Optional Retirement Program - State and Participating Governmental Unit [SB-974]
Providing that only individuals serving as Governor on or before January 18, 2011, are eligible for a defined benefit retirement allowance; providing that, on or after July 1, 2010, specified individuals are not eligible to join the Employees' Pension System, the Teachers' Pension System, the State Police Retirement System, the Correctional Officers' Retirement System, the Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System, or the Judges' Retirement System; etc.
SB-974: Optional Retirement Program - State and Participating Governmental Unit
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Colburn
Hearing 3/18 At 8:00 A.m. on 03/03/2010
Correctional Services - State Correctional Officers' Bill of Rights [SB-887]
Providing for specified rights of a State correctional officer relating to employment, investigation, and discipline under specified circumstances; providing for the procedures for the investigation or interrogation of a State correctional officer; establishing procedures for an application for a show cause order under specified circumstances; establishing a specified limitation on administrative charges against a State correctional officer; etc.
SB-887: Correctional Services - State Correctional Officers' Bill of Rights
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010
Health General - Disease Prevention and Testing - Inmates of Correctional [SB-77]
Adding a buccal (cheek) swab to the type of sample an inmate is required to furnish to the correctional institution to be tested for the presence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) under specified circumstances; altering the definition of "health care provider" to include an employee's private physician; etc.
SB-77: Health General - Disease Prevention and Testing - Inmates of Correctional
Sponsored by: Sen. Education
Approved By The Governor on 04/13/2010
Mental Health - Local Correctional Facilities - Incarcerated Individuals with [SB-761]
Requiring the managing official of a local correctional facility to provide an inmate who has been sentenced to a term in a local correctional facility of at least 60 days and who has been diagnosed with a mental illness with access to a 30-day supply of medication for the mental illness on the release of the inmate under specified circumstances; providing that part of the supply of medication may be provided by prescription under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-761: Mental Health - Local Correctional Facilities - Incarcerated Individuals with
Sponsored by: Sen. Catherine Pugh
Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010
Higher Education - Death of Police Officer or Firefighter - Edward T. Conroy [SB-639]
Waiving the tuition for any child of a police officer or firefighter killed in the line of duty in the State; requiring the Governor to provide in the annual budget a specified amount for the Edward T. Conroy Memorial Scholarship Program under specified circumstances; requiring postsecondary institutions to allow specified students, upon acceptance, after meeting enrollment requirements, to enroll in specified programs and attend classes for credit; etc.
SB-639: Higher Education - Death of Police Officer or Firefighter - Edward T. Conroy
Sponsored by: Sen. Ulysses Currie
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/17/2010
State Retirement and Pension System - Eligible Governmental Units [SB-550]
Providing that the effective date of eligible governmental units to join the State Retirement and Pension System shall be postponed to July 1 of a specified fiscal year if the Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System does not receive necessary documents on or before July 1 of a specified fiscal year from the eligible governmental unit; making technical and clarifying changes to the State Personnel and Pensions Article; deleting obsolete provisions in the State Personnel and Pensions Article; etc.
SB-550: State Retirement and Pension System - Eligible Governmental Units
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel McFadden
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
State Retirement and Pension System - Retiree Death Benefits [SB-497]
Clarifying that specified death benefits are payable on behalf of members of specified State retirement or pension systems who die on or before the last day of the month of the retiree's effective date of retirement; requiring the Board of Trustees of the State Retirement and Pension System to pay a specified death benefit on behalf of specified retirees if the retirees die under specified circumstances; terminating the Act at the end of December 31, 2010; etc.
SB-497: State Retirement and Pension System - Retiree Death Benefits
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel McFadden
Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010
Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership - Correctional Case [SB-391]
Altering the membership of the Correctional Officers' Retirement System to include correctional case management specialists; clarifying that correctional case management specialists who are members of the Correctional Officers' Retirement System are eligible to receive a normal service retirement allowance or a deferred vested retirement allowance; requiring the transfer of specified member contributions to the annuity savings fund of the Correctional Officers' Retirement System; etc.
