Conflicts And Wars

US Congress 116th Congress

United States Army Rangers Veterans of World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act [S.1757]
Directs the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives to arrange for the award of a single gold medal to the U.S. Army Ranger veterans of World War II in recognition of their dedicated wartime service. Following its award, the gold medal shall be given to the Smithsonian Institution where it shall be available for display and research.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Message On Senate Action Sent To The House. on 03/09/2020

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US Congress 116th Congress

75th Anniversary of the End of World War II Commemorative Coin Act [HB-3155]
Directs the Department of the Treasury to mint and issue up to 50,000 $5 coins, 500,000 $1 coins, and 750,000 half-dollar coins in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. The coins shall be emblematic of the sacrifices made by millions of people of the United States 75 years ago in bringing an end to World War II. The design on each coin shall represent the World War II Victory Medal, which was awarded to all 16 million U.S. military personnel who served from December 7, 1941, to December 31, 1946. The bill requires all (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Introduced In House on 06/06/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

‘Six Triple Eight’ Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2019 [HB-3138]
Directs the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate to arrange for the award of a Congressional Gold Medal in honor of the women of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion (commonly known as the "Six Triple Eight") in recognition of their pioneering military service, devotion to duty, and contributions to increase the morale of personnel stationed in the European theater of operations during World War II. The medal shall be given to the Smithsonian Institution and made available for display and research.


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Introduced In House on 06/05/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Climate Security Intelligence Act of 2019 [HB-3110]
Establishes the Climate Security Intelligence Center within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The center's duties shall include serving as the primary intelligence community organization for analyzing climate security threats and identifying best practices for such analysis.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Quigley Introduced In House on 06/05/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Partnership Fund for Peace Act of 2019 [HB-3104]
Requires the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to establish the Partnership Fund for Peace for promoting economic development in Palestine and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. Specifically, the bill directs the USAID to establish this fund to finance (1) small and medium-sized Palestinian entrepreneurs and companies in order to promote the private sector and create jobs in Palestinian territories, and (2) people-to-people peacebuilding programs that support reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis. An economic (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Lieu Introduced In House on 06/05/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Partnership Fund for Peace Act of 2019 [S.1727]
Requires the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to establish the Partnership Fund for Peace for promoting economic development in Palestine and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. Specifically, the bill directs the USAID to establish this fund to finance (1) small and medium-sized Palestinian entrepreneurs and companies in order to promote the private sector and create jobs in Palestinian territories, and (2) people-to-people peacebuilding programs that support reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis. An economic (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 06/05/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Partnership Fund for Peace Act of 2019 [S.1727]
Requires the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to establish the Partnership Fund for Peace for promoting economic development in Palestine and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. Specifically, the bill directs the USAID to establish this fund to finance (1) small and medium-sized Palestinian entrepreneurs and companies in order to promote the private sector and create jobs in Palestinian territories, and (2) people-to-people peacebuilding programs that support reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis. An economic (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 06/05/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Baltic Reassurance Act [HB-3064]
Directs the Department of Defense to report to Congress an assessment of the military requirements of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members and countries in the Baltic region that would allow such countries to deter and resist Russian aggression.


Sponsored by: Sen. Markwayne Mullin Introduced In House on 06/03/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Due Process Guarantee Act [S.1702]
Limits the detention authority of the United States. Current law prohibits the indefinite detention of a U.S. citizen unless it is authorized by an act of Congress. prohibits the indefinite detention of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident unless it is authorized by an act of Congress that (1) is consistent with the Constitution, and (2) expressly authorizes the detention. Additionally, the bill specifies that no U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident who is apprehended in the United States may be imprisoned or otherwise detained without (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 06/03/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

