part I, Operating Budget; appropriate to Court of Justice: 2021-2022: $11,765,500, 2022-2023: $436,597,100, $440,802,800, 2023-2024: $449,669,900; appropriate to Judicial Retirement System: 2021-2022: $18,800, 2022-2023: $5,711,800, 2023-2024: $6,037,300; detail Part II, Capital Projects Budget; detail Part III, General Provisions; detail Part IV, Budget Reduction or Surplus Expenditure Plan; APPROPRIATION.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Petrie Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 162) on 04/08/2022

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2022 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to judicial districts and circuits and declaring an emergency. [HB-214]
Amend KRS 23A.020 to move Edmonson County from the 38th Judicial Circuit into the 8th Judicial Circuit; amend KRS 23A.040 (Effective January 2, 2023) to add the 56th Judicial Circuit to the list of judicial circuits with 2 Circuit Judges; amend KRS 23A.045 (Effective January 2, 2023) to remove the 3rd, 6th, 14th, and 27th Judicial Circuits from the list of judicial circuits with 3 Circuit Judges; amend KRS 23A.050 to add the 3rd, 6th, 14th, and 27th Judicial Circuits to the list of judicial circuits with 4 Circuit Judges; create KRS 23A.052 to establish (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. DJ Johnson Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 129) on 04/08/2022

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to judicial circuits. [HB-552]
Amend KRS 23A.040 (Effective January 2, 2023) to add a circuit judge to the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit; specify election schedule for new judgeship; request that the additional Circuit Court judgeship be designated as a Family Court judgeship; EFFECTIVE January 2, 2023.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ed Massey Introduced In House on 02/22/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to virtual court proceedings. [HB-551]
Create new sections of KRS Chapters 23A and 24A to establish remote attendance by a defendant who is in jail or a detention facility via two-way audio-video communications; specify proceedings when remote attendance is required and when permitted; establish parameters to ensure protection of rights; establish local determination in juvenile criminal cases in district court.


Sponsored by: Rep. Susan Westrom Taken From Rules on 03/30/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the Judicial Council. [HB-514]
Amend KRS 27A.100 to elect members of the judiciary to the Judicial Council.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ed Massey To Judiciary (h) on 02/22/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 117 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to judicial elections. [HB-474]
Propose to amend Section 117 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the election of judges on a partisan rather than a nonpartisan basis; provide ballot language; submit to voters for ratification or rejection.


Sponsored by: Rep. Myron Dossett Posted In Committee on 02/24/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to judicial districts and circuits. [SB-209]
Amend KRS 23A.040 (Effective January 2, 2023) to add a circuit judge to the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit; amend 24A.050 to remove a district judge from the Fifteenth Judicial District; specify election schedule for new judgeship; request that the additional circuit court judgeship be designated as a family court judgeship; request that the division removed from the Fifteenth District should be Division Two; Sections 1 to 2 EFFECTIVE January 2, 2023.


Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Hornback Introduced In Senate on 02/09/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to dependency, neglect, and abuse. [HB-389]
Amend KRS 620.140 to create procedures for informal adjustment of certain dependency, neglect, and abuse cases.


Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Flannery Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 179) on 04/05/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to adoption. [HB-329]
Amend KRS 199.540 to provide the facts and findings required to set aside an adoption.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kim King Introduced In House on 02/02/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to judicial districts and circuits. [HB-327]
Amend KRS 23A.020 and 24A.030 (Effective January 2, 2023) to move Hancock County from the Thirty-eighth Circuit and District to the Sixth Circuit and District; amend KRS 23A.045 (Effective January 2, 2023) and 23A.050 to add a circuit judge to the Sixth Judicial Circuit; amend 24A.050 to remove a district judge from the Thirty-eighth Judicial District; specify election schedule for new judgeship; request that the additional circuit court judgeship be designated as a family court judgeship and establish election dates; request that the division removed (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. DJ Johnson To Rules (s) on 03/30/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT making appropriations for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Judicial Branch of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, boards, commissions, subdivisions, and other state-supported activities. [HB-195]
The Judicial Branch Budget: Detail Part I, Operating Budget; appropriate to Court of Justice: 2020-2021: $440,802,800, 2021-2022: $447,867,300; appropriate to Judicial Retirement System: 2020-2021: $7,147,500, 2021-2022: $8,017,100; detail Part II, Capital Projects Budget; detail Part III, General Provisions; detail Part IV, Budget Reduction or Surplus Expenditure Plan; APPROPRIATION.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Nemes Line Item Veto #1 Not Overridden on 03/30/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to children. [SB-32]
Amend KRS 403.270 to specify that the existing time periods required to be considered a de facto custodian be calculated in aggragate within the last two years.


Sponsored by: Sen. Phillip Wheeler Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 132) on 03/25/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act. [HB-109]
Establish KRS Chapter 403A and create new sections thereof to establish the Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act; amend KRS 403.280, 403.320, 403.340, 403.352, and 403.353 to conform.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kim King Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 94) on 03/23/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to juvenile justice. [SB-20]
Create new sections of KRS Chapters 15A, 27A, 158, and 194A to require reporting of statistics, including age, race, and gender, to determine whether there is disproportionate minority contact with the juvenile justice, social welfare, and educational discipline systems; create training requirements; require the development and reporting of plans to ameliorate disproportionate minority contact with juvenile justice and education systems; amend KRS 156.095 to require professional development for education professionals on juvenile justice topics; (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Neal Recommitted To Judiciary (s) on 03/01/2019

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to custody orders. [HB-491]
Amend KRS 403.330 to set minimum requirements for parenting coordinators.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ed Massey To Judiciary (h) on 02/21/2019

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 117 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to judicial elections. [HB-123]
Propose to amend Section 117 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the election of judges on a partisan rather than a nonpartisan basis; provide ballot language; submit to voters for ratification or rejection.


Sponsored by: Rep. Myron Dossett Posted In Committee on 02/12/2019

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