Photo speed monitoring devices; location. [HB-20]
Photo speed monitoring devices; location. Authorizes the governing body of any county, city, or town to provide by ordinance for the placement and operation of photo speed monitoring devices in any location deemed necessary by the locality for the purposes of recording violations resulting from the operation of a vehicle in excess of the speed limit. The bill provides the same requirements for such devices, information collected from such devices, and any enforcement actions resulting from information collected from such devices as current law applies
HB-20: Photo speed monitoring devices; location.
Sponsored by: Rep. Fernando Martinez
Left In Transportation on 11/18/2024
Affordable housing; purchase of development rights. [HB-878]
Purchase of development rights for affordable housing. Permits any local government to purchase development rights or accept the donation of development rights in an effort to preserve and provide affordable housing. The bill grants local governments the powers necessary to carry out the purchase of such development rights. The bill prohibits the conversion or diversion of such affordable housing once the development rights are purchased unless the local government determines that such diversion is essential to the development and growth of the
HB-878: Affordable housing; purchase of development rights.
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfonso Lopez
Left In General Laws And Technology on 11/19/2024
Local government; authority, service employees, transition period. [HB-951]
Building service employees; public contracting. Permits any county, city, or town in the Commonwealth to provide for certain requirements concerning incumbent and successor service employers, defined in the bill, by local ordinance or resolution. For example, such local ordinance or resolution may require that successor service employers retain incumbent service employees during a transition period of 90 days. Under the bill, service employees are those who perform work in connection with the care or maintenance of property, services at an airport,
HB-951: Local government; authority, service employees, transition period.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/19/2024
Local government; prohibition on certain appointments. [SB-136]
Prohibition on certain local government appointments. Prohibits a local governing body from appointing a spouse, child, stepchild, parent, stepparent, or grandparent of a governing body member as a member of any local government board, committee, or commission or as a member of a board of directors of a not-for-profit organization that receives funding from the locality.
SB-136: Local government; prohibition on certain appointments.
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris Head
Left In Local Government on 11/19/2024
C-PACE loans; removes an exclusion for residential dwellings and condominiums. [HB-952]
C-PACE loans; residential dwellings and condominiums. Removes an exclusion for residential dwellings with fewer than five dwelling units and condominium projects from certain requirements related to a voluntary special assessment lien that secures a loan for the initial acquisition and installation of clean energy, resiliency, or stormwater management improvements.
HB-952: C-PACE loans; removes an exclusion for residential dwellings and condominiums.
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfonso Lopez
Left In Counties, Cities And Towns on 11/18/2024
Planning districts; King George County. [SB-371]
Planning districts; King George County. Moves King George County from Planning District 16 (George Washington Regional Commission) to Planning District 17 (Northern Neck Planning District Commission). The bill requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to assist with this transition.
SB-371: Planning districts; King George County.
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Stuart
Left In Local Government on 11/19/2024
Local law enforcement; reduction of budget prohibited, exception. [SB-612]
Reduction of local law enforcement budget prohibited; exception. Provides that no local governing body shall approve a budget that will reduce the total funds appropriated for local law-enforcement purposes from the preceding fiscal year except by unanimous vote of all members elected to the governing body.
SB-612: Local law enforcement; reduction of budget prohibited, exception.
Sponsored by: Sen. John McGuire
Left In Local Government on 11/19/2024
Affordable dwelling unit ordinances; accessible units for persons with a physical disability. [HB-1253]
Affordable dwelling unit ordinances; accessible units. Provides that any locality that has adopted an affordable dwelling unit ordinance may require under such ordinance that a set percentage of the units built by a developer are compliant with the appropriate requirements of the American National Standards for Building and Facilities for Type A units or with any other standards adopted as part of regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development providing accessibility and usability for persons with a physical disability.
HB-1253: Affordable dwelling unit ordinances; accessible units for persons with a physical disability.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
Left In General Laws on 11/18/2024
Siting of energy facilities; approval by the State Corporation Commission. [SB-567]
Siting of energy facilities; approval by the State Corporation Commission. Establishes a procedure under which an electric utility or independent power provider (applicant) is able to obtain approval for a certificate from the State Corporation Commission for the siting of an energy facility rather than from the governing body of a locality. Under the bill, applicants are authorized to submit an application to the Commission if (i) the locality fails to timely approve or deny an application; (ii) the application complies with certain requirements
SB-567: Siting of energy facilities; approval by the State Corporation Commission.
