Creation of a State Debt - Carroll County - Boys and Girls Club of Westminster [HB-1005]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $150,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of The Boys & Girls Club of Westminster, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Boys and Girls Club of Westminster building, located in Carroll County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
HB-1005: Creation of a State Debt - Carroll County - Boys and Girls Club of Westminster
Sponsored by: Rep.
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/10/2017
Developmental Disabilities Administration - Crisis Resolution and Crisis Prevention Services - Funding and Reporting [HB-984]
Requiring a specified report on the Waiting List Equity Fund to include information regarding individuals in the crisis resolution category of the waiting list for developmental disabilities services; establishing mandated appropriations for developmental disabilities community services; declaring the intent of the General Assembly that an individual, after receiving services provided with specified funds, continue to receive uninterrupted developmental disabilities services in accordance with the individual's needs; etc.
HB-984: Developmental Disabilities Administration - Crisis Resolution and Crisis Prevention Services - Funding and Reporting
Sponsored by: Rep. Tawanna Gaines
Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations; Withdrawn on 03/16/2017
Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore County - Morning Star Family Life Center [HB-1034]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $400,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the MSBC Five Star Program, Inc. and the Board of Trustees of Morning Star Baptist Church of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Morning Star Family Life Center, located in Baltimore County; prohibiting the use of the loan proceeds or matching fund for sectarian religious purposes; etc.
HB-1034: Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore County - Morning Star Family Life Center
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Sydnor
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/10/2017
Creation of a State Debt - Prince George's County - Champ House [HB-1004]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt in the amount of $50,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Champ House Recovery, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Champ House facilities, located in Prince George's County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds; etc.
HB-1004: Creation of a State Debt - Prince George's County - Champ House
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Vallario
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/10/2017
Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - Harambee House Community Outreach Center [HB-985]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $54,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Mount Olive Community Development Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Harambee House Community Outreach Center, located in Anne Arundel County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
HB-985: Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - Harambee House Community Outreach Center
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Busch
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/10/2017
Creation of a State Debt - Talbot County - Channel Marker Regional Wellness Center [SB-955]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $150,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Channel Marker Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, construction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Channel Marker Regional Wellness Center, located in Talbot County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
SB-955: Creation of a State Debt - Talbot County - Channel Marker Regional Wellness Center
Sponsored by: Sen. Adelaide Eckardt
Hearing 3/13 At 10:00 A.m. on 03/13/2017
Public Health - Auto-Injectable Epinephrine - Certification for Emergency Administration [SB-965]
Establishing requirements for an authorized entity to obtain and store a supply of auto-injectable epinephrine; prohibiting an authorized entity from obtaining and storing auto-injectable epinephrine unless the authorized entity has at least two employees who are certificate holders or specified affiliated individuals; requiring an authorized entity to maintain a copy of a specified certificate issued to a specified individual; etc.
SB-965: Public Health - Auto-Injectable Epinephrine - Certification for Emergency Administration
Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier
Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn on 03/02/2017
Health Occupations - Maryland Community Health Worker Act [SB-988]
Establishing the State Board of Community Health Workers; specifying the purpose and composition of the Board; providing that the role of community health workers does not include providing clinical services; specifying the term of a Board member; requiring the Governor to appoint a new member, within a specified time period, if a vacancy on the Board occurs; authorizing the Governor to remove a member of the Board under specified circumstances; requiring the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene to serve as the chair of the Board; etc.
SB-988: Health Occupations - Maryland Community Health Worker Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Rereferred To Health And Government Operations on 04/04/2017
Individuals With Disabilities - Establishing Community-Based Long-Term Services and Supports (Maryland Disability Integration Act) [SB-876]
Requiring public entities to provide community-based long-term services and supports to specified individuals; requiring the Department of Disabilities to adopt a comprehensive plan that includes a specific and reasonable time frame and that is funded from any source; requiring the Department to complete its comprehensive plan no later than a specified date; providing that public entities may not discriminate against individuals who require long-term services and supports by specified means; etc.
