AN ACT relating to neglect and abuse. [SB-208]
Amend KRS 600.020 to separate the definitions of "abused child" and "neglected child"; amend the definition of "physical injury" to include the requirement that it is likely to cause death or disfigurement or impairment of an organ; amend KRS 620.040 and 620.050 to require that interviews of any party by the cabinet must be recorded and retained for five years; amend KRS 620.072 to remove "neglect"; amend KRS 625.090 to remove "neglect" as a basis for a termination of parental rights; amend various KRS sections to conform.
SB-208: AN ACT relating to neglect and abuse.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth
To Families & Children (s) on 02/16/2024
AN ACT relating to best interests of a child. [SB-206]
Amend KRS 620.023 to add additional criteria that the court may consider in determining the best interests of a child; prohibit court from considering the socioeconomic status of a parent or caretaker.
SB-206: AN ACT relating to best interests of a child.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth
To Families & Children (s) on 02/16/2024
AN ACT relating to termination of parental rights. [HB-476]
Creates a new section of KRS Chapter 625 to allow a parent to voluntarily terminate parental rights during the pendency of a proceeding under KRS Chapter 620, relating to dependency, neglect, and abuse actions, by signing and filing a consent form prescribed by the Administrative Office of the Courts, and to require a finding by the court that termination of parental rights would be in the best interest of the child; and amends KRS 625.020 and 625.041 to conform.
HB-476: AN ACT relating to termination of parental rights.
Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Elliott
Signed By Governor (acts Ch.37) on 04/04/2024
AN ACT relating to custody. [HB-440]
Amend KRS 405.020 to allow people other than a parent to petition for custody of child if the parent is claimed to be unfit or to have waived his or her superior rights custody; provide factors to be considered by the court.
HB-440: AN ACT relating to custody.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Blanton
Introduced In House on 01/31/2024
AN ACT relating to a name change for a minor. [HB-370]
Amend KRS 401.020 to require a court to conduct a hearing and consider the best interests of a child when one parent refuses or is unable to execute a petition for a name change for a minor child.
HB-370: AN ACT relating to a name change for a minor.
Sponsored by: Rep. Chad Aull
Introduced In House on 01/24/2024
AN ACT relating to prosecution proceedings. [HB-333]
Amends KRS 69.210 to establish that any prosecution by attorneys for the Cabinet for Health and Family Services under KRS Chapter 620 shall occur only upon written consent of the county attorney and presiding judge.
HB-333: AN ACT relating to prosecution proceedings.
Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Elliott
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 141) on 04/09/2024
AN ACT relating to a name change for a minor. [HB-325]
Amend KRS 401.020 to require a court to conduct a hearing and consider the best interests of a child when one parent refuses or is unable to execute a petition for a name change for a minor child.
HB-325: AN ACT relating to a name change for a minor.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ruth Palumbo
Introduced In House on 01/22/2024
AN ACT relating to child support. [SB-110]
Amend KRS 403.211 to allow a child support action to be filed at any time following conception in the county where the mother resides.
SB-110: AN ACT relating to child support.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Meredith
To Judiciary (h) on 03/15/2024
AN ACT relating to child abuse. [HB-271]
Amends KRS 600.020 to define “safety plan” and “statewide reporting system”; amends KRS 620.023 to allow a court access to a child’s protection and permanency record; amends KRS 620.030 to allow a person to make a written report of dependency, neglect, or abuse of a child, to allow child dependency, neglect, or abuse reports to be submitted electronically, and to require that the Cabinet for Health and Family Services establish a statewide reporting system for making reports of child dependency, neglect, and abuse via phone call or written report
HB-271: AN ACT relating to child abuse.
Sponsored by: Rep. Samara Heavrin
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 144) on 04/09/2024
HB-264: AN ACT making appropriations for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Judicial Branch of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, boards, commissions, subdivisions, and other state-supported activities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Petrie
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 148) on 04/09/2024
You have voted HB-264: AN ACT making appropriations for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Judicial Branch of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, boards, commissions, subdivisions, and other state-supported activities..
