Counties Cities And Towns

State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Sales and use tax, local; additional tax authorized in counties & cities to support schools. [HB-805]
Additional local sales and use tax to support schools; referendum. Authorizes all counties and cities to impose an additional local sales and use tax at a rate not to exceed one percent with the revenue used only for capital projects for the construction or renovation of schools if such levy is approved in a voter referendum. The bill removes the requirement that such a tax must have an expiration date on either (i) the date of the repayment of any bonds or loans used for such capital projects or (ii) a date chosen by the governing body. Under current (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr House Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Compost and other products containing organic soil amendments infrastructure; civil penalty. [SB-329]
Compost and other products containing organic soil amendments infrastructure; civil penalty. Allows a locality by ordinance to require certain generators, as defined in the bill, of large quantities of organic waste to separate the organic waste from other solid waste and ensure that the organic waste is diverted from final disposal in a refuse disposal system. The bill allows a locality to establish civil penalties for violations of such ordinance but requires the locality to issue a warning to a generator that violates the ordinance prior to collecting (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Surovell Senate Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Trees; Town of Vienna allowed to require subdivision/development provide for preservation, etc. [SB-316]
Conservation of trees; Town of Vienna. Allows the Town of Vienna, by ordinance, to require that a subdivision or development provide for the preservation or replacement of trees on the development site such that the minimum tree canopy 10 years after development is projected to meet specified coverage criteria. Under current law, the criteria apply to tree canopy coverage 20 years after development.


Sponsored by: Sen. Saddam Salim Vote: Defeated (52-y 48-n) on 02/28/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Law-enforcement officers; minimum qualifications, citizenship, waiver. [HB-776]
Minimum qualifications for law-enforcement officers; citizenship; waiver. Allows individuals who are lawfully admitted for permanent residence who have resided in the United States for no less than 60 months and who are both eligible for and have applied for United States citizenship to qualify for the positions of chief of police and all police officers of any locality, all deputy sheriffs and jail officers in the Commonwealth, and all law-enforcement officers. The bill allows any agency or department employing law-enforcement officers to hire, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr House Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Uniform Statewide Building Code; temporarily prohibit modifications to Code. [HB-950]
Uniform Statewide Building Code; temporary prohibition on modifications. Provides that neither the Governor nor the Board of Housing and Community Development shall modify any regulation in the Uniform Statewide Building Code prior to the conclusion of the Commonwealth's next triennial code development process. Uniform Statewide Building Code; temporary prohibition on modifications. Provides that neither the Governor nor the Board of Housing and Community Development shall modify any regulation in the Uniform Statewide Building Code prior to the (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Alfonso Lopez Governor: Vetoed By Governor on 05/17/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Local government; authority, service employees, transition period. [HB-951]
Building service employees; public contracting. Permits any county, city, or town in the Commonwealth to provide for certain requirements concerning incumbent and successor service employers, defined in the bill, by local ordinance or resolution. For example, such local ordinance or resolution may require that successor service employers retain incumbent service employees during a transition period of 90 days. Under the bill, service employees are those who perform work in connection with the care or maintenance of property, services at an airport, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul Continued To 2025 In Finance And Appropriations (14-y 0-n) on 02/29/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Nicotine vapor products; localities by ordinance to impose a sales and use tax on products. [HB-1036]
Local tax authority; nicotine vapor products. Authorizes localities by ordinance to impose a sales and use tax on nicotine vapor products, defined in the bill to include liquid nicotine in closed and open systems, as such terms are defined in the bill, and includes directives for the administration and enforcement of any such ordinance. The bill also directs the Department of Taxation to consult with localities, the Virginia Association of Counties, and the Virginia Municipal League for implementing and administering such local taxation of nicotine (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Bloxom Left In Finance on 02/13/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Speed limits; expands authority of any locality to reduce limit to less than 25 miles per hour. [HB-793]
Reduction of speed limits; local authority. Expands the current authority of any locality to reduce the speed limit to less than 25 miles per hour, but not less than 15 miles per hour, on highways within its boundaries that are located in a business district or residence district to include highways within the state highway system, provided that such reduced speed limit is indicated by lawfully placed signs.