SB-876: Individuals With Disabilities - Establishing Community-Based Long-Term Services and Supports (Maryland Disability Integration Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn on 03/17/2017
You have voted SB-876: Individuals With Disabilities - Establishing Community-Based Long-Term Services and Supports (Maryland Disability Integration Act).
Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore County - Liberty Community Development Youth Center [HB-884]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $500,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Liberty Community Development Corporation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Liberty Community Development Youth Center, located in Baltimore County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
HB-884: Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore County - Liberty Community Development Youth Center
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrienne Jones
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/10/2017
Creation of a State Debt - Talbot County - St. Michaels Family YMCA [SB-824]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $500,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Young Men's Christian Association of the Chesapeake, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the St. Michaels Family YMCA facility, located in Talbot County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
SB-824: Creation of a State Debt - Talbot County - St. Michaels Family YMCA
Sponsored by: Sen. Adelaide Eckardt
Hearing 3/13 At 10:00 A.m. on 03/13/2017
Creation of a State Debt - Carroll County - Boys and Girls Club of Westminster [SB-840]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $150,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of The Boys & Girls Club of Westminster, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Boys and Girls Club of Westminster building, located in Carroll County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
SB-840: Creation of a State Debt - Carroll County - Boys and Girls Club of Westminster
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 3/11 At 2:00 P.m. on 03/11/2017
Creation of a State Debt - Prince George's County - Alpha House [SB-765]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $75,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the St. Matthews Housing Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Alpha House transitional housing facility, located in Prince George's County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
SB-765: Creation of a State Debt - Prince George's County - Alpha House
Sponsored by: Sen. Douglas Peters
Hearing 3/11 At 9:00 A.m. on 03/11/2017
Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Korean Community Service Center Branch Office [SB-729]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt in the amount of $265,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Korean Community Service Center of Greater Washington, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a branch office for the Korean Community Service Center, located in Montgomery County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds; etc.
SB-729: Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Korean Community Service Center Branch Office
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 3/13 At 10:00 A.m. on 03/13/2017
Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore County - Jewish Teen Advancement Program House [SB-741]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $100,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Jewish Teen Advancement Program, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Jewish Teen Advancement Program facility, located in Baltimore County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
SB-741: Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore County - Jewish Teen Advancement Program House
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Zirkin
Hearing 3/13 At 10:00 A.m. on 03/13/2017
Creation of a State Debt - Dorchester County - Chesapeake Grove Senior Housing and Intergenerational Center [SB-821]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $225,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Delmarva Community Services, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Chesapeake Grove Senior Housing and Intergenerational Center, located in Dorchester County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
SB-821: Creation of a State Debt - Dorchester County - Chesapeake Grove Senior Housing and Intergenerational Center
Sponsored by: Sen. Adelaide Eckardt
Hearing 3/13 At 10:00 A.m. on 03/13/2017
Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - The Bernie House [SB-785]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $150,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of The Bernie House, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of The Bernie House transitional housing facility, located in Anne Arundel County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
SB-785: Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - The Bernie House
Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle
Hearing 3/11 At 2:00 P.m. on 03/11/2017
Housing and Community Development - Community Development Program Act [SB-812]
Establishing the Community Development Program in the Department of Housing and Community Development; requiring the Department to administer the Program; establishing the Community Development Board in the Department; establishing the Community Development Fund to provide financial assistance to community development projects and community development organizations around the State; requiring the Board to report its recommendations and on the activities of the fund to the Governor and the General Assembly by December 31 of each year.
SB-812: Housing and Community Development - Community Development Program Act
Sponsored by: Sen. William Ferguson
Third Reading Passed (47-0) on 04/06/2017
Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Olney Boys and Girls Club Community Park Expansion [SB-770]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $150,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Olney Boys and Girls Community Sports Association, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping for the Olney Boys and Girls Club Community Park, located in Montgomery County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
SB-770: Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Olney Boys and Girls Club Community Park Expansion
Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Zucker
Hearing 3/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/11/2017