HB-261: AN ACT making appropriations for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Judicial Branch of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, boards, commissions, subdivisions, and other state-supported activities.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Osborne
Introduced In House on 01/16/2024
You have voted HB-261: AN ACT making appropriations for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Judicial Branch of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, boards, commissions, subdivisions, and other state-supported activities..
AN ACT relating to child support. [HB-243]
Amend KRS 403.211 to add that a child support action may be filed any time following conception; add that a child support action may be filed in the county where the mother resides; amend KRS 403.212 to change the term "obligated parent" to "obligor"; establish that child support shall be retroactive to the date of the filing of a motion for support; amend KRS 406.021 to include that paternity may be determined in accordance with KRS 406.011 or by prenatal genetic testing or postnatal genetic testing; amend KRS 406.011 to require the Cabinet for
HB-243: AN ACT relating to child support.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nancy Tate
To Judiciary (h) on 01/22/2024
AN ACT relating to children. [HB-244]
Amends KRS 401.020 to require a court to conduct a hearing and consider the best interests of a child when one parent refuses or is unable to execute a petition for a name change for a minor child; creates a new section of KRS Chapter 403 to define terms, to provide that shared parenting time may be exercised by the consent of the parties, to establish procedures and parenting time credit, and to provide that the court may consider whether a parent has consistently exercised time sharing when considering a child support modification; amends KRS
HB-244: AN ACT relating to children.
Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Elliott
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 219) on 04/19/2024
AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments. [HB-5]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 532 to define "violent felony" and enhance sentencing for a person convicted of a third violent felony; prohibit probation, parole, or other form of release for a person who commits a crime using a weapon that is stolen, defaced, loaded with restricted ammunition, or otherwise violates state law; amend KRS 610.070 to require a parent, legal guardian, or custodian to be present at court proceedings involving a child in the juvenile justice system; create a new section of KRS Chapter 610 to establish penalty; amend
HB-5: AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.
Sponsored by: Rep. Danny Bentley
Delivered To Secretary Of State (acts Ch. 174) on 04/12/2024
AN ACT relating to parental rights. [HB-183]
Amend KRS 199.011 to define "disability"; amend KRS 199.471 to add disability as a reason upon which a petition for adoption shall not be denied; amend KRS 200.575 to require reasonable efforts and accommodations tailored to a parent's disability; amend KRS 600.020 to define "adaptive parenting equipment," "adaptive parenting techniques," "disability," and "disability support services"; amend KRS 610.125 to require a description of the reasonable efforts that have been made be provided to the court; amend KRS 620.020 to expand the definition of
HB-183: AN ACT relating to parental rights.
Sponsored by: Rep. Josie Raymond
Introduced In House on 01/08/2024
AN ACT relating to disposition of property and declaring an emergency. [HB-155]
Amend KRS 403.190 to state that criminal misconduct against the other spouse may be considered in the disposition of marital property; provide that a spouse who is convicted of committing a felony against the other spouse shall not be entitled to claim retirement or life insurance as marital property; EMERGENCY.
HB-155: AN ACT relating to disposition of property and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser
Recommitted To Judiciary (s) on 04/15/2024
AN ACT relating to products that contain nicotine. [HB-142]
Repeals, reenacts, and amends KRS 438.345 as a new section of KRS Chapter 158; requires local boards of education to adopt policies that penalize students for possessing alternative nicotine products, tobacco products, or vapor products and lists penalties; requires school districts to report annually to the Kentucky Department of Education; requires the department to report to the Legislative Research Commission the number of nicotine-related behavior incidents in schools and the number requiring medical intervention; requires schools to provide
HB-142: AN ACT relating to products that contain nicotine.
Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Elliott
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 149) on 04/09/2024
AN ACT relating to orders of protection. [HB-81]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 532 to define "qualifying offense"; allow lifetime orders of protection for victims of qualifying offenses.
HB-81: AN ACT relating to orders of protection.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Banta
Introduced In House on 01/02/2024
AN ACT relating to bonds. [HB-69]
Amend KRS 431.520 to prohibit individuals who are subject to a protective order under KRS Chapter 403 or 456 from being released on the surety of, or deposit paid by, a person protected by the protective order.
HB-69: AN ACT relating to bonds.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser
To Judiciary (h) on 02/13/2024