U.S.—Ukraine Security Cooperation Enhancement Act [HB-3047]
Authorizes the President to treat Ukraine as a major non-NATO ally for purposes of the transfer of defense articles and services until Ukraine accedes to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). (Major non-NATO ally status confers various benefits, such as priority for receiving certain excess defense articles.) The bill also expands the Department of Defense's authority to provide security assistance to Ukraine to include the provision of anti-tank, anti-ship, and antiaircraft weapons systems. The Department of State shall report to Congress (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Adam Kinzinger Introduced In House on 05/30/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Expressing the immense gratitude of the House of Representatives for the acts of heroism, valor, and sacrifices made by the members of the United States Armed Forces and allied armed forces who participated in the June 6, 1944, amphibious landing at Normandy, France, and commending those individuals for their leadership and bravery in an operation that helped bring an end to World War II. [HR-413]
This resolution recognizes the 75th anniversary of the amphibious landing of the allied forces on D-Day, June 6, 1944, at Normandy, France, during World War II. The resolution expresses appreciation to the members of the U.S. and allied forces who participated in the operations, as well as all others who contributed to the success of the operations; recognizes the landing as a decisive point in history that led to world leadership and a free people committed to modern liberal democracy and all its tenets; recognizes the importance of World War II (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Scalise Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr E729-730) on 06/10/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Defining Presidential wars not declared by Congress under article I, section 8, clause 11 (Declare War Clause) as impeachable "high crimes and misdemeanors" within the meaning of article II, section 4 of the Constitution and defining the meanings of war and cobelligerency for purposes of the Declare War Clause and Impeachment provisions. [HR-411]
This resolution declares that if the President initiates wars without prior congressional declarations, such action shall constitute impeachable "high crimes and misdemeanors," which shall cause the House of Representatives to vote articles of impeachment. In addition, the resolution prohibits the President from making the United States a co-belligerent in an ongoing war without a congressional declaration.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Referred To The Subcommittee On The Constitution, Civil Rights, And Civil Liberties. on 06/26/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Supporting the goals and ideals of Menstrual Hygiene Day. [HR-406]
This resolution encourages the people of the United States to observe Menstrual Hygiene Day.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr E677) on 05/28/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Commending Korean and Korean-American Vietnam War veterans for their service to the United States during the Vietnam conflict. [HR-404]
This resolution commends Korean and Korean-American Vietnam War veterans for their service.


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Introduced In House on 05/23/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Army Security Agency Monument Act [HB-2970]
Directs the Department of the Army to place in Arlington National Cemetery a monument honoring Army Security Agency veterans if the National Army Security Agency Association agrees to certain requirements, including that the association pay the monument's site preparation, construction, and maintenance costs.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ann Kuster Referred To The Subcommittee On Disability Assistance And Memorial Affairs. on 06/13/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Filipino Veterans Family Reunification Act of 2019 [HB-2908]
Exempts from worldwide or numerical limitations certain family-sponsored immigrant visas for the sons and daughters of Filipino World War II veterans who were naturalized under certain laws providing for naturalization for service during World War II.


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Referred To The Subcommittee On Immigration And Citizenship. on 06/26/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Private Corrado Piccoli Purple Heart Preservation Act [HB-2911]
Prohibits the sale of a Purple Heart, unless the sale is conducted by the member or former member of the Armed Forces to whom the Purple Heart was awarded. It imposes criminal penalties for a violation—a fine, a prison term of up to six months, or both.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eleanor Norton Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, And Homeland Security. on 06/26/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Condemning the senseless attacks on hospitals and medical personnel in Syria, and for other purposes. [HR-395]
This resolution condemns the attacks on hospitals, medical personnel, and emergency responders by Syria and Russia and calls on all parties to (1) end the attacks on medical facilities; (2) cease targeting medical workers; and (3) allow unhindered medical assistance, humanitarian assistance, and medical evacuation of urgent cases to besieged areas. Additionally, the resolution calls on the Department of State to work with the international community to conduct full, prompt, impartial, and effective investigations of violations of international humanitarian (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. James McGovern Referred To The Subcommittee On Middle East, North Africa And International Terrorism. on 06/07/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act of 2019 [HB-2913]
Authorizes the Department of State to enter into cooperative agreements to enhance cooperation on energy matters between the United States and Israel, Greece, and Cyprus. The Department of Energy may establish a joint U.S.-Eastern Mediterranean Energy Center in the United States to further dialogue and academic cooperation in energy innovation technology, water science, and technology transfer. An existing ban on transferring defense articles and services on the U.S. Munitions List to Cyprus is modified to allow for such transfers if Cyprus is the (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, And Homeland Security. on 06/26/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Expressing the sense of Congress that all trade agreements the United States enters into, should provide reasonable access and collaboration of each nation involved in such an agreement, for the purpose of search and recovery activities relating to members of the United States Armed Forces missing in action from prior wars or military conflicts. [HCR-42]
This concurrent resolution expresses the sense of Congress that all trade agreements the United States enters into with a foreign country should provide reasonable collaboration with that country for the purpose of search and recovery activities for Armed Forces members missing in action from prior wars or military conflicts.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gerald Connolly Introduced In House on 05/22/2019

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