Correctional Officers

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership [SB-664]
Altering the membership of the Correctional Officers' Retirement System to include specified individuals serving in specified positions in the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services; providing that specified members of the Correctional Officers' Retirement System who meet specified criteria may receive a normal service retirement allowance that is based on specified creditable service; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Roger Manno Approved By The Governor - Chapter 690 on 05/25/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Workers' Compensation - Permanent Partial Disability - State Correctional Officers [SB-576]
Providing for enhanced workers' compensation benefits for a State correctional officer for a compensable permanent partial disability of less than 75 weeks; and providing that the Act applies only prospectively and may not be applied or interpreted to have any effect on or application to any claims arising before October 1, 2017.


Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/21/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Harford County - Deputy Sheriffs and Correctional Officers - Collective Bargaining [HB-670]
Providing that specified deputy sheriffs and correctional officers in the Office of the Sheriff of Harford County have the right to organize and collectively bargain with the Harford County Sheriff and Harford County Executive with regard to specified wages and benefits; authorizing specified deputy sheriffs and specified correctional officers to take specified actions in connection with specified labor organizations with regard to specified collective bargaining activities; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Impallaria Unfavorable Report By Appropriations; Withdrawn on 02/27/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Labor Organizations - Right to Work Act [SB-490]
Prohibiting an employer from requiring, as a condition of employment or continued employment, an employee or a prospective employee to join or remain a member of a labor organization, pay charges to a labor organization, or pay a specified amount to a third party under specified circumstances; prohibiting labor organizations and employers from taking specified action against an employee or a prospective employee, or specified other persons, for specified purposes; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bob Cassilly Hearing 2/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/22/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Carroll County - Detention Center - Polygraph Testing [HB-565]
Establishing that a specified prohibition on requiring an employee or a prospective employee to take a polygraph examination or similar test as a condition of prospective or continued employment does not apply to an individual employed as a correctional officer or in another specified capacity at the Carroll County Detention Center.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 121 on 04/11/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

State Retirement and Pension System - Membership Elections [SB-401]
Limiting optional membership in the Employees' Pension System to individuals who have not previously been a member of a specified pension and retirement program or who have not had specified previous employment; authorizing an eligible governmental unit that does not satisfy specified requirements to participate in the Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System to submit a request to participate to the Board of Trustees; requiring the Board to consider specified requests and make specified recommendations; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone Approved By The Governor - Chapter 271 on 04/18/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Carroll County - Detention Center - Polygraph Testing [SB-372]
Establishing that a specified prohibition on requiring an employee or a prospective employee to take a polygraph examination or similar test as a condition of prospective or continued employment does not apply to an individual employed as a correctional officer or in any other capacity that involves direct personal contact with an inmate in the Carroll County Detention Center.


Sponsored by: Sen. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 122 on 04/11/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Public Safety - Handgun Permits - Correctional Officer [HB-339]
Establishing a presumption that an applicant for a permit to carry, wear, or transport a handgun has a good and substantial reason to carry, wear, or transport a handgun if the applicant is an active and certified correctional officer.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay Hearing 3/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/14/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Deferred Retirement Option Program [HB-225]
Establishing a Deferred Retirement Option Program for members in the Correctional Officers' Retirement System who have at least 20 years and less than 25 years of eligibility service; requiring the State Retirement Agency to request, on or before July 1, 2017, specified documentation from the Internal Revenue Service; and making the Act subject to a specified contingency.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Buckel Unfavorable Report By Appropriations; Withdrawn on 04/08/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Correctional Services - Commissioner's Duties - Staffing Report [HB-232]
Requiring the Commissioner of Correction to submit a security and staffing report to the Secretary of Public Safety, the Governor, and the General Assembly on or before October 31, 2017, and on or before October 31 in every odd-numbered year thereafter; requiring the report to be based on a joint survey conducted by the administration of the Division of Correction and the exclusive collective bargaining representative of the employees; requiring the report to include specified information; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 829 on 05/27/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Criminal Procedure - Charges Against Correctional Officer - Review by State's Attorney [HB-166]
Altering a definition to make specified provisions of law requiring State's Attorney review of an application for a statement of charges against a law enforcement officer applicable to an application for a statement of charges against specified other law enforcement officers.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais Approved By The Governor - Chapter 170 on 04/18/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Criminal Procedure - Charges Against Correctional Officer - Review by State's Attorney [SB-207]
Altering a definition to make specified provisions of law requiring State's Attorney review of an application for a statement of charges against a law enforcement officer applicable to an application for a statement of charges against specified other law enforcement officers.


Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman Approved By The Governor - Chapter 169 on 04/18/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Deferred Retirement Option Program [SB-147]
Establishing a Deferred Retirement Option Program for members in the Correctional Officers' Retirement System who have at least 20 years and less than 25 years of eligibility service; requiring the State Retirement Agency to request, on or before July 1, 2017, specified documentation from the Internal Revenue Service; and making the Act subject to a specified contingency.


Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel McFadden Hearing 2/02 At 9:00 A.m. on 02/02/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Correctional Services - Correctional Officers' Bill of Rights - Composition of Hearing Board [SB-11]
Altering specified provisions of law relating to the required ranks of correctional officer members of a hearing board under the Correctional Officers' Bill of Rights; altering a specified provision of law to require that correctional officers assigned to serve on a hearing board be selected from a list of correctional officers eligible to serve on disciplinary hearing boards established by the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, or the Secretary's designee; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings; Withdrawn on 01/30/2017

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