Home Energy Assistance - Critical Medical Needs Program - Power to the People Pilot Program [HB-938]
Requiring the Office of Home Energy Programs, in coordination with the United Way of Central Maryland and the Fuel Fund of Maryland, to establish the Power to the People Pilot Program on or before July 1, 2021, to expand access to the Critical Medical Needs Program; requiring the Pilot Program to provide training for certain individuals to serve as navigators under the Critical Medical Needs Program; requiring the United Way of Central Maryland to develop a certain screening intake process; etc.
HB-938: Home Energy Assistance - Critical Medical Needs Program - Power to the People Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Ned Carey
Favorable With Amendments Report By Finance on 03/18/2020
Sheila E. Hixson Behavioral Health Services Matching Grant Program for Service Members and Veterans - Establishment [SB-904]
Establishing the Sheila E. Hixson Behavioral Health Services Matching Grant Program for Service Members and Veterans; providing for the purpose of the Program; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to administer the Program; requiring the Program to award certain grants to nonprofit organizations to establish and expand certain community behavioral health programs; establishing a certain eligibility requirement; requiring an eligible nonprofit organization to secure certain contributions for the proposal; etc.
SB-904: Sheila E. Hixson Behavioral Health Services Matching Grant Program for Service Members and Veterans - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Hearing 2/18 At 1:00 P.m. (finance) on 02/05/2020
Racing and Community Development Act of 2020 [SB-987]
Requiring the State Racing Commission to establish the Equine Health, Safety, and Welfare Advisory Committee; requiring the owner of Bowie Race Course Training Center to convey the property to the City of Bowie in a certain manner; authorizing, subject to the approval of the Board of Public Works, the Maryland Stadium Authority to issue up to $375,000,000 of bonds for the redevelopment of certain racing facilities; requiring the Authority, before issuing certain bonds, to ensure certain agreements are executed; etc.
SB-987: Racing and Community Development Act of 2020
Sponsored by: Sen. William Ferguson
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 590 on 05/08/2020
Public Safety - Baltimore City - P.R.O.T.E.C.T. (Public Resources Organizing to End Crime Together) Program [SB-929]
Authorizing certain employees of certain State law enforcement agencies to enforce certain motor vehicle laws within Baltimore City under a certain memorandum of understanding; establishing the P.R.O.T.E.C.T. (Public Resources Organizing to End Crime Together) Program to maximize the use of available resources to combat neighborhood decline and support strategies to reduce crime in Baltimore City and the State; requiring the Department of Juvenile Services to submit a certain report to certain committees; etc.
SB-929: Public Safety - Baltimore City - P.R.O.T.E.C.T. (Public Resources Organizing to End Crime Together) Program
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/07/2020
Public Health – Demonstration Program and Developmental Disabilities [SB-959]
Establishing the State Advisory Council on Self-Directed Services; providing for the purposes of the Advisory Council; requiring the Advisory Council to take certain actions regarding certain matters; requiring the Advisory Council to submit a certain report to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 1 each year; requiring that certain waiver services include support broker services; etc.
SB-959: Public Health – Demonstration Program and Developmental Disabilities
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2020
Apprenticeship Maryland 2030 [SB-868]
Establishing the Career and Technology Education Committee; requiring the Committee to establish certain statewide goals for career and technical education; stating the purpose of the Career and Technology Education Innovation Grant in fiscal years 2021 or 2022; requiring the Committee to administer the Career and Technology Education Innovation Grant; extending the termination date for a certain tax credit; etc.
SB-868: Apprenticeship Maryland 2030
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. (education, Health, And Environmental Affairs) on 02/24/2020
Day Care Centers for the Elderly and Day Care Centers for Adults - Reimbursement [SB-965]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to reimburse day care centers for the elderly and day care centers for adults for a day of care even if the day care center could not provide the minimum 4 hours of care in a day because of a weather-related closure or a medical emergency experienced by the participant while at the center.
SB-965: Day Care Centers for the Elderly and Day Care Centers for Adults - Reimbursement
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelly Hettleman
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2020
Public Safety - Crime Plan and Law Enforcement Councils (Maryland State Crime Plan) [SB-907]
Establishing the Law Enforcement Coordinating Council to prevent and reduce crime by coordinating and focusing State resources and ensuring interagency communication and intelligence-sharing; requiring the Council to prepare a certain comprehensive crime plan for the State or for each region of the State; requiring the Council to meet twice each year; requiring the Governor, or a designee, to attend at least one Council meeting each year; requiring the Council to submit an annual report to the Governor and the General Assembly; etc.
SB-907: Public Safety - Crime Plan and Law Enforcement Councils (Maryland State Crime Plan)
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/07/2020
County Boards of Education - Pregnant and Parenting Students - Policies and Reports [SB-791]
Requiring each county board of education to establish a certain policy to support certain goals and improve the educational outcomes of pregnant and parenting students, collect and track certain data, and, on or before June 1 each year, beginning in 2021, submit the data in a certain manner to the University of Maryland Institute for Innovation and Implementation; requiring the Institute to analyze the data and submit certain reports to the General Assembly on or before June 30, 2022, and June 30, 2024; etc.
SB-791: County Boards of Education - Pregnant and Parenting Students - Policies and Reports
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Hearing 3/03 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2020
Public Health - Overdose and Infectious Disease Prevention Services Program [SB-990]
Authorizing the establishment of an Overdose and Infectious Disease Prevention Services Program by a community-based organization to provide a place for the consumption of preobtained drugs, provide sterile needles, administer first aid, and provide certain other services; providing that the Maryland Department of Health may approve not more than six programs, with two in urban areas, two in suburban areas, and two in rural areas, that operate at a single location in an area with a high incidence of drug use; etc.