Sponsored by: Sen. Creigh Deeds
Left In Commerce And Labor on 11/18/2024
Local anti-rent gouging authority; civil penalty. [HB-721]
Local anti-rent gouging authority; civil penalty. Provides that any locality may by ordinance adopt anti-rent gouging provisions. The bill provides for notice and a public hearing prior to the adoption of such ordinance and specifies that all landlords who are under the ordinance may be required to give at least two months' written notice of a rent increase and cannot increase the rent by more than the locality's calculated allowance, described in the bill as the maximum amount a landlord can increase a tenant's rent during any 12-month period,
HB-721: Local anti-rent gouging authority; civil penalty.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lamont Bagby
Left In Courts Of Justice on 11/18/2024
Clean energy; Dept. of Energy to study barriers for local governments to purchase. [HJR-36]
Study; Department of Energy; local governments; purchases of clean energy; report. Requests the Department of Energy to study the barriers for local governments to directly purchase clean energy or to facilitate the purchase of clean energy by their constituents. In conducting its study, the Department shall consider existing ways for local governments to purchase clean energy and promote access to clean energy for their constituents, evaluate barriers and develop recommendations relating to reducing such barriers for local governments to purchase
HJR-36: Clean energy; Dept. of Energy to study barriers for local governments to purchase.
Sponsored by: Rep. Briana Sewell
Left In Rules on 11/18/2024
Constitutional officers; dual office holding, prohibited for deputies and other persons. [HB-130]
Constitutional officers; dual office holding; prohibited for deputies and other persons. Provides that the current prohibition on dual office holding that is applicable to constitutional officers also applies to deputies of such officers and any persons serving in such officer's absence until a special election to fill the vacancy is held.
HB-130: Constitutional officers; dual office holding, prohibited for deputies and other persons.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kelly Convirs-Fowler
Left In Rules on 11/18/2024
County manager plan of government; broadens powers available to counties. [HB-1225]
County manager plan of government; powers. Broadens several powers available to counties that have adopted the county manager plan of government by giving such counties the option of following general law rather than the provisions specified in this optional form of county government. The bill also allows for the direct election of the board chairman if approved by referendum, rather than having the board chairman chosen by other members of the county board. Currently, only Arlington County has adopted the county manager plan of government.
HB-1225: County manager plan of government; broadens powers available to counties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
Left In Counties, Cities And Towns on 11/18/2024
Legal notices; locality to advertise on their website. [SB-200]
Advertisement of legal notices; website. Allows a locality to advertise legal notices on the locality's website instead of, or in addition to, publishing such notices in a newspaper having general circulation in the locality.
SB-200: Legal notices; locality to advertise on their website.
Sponsored by: Sen. J.D. Diggs
Left In Local Government on 11/19/2024
Localities hosting data center infrastructure; DHCD to study revenue sharing program. [HJR-64]
Study; Department of Housing and Community Development; revenue sharing program for localities hosting data center infrastructure; report. Directs the Department of Housing and Community Development to study creating a revenue sharing program for localities hosting data center infrastructure for data centers located in other localities.
HJR-64: Localities hosting data center infrastructure; DHCD to study revenue sharing program.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Webert
Left In Rules on 11/18/2024
Local government; powers, conveyance of real property, public hearing requirement. [HB-725]
Counties, cities and towns; powers of local government; conveyance of real property; public hearing requirement. Adds to the list of exemptions from the requirement imposed upon localities to hold a public hearing prior to the disposition of real property owned by such locality the conveyance of any utility easement necessary to provide utilities to residential properties adjacent to property owned by the locality. Current law only excludes from such public hearing requirement (i) the leasing of real property to another public body, political subdivision,
HB-725: Local government; powers, conveyance of real property, public hearing requirement.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Webert
Left In Local Government on 11/19/2024
Residential development in certain areas; affordable housing. [SB-430]
Residential development in certain areas; affordable housing. Provides that any type of residential use that is permitted in a locality shall be considered a conforming residential use on any parcel other than parcels zoned for (i) agriculture, (ii) conservation, or (iii) a different residential use. The bill states that no local ordinance shall require that a special exception, special use, or conditional use permit be obtained for a conforming residential use and that rights under existing zoning shall be considered vested pursuant to existing
SB-430: Residential development in certain areas; affordable housing.
Sponsored by: Sen. Schuyler VanValkenburg
Left In Local Government on 11/19/2024
Unfunded mandates; delay of implementation. [HB-1093]
Unfunded mandates; delay of implementation. Allows a county, city, or town, in its discretion, to delay implementing an unfunded mandate until the next fiscal year after the fiscal year in which any unfunded mandate became effective. The locality shall do so by ordinance that states with specificity the unfunded mandate that the locality seeks to delay implementing and the date on which the unfunded mandate shall become effective after the delay. The bill defines "unfunded mandate" as an act that imposes on a locality the responsibility of providing
HB-1093: Unfunded mandates; delay of implementation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Delores Oates
Left In Counties, Cities And Towns on 11/18/2024
Southwest Regional Recreation Authority; powers. [SB-163]
Southwest Regional Recreation Authority; powers. Provides for the Attorney General to provide legal services in civil matters upon the request of the executive director or board of directors of the Southwest Regional Recreation Authority. The bill also provides for the board of the Authority to adopt policies for the procurement of goods and services and requires such policies to incorporate certain provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act. In addition, the bill (i) makes the provisions of the Virginia Personnel Act and the policies of