Sponsored by: Rep. Nadarius Clark Incorporated By Transportation on 02/01/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Alcohol safety action program; local administrative fee. [HB-774]
Alcohol safety action program; local administrative fee. Provides that any county, city, or town, or any combination thereof, that has established and operates an alcohol safety action program and supplements fees collected for the program pursuant to general law by more than 33 percent annually in order to fully fund the program may charge a local administrative fee of no more than $100 to each person entering such program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Charniele Herring Continued To 2025 In Courts Of Justice (8-y 7-n) on 02/14/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Local government; powers, conveyance of real property, public hearing requirement. [HB-725]
Counties, cities and towns; powers of local government; conveyance of real property; public hearing requirement. Adds to the list of exemptions from the requirement imposed upon localities to hold a public hearing prior to the disposition of real property owned by such locality the conveyance of any utility easement necessary to provide utilities to residential properties adjacent to property owned by the locality. Current law only excludes from such public hearing requirement (i) the leasing of real property to another public body, political subdivision, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Webert Continued To 2025 In Local Government (12-y 3-n) on 02/26/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Casino gaming; limits on required local referendums. [SB-345]
Casino gaming; limits on required local referendums. Provides that the governing body of any eligible host city that holds a local referendum on the question of whether casino gaming should be permitted in such city that subsequently fails shall be prohibited from holding another referendum on the same question for a period of three years from the date of the last referendum.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bryce Reeves Incorporated By Finance And Appropriations on 02/06/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Photo speed monitoring devices; location. [HB-905]
Photo speed monitoring devices; location. Authorizes the governing body of any county, city, or town to provide by ordinance for the placement and operation of photo speed monitoring devices in any location deemed necessary by the locality for the purposes of recording violations resulting from the operation of a vehicle in excess of the speed limit. The bill provides the same requirements for such devices, information collected from such devices, and any enforcement actions resulting from information collected from such devices as current law applies (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Irene Shin Incorporated By Transportation on 02/06/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Local government; regulation by ordinance for locations of tobacco products, etc. [HB-947]
Local government powers; regulation of tobacco, nicotine, and hemp product retail sale locations. Allows a locality to regulate the retail sale locations of tobacco products, nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, or hemp products intended for smoking for any such retail sale location and may prohibit a retail sale location on property within 1,000 linear feet of a child day center or a public, private, or parochial school. Local government powers; regulation of tobacco, nicotine, and hemp product retail sale locations. Allows (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0536) on 04/05/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Planning districts; King George County. [SB-371]
Planning districts; King George County. Moves King George County from Planning District 16 (George Washington Regional Commission) to Planning District 17 (Northern Neck Planning District Commission). The bill requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to assist with this transition.


Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Stuart Continued To 2025 In Local Government (8-y 7-n) on 01/29/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Military centered community zones; localities may establish, by ordinance, one or more zones. [SB-343]
Military centered community zones; local designation. Allows localities to establish, by ordinance, one or more military centered community zones, defined in the bill as a community that has a significant presence of military personnel living or working in the designated area and where such presence drives, or has the potential to drive, significant economic activity. The bill provides that a locality, or another political subdivision acting on behalf of the locality, may offer unique benefits to businesses looking to locate within a zone for the (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Aaron Rouse Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0350) on 04/02/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Zoning; developmental and use of accessory dwelling units. [HB-900]
Zoning; development and use of accessory dwelling units. Requires a locality to include in its zoning ordinances for single-family residential zoning districts accessory dwelling units, or ADUs, as defined in the bill, as a permitted accessory use. The bill requires a person to seek a permit for an ADU from the locality, requires the locality to issue such permit if the person meets certain requirements enumerated in the bill, and restricts the fee for such permit to $100 or less. The bill prohibits the locality from requiring (i) dedicated parking (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Laura Jane Cohen Committee Substitute Posted To Lis Only 24106777d-h1 on 02/02/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Health insurance; locality to allow local employees to participate in its group insurance programs. [HB-1019]
Health insurance for local employees. Permits any locality to allow participation in its group health insurance program by any non-benefitted employee, including members of governing bodies, if such non-benefitted employee or governing body member is not otherwise entitled to participate, provided that such non-benefitted employees reimburse the locality for the full cost of their participation. The bill provides that reimbursement may include forgoing all or a part of a local government salary. Health insurance for local employees. Permits any (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Tony Wilt Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0541) on 04/05/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Abandoned watercraft; destruction and disposal by localities and state agencies. [HB-1053]
Destruction and disposal of abandoned watercraft by localities and state agencies. Allows localities and state agencies to apply, under certain conditions, to the Department of Wildlife Resources for an authorization to destroy and dispose of an abandoned watercraft.


Sponsored by: Rep. Barry Knight Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0314) on 04/02/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Vegetative growth on certain property; maintenance. [HB-1054]
Maintenance of vegetative growth on certain property. Provides that a locality may require the owner of property that (i) was formerly used as a golf course but where such use has been discontinued and (ii) abuts an area zoned for residential purposes to maintain the vegetative growth on the former golf course property in a manner that (a) prevents such property from becoming a detriment to the health, safety, or welfare of the residents of the abutting residential area and (b) does not change the character of the former golf course property so (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Barry Knight Continued To 2025 In Local Government (14-y 0-n) on 02/26/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Local historic district; locality that establishes district may provide tax incentive. [HB-914]
Local historic districts; tax incentives. Allows a locality that establishes a local historic district to provide tax incentives for the conservation and renovation of historic structures in such district. The bill provides that such incentives may include tax rebates to the extent allowed by the Constitution of Virginia. Local historic districts; tax incentives. Allows a locality that establishes a local historic district to provide tax incentives for the conservation and renovation of historic structures in such district. The bill provides that (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Irene Shin Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0533) on 04/05/2024

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