SB-391: Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership - Correctional Case
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel McFadden
Hearing Cancelled on 02/05/2010
Criminal Procedure - Strip Search or Body Cavity Search of an Arrestee - [SB-125]
Prohibiting a police officer from conducting or supervising a strip search or body cavity search of a person arrested for a misdemeanor or traffic offense under specified circumstances, or of a minor detained for an act that would be a misdemeanor if committed by an adult or for a specified traffic offense under specified circumstances; providing for specified exceptions under the Act; authorizing strip searches and body cavity searches only if specified conditions are met; etc.
SB-125: Criminal Procedure - Strip Search or Body Cavity Search of an Arrestee -
Sponsored by: Sen. James Brochin
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 04/10/2010
Public Safety - Electronic Control Devices - Training Program and Permit [HB-942]
Prohibiting a person from possessing or using an electronic control device unless the person has been issued a specified permit; prohibiting the sale or activation of an electronic control device in the State unless the purchaser provides valid proof to the seller that the purchaser has successfully completed an electronic control device training program approved by the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commission; defining the term "electronic control device"; etc.
HB-942: Public Safety - Electronic Control Devices - Training Program and Permit
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrienne Jones
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary Withdrawn on 03/01/2010
Correctional Services - Provision, Possession, and Use of Wireless [HB-61]
Prohibiting an inmate from using or possessing a wireless communication device unless authorized to do so by a managing official; providing that an inmate is subject to a penalty that includes a mandatory minimum sentence; prohibiting a person from providing or attempting to provide an inmate with a wireless communication device unless authorized to do so by a managing official; providing that an employee of a State correctional facility who violates the Act is subject to removal; etc.
HB-61: Correctional Services - Provision, Possession, and Use of Wireless
Sponsored by: Rep. Veronica Turner
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 02/08/2010
Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership - Correctional Case [HB-488]
Altering the membership of the Correctional Officers' Retirement System to include correctional case management specialists; clarifying that correctional case management specialists who are members of the Correctional Officers' Retirement System are eligible to receive a normal service retirement allowance or a deferred vested retirement allowance; requiring the transfer of specified member contributions to the annuity savings fund of the Correctional Officers' Retirement System; etc.
HB-488: Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership - Correctional Case
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 03/26/2010
Criminal Procedure - Strip Search or Body Cavity Search of an Arrestee - [HB-255]
Prohibiting a police officer from conducting or supervising a strip search or body cavity search of a person arrested for a misdemeanor or traffic offense under specified circumstances, or of a minor detained for an act that would be a misdemeanor if committed by an adult or for a specified traffic offense under specified circumstances; providing for specified exceptions under the Act; authorizing strip searches and body cavity searches only if specified conditions are met; etc.
HB-255: Criminal Procedure - Strip Search or Body Cavity Search of an Arrestee -
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 04/10/2010
Public Safety - Preemployment Polygraph Examinations for Correctional Officer [HB-1402]
Authorizing the Division of Correction to require an individual to pass a polygraph examination before being appointed to serve as a correctional officer in a correctional facility; requiring the Commissioner of Correction to adopt specified regulations governing the administration of polygraph examinations authorized under the Act; providing an exemption for an applicant for employment as a correctional officer from the prohibition against requiring a polygraph examination as a condition of employment; etc.
HB-1402: Public Safety - Preemployment Polygraph Examinations for Correctional Officer
Sponsored by: Sen. Adelaide Eckardt
Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010
Mental Health - Local Correctional Facilities - Incarcerated Individuals with [HB-1335]
Requiring the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services or the managing official of a local correctional facility to provide an inmate who has been sentenced to a term of incarceration in the Division of Correction or a term of at least 60 days in a local correctional facility and who has been diagnosed with a mental illness with access to a 30-day supply of medication for the mental illness on the release of the inmate; providing for an exception for pretrial inmates; etc.
HB-1335: Mental Health - Local Correctional Facilities - Incarcerated Individuals with
Sponsored by: Sen. Victor Ramirez
Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010