SB-990: Public Health - Overdose and Infectious Disease Prevention Services Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2020
Prince George's County - Human Services - Family Connects Home Visiting Pilot Program [HB-878]
Establishing the Family Connects Home Visiting Pilot Program in Prince George's County to provide, improve, and study the effects of home visiting services for eligible households; defining "eligible household" as one located in Prince George's County that has a newborn who was delivered at a certain hospital; requiring the Prince George's County Department of Family Services, along with the Prince George's Child Resource Center, to begin the selection of eligible households to participate in the Program on or before September 1, 2020; etc.
HB-878: Prince George's County - Human Services - Family Connects Home Visiting Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Erek Barron
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 03/14/2020
State Coordinator for Autism Strategy and Advisory Stakeholder Group on Autism-Related Needs [HB-847]
Establishing the State Coordinator for Autism Strategy in the Department of Disabilities and the Advisory Stakeholder Group on Autism-Related Needs; requiring the State Coordinator, in consultation with the Advisory Stakeholder Group, to identify and evaluate certain services for individuals with autism and their families, develop a certain strategic plan by July 1, 2021, identify certain performance measures, and monitor and evaluate the implementation of the strategic plan and the State's success in addressing certain needs; etc.
HB-847: State Coordinator for Autism Strategy and Advisory Stakeholder Group on Autism-Related Needs
Sponsored by: Rep. Maggie McIntosh
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 341 on 05/08/2020
Historic Revitalization Tax Credit – Expansion – Rehabilitations of Common Elements of Condominiums and Cooperative Projects [HB-759]
Altering the definition of "small commercial project" under the historic revitalization tax credit program to include rehabilitations of structures that are condominiums and cooperative projects if the rehabilitations target only common elements of the condominiums or cooperative projects; requiring the Director of the Maryland Historical Trust, in consultation with the Smart Growth Subcabinet, to adopt regulations establishing application procedures for governing bodies of condominiums; etc.
HB-759: Historic Revitalization Tax Credit – Expansion – Rehabilitations of Common Elements of Condominiums and Cooperative Projects
Sponsored by: Rep. Maggie McIntosh
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 314 on 05/08/2020
Public Health – Behavioral Health Programs and Health Care Facilities – Safety and Community Relations Plans [SB-519]
Requiring that the regulations adopted by the Behavioral Health Administration under certain provisions of law governing requirements for the licensure of behavioral health programs include a requirement that a behavioral health program establish and implement a safety plan for the safety of the individuals served by behavioral health program before being issued a license; requiring a behavioral health program to establish and implement a community relations plan under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-519: Public Health – Behavioral Health Programs and Health Care Facilities – Safety and Community Relations Plans
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Hearing Canceled on 03/16/2020
Task Force on Oral Health in Maryland [SB-511]
Establishing the Task Force on Oral Health in Maryland to study access to dental services for all State residents, identify areas lacking in dental services for a significant number of people, identify barriers to receiving services, analyze the impact of barriers, assess options to eliminate barriers, and make recommendations on methods to increase access to dental services; requiring the Task Force to submit an interim report by May 1, 2021, and a final report by December 1, 2021, to certain committees of the General Assembly; etc.
SB-511: Task Force on Oral Health in Maryland
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Hearing 3/17 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/14/2020
Baltimore County - Behavioral Health - Hub and Spoke Pilot Program [HB-611]
Establishing the Baltimore County Hub and Spoke Pilot Program to offer and provide addiction treatment on demand through a model that offers ongoing opioid use disorder treatment integrated with general health and wellness services; requiring the Baltimore County Department of Health, in consultation with the Behavioral Health Administration in the Maryland Department of Health and certain stakeholders, to develop and implement the Program in a certain manner; requiring a report on the pilot program's results by October 1, 2023: etc.
HB-611: Baltimore County - Behavioral Health - Hub and Spoke Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/11/2020
Health Insurance – Provider Panels – Providers of Community–Based Health Services [HB-601]
Prohibiting a carrier from rejecting a provider who provides community-based health services for an accredited program because the provider practices within the scope of the provider's license and is a registered psychology associate; and altering the reason for which a carrier is prohibited from rejecting a certain provider for participation on the carrier's provider panel.
HB-601: Health Insurance – Provider Panels – Providers of Community–Based Health Services
Sponsored by: Rep. Steven Arentz
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 271 on 05/08/2020
Real Property - Regulation of Common Ownership Community Managers [HB-592]
Creating the State Board of Common Ownership Community Managers in the Maryland Department of Labor; providing for the composition of the Board, the appointment, terms, and expenses of Board members, and the powers, duties, and functions of the Board; requiring the Maryland Department of Labor to allocate not more than $100,000 for the establishment of the Board in fiscal year 2021; providing that the Act does not prohibit certain persons from providing services under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-592: Real Property - Regulation of Common Ownership Community Managers
Sponsored by: Rep. Marvin Holmes
Referred Judicial Proceedings on 03/16/2020
Electric Industry - Community Choice Energy - Pilot Program [HB-561]
Applying certain laws regarding net energy metering and community solar generating systems to customers served by a community choice aggregator; altering the circumstances under which counties and municipal corporations may act as an aggregator; establishing a certain Community Choice Aggregator Pilot Program; establishing a process by which, beginning on October 1, 2022, a certain county may form a community choice aggregator; requiring a certain county to develop a plan and give notice of a certain aggregation plan; etc.
HB-561: Electric Industry - Community Choice Energy - Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Referred Finance on 03/15/2020