HB-1214: As introduced, increases the number of days for an inspection of a footer to be considered performed timely from inspection within one working day of when the request is made to the inspector, to three working days. - Amends TCA Title 68.
Sponsored by: Rep. Barry Doss
Taken Off Notice For Cal. In Business And Utilities Committee on 04/01/2015
You have voted HB-1214: As introduced, increases the number of days for an inspection of a footer to be considered performed timely from inspection within one working day of when the request is made to the inspector, to three working days. - Amends TCA Title 68..
HB-1081: As introduced, expands the time in which the state fire marshal must provide recertification application forms to fire safety and building inspectors, from 60 days to 75 days prior to the expiration of the certification. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 66 and Title 68.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Lollar
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Business And Utilities Subcommittee Of Business And Utilities Committee on 03/24/2015
You have voted HB-1081: As introduced, expands the time in which the state fire marshal must provide recertification application forms to fire safety and building inspectors, from 60 days to 75 days prior to the expiration of the certification. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 66 and Title 68..
HB-787: As enacted, prohibits the requirement of fire sprinkler systems for townhouses; authorizes local governments to adopt mandatory sprinkler requirements for townhomes by local ordinance in same manner utilized for one-family and two-family dwellings. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 120.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Williams
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 378 on 05/18/2015
You have voted HB-787: As enacted, prohibits the requirement of fire sprinkler systems for townhouses; authorizes local governments to adopt mandatory sprinkler requirements for townhomes by local ordinance in same manner utilized for one-family and two-family dwellings. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 120..
HB-628: As introduced, exempts local jurisdictions that have an established codes department from audit of its records and transactions by the state fire marshal; removes provision of law stating that state building codes supersede all less stringent provisions of municipal ordinances. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 120.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Littleton
Action Def. In S/c State Government Subcommittee To 2016 on 04/01/2015
You have voted HB-628: As introduced, exempts local jurisdictions that have an established codes department from audit of its records and transactions by the state fire marshal; removes provision of law stating that state building codes supersede all less stringent provisions of municipal ordinances. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 120..
Public Safety - Building Codes - Balcony Railing Inspections (Jonathan's Law) [SB-401]
Requiring specified political subdivisions to require periodic inspections of specified multifamily dwellings with balcony railings to ensure that each balcony railing meets the requirements of the applicable local housing code or the Minimum Livability Code; authorizing specified political subdivisions to conduct the inspections, authorize a third party to conduct the inspections, or require a specified professional inspector to conduct and certify the inspections in a specified manner; etc.
SB-401: Public Safety - Building Codes - Balcony Railing Inspections (Jonathan's Law)
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Young
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 494 on 05/15/2014
Public Safety - Building Codes - Balcony Railing Inspections (Jonathan's Law) [HB-947]
Requiring specified political subdivisions to require periodic inspections of multifamily dwellings with specified balcony railings at least once every 5 years to ensure that each balcony railing meets the requirements of the applicable local housing code or the Minimum Livability Code; prohibiting Baltimore City from issuing or renewing a specified multiple-family dwelling license unless the applicant demonstrates that a professional inspector has completed a specified inspection; etc.
HB-947: Public Safety - Building Codes - Balcony Railing Inspections (Jonathan's Law)
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 495 on 05/15/2014
Thermal Energy - Task Force and Regulations [SB-797]
Establishing the Maryland Thermal Renewable Energy Credit Task Force; requiring the Task Force to analyze how to restructure the renewable energy portfolio standard to incorporate specified thermal energy sources; requiring the Task Force to make specified determinations and consider the impact of specified changes; requiring the Task Force to report findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 31, 2013; etc.
SB-797: Thermal Energy - Task Force and Regulations
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 322 on 05/02/2013
Public Safety - Building Codes - Balcony Inspections (Jonathan's Law) [SB-18]
Requiring a political subdivision to require inspections of multifamily dwellings with balconies at least every 10 years, beginning no later than 10 years after the balcony is constructed, to ensure that each balcony meets specified requirements; authorizing a political subdivision to conduct inspections, to authorize a third party to conduct inspections, or to require a specified professional inspector to conduct and certify the inspections in a specified manner; etc.
SB-18: Public Safety - Building Codes - Balcony Inspections (Jonathan's Law)
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Young
Third Reading Failed (21-25) on 03/14/2013
Public Safety - Building Codes - Balcony Inspections (Jonathan's Law) [HB-469]
Requiring a political subdivision to require inspections of specified multifamily dwellings with balconies at least every 10 years, beginning no later than 10 years after the balcony is constructed, to ensure that each balcony meets requirements of the local housing code or the Minimum Livability Code; authorizing a political subdivision to conduct inspections, authorize a third party to conduct the inspections, or require a professional inspector to conduct and certify the inspections in a specified manner; etc.
HB-469: Public Safety - Building Codes - Balcony Inspections (Jonathan's Law)
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Unfavorable Report By Environmental Matters Withdrawn on 03/18/2013
Thermal Energy - Task Force and Regulations [HB-1084]
Establishing the Maryland Thermal Renewable Energy Credit Task Force; requiring the Task Force to analyze how to restructure the renewable energy portfolio standard to incorporate specified thermal energy sources; requiring the Task Force to make specified determinations and consider the impact of specified changes; requiring the Task Force to report findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 31, 2013; etc.
HB-1084: Thermal Energy - Task Force and Regulations
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 323 on 05/02/2013
SB-2282: As enacted, specifies that the words "or fuel-fired appliances" in exception 2 of R501.3 of the 2012 IRC will be disregarded by any state or local government official in determining the applicability of the provision to any residential construction prior to January 1, 2016. - Amends TCA Section 68-120-101.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Powell
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 679 on 04/21/2014
You have voted SB-2282: As enacted, specifies that the words "or fuel-fired appliances" in exception 2 of R501.3 of the 2012 IRC will be disregarded by any state or local government official in determining the applicability of the provision to any residential construction prior to January 1, 2016. - Amends TCA Section 68-120-101..
SB-1749: As introduced, removes fire sprinkler requirements from places of worship under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 56, Chapter 19; Title 62, Chapter 32; Title 68, Chapter 102 and Title 68, Chapter 120.
Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Hill
P2c, Ref. To S. C&l Comm. on 01/23/2014
You have voted SB-1749: As introduced, removes fire sprinkler requirements from places of worship under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 56, Chapter 19; Title 62, Chapter 32; Title 68, Chapter 102 and Title 68, Chapter 120..
SB-1136: As introduced, places all responsibility for building standards and fire safety inspections on business occupancies and places of assembly in buildings less than three stories in height with certain local jurisdictions that have been approved by the state fire marshal to enforce codes inspections. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 120, Part 1.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gerald McCormick
P2c, Ref. To S. C&l Comm. on 02/06/2013
You have voted SB-1136: As introduced, places all responsibility for building standards and fire safety inspections on business occupancies and places of assembly in buildings less than three stories in height with certain local jurisdictions that have been approved by the state fire marshal to enforce codes inspections. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 120, Part 1..
SB-848: As enacted, for certain purposes, modifies the definition of the term "code" to include provisions relating to fire prevention measures. - Amends TCA Section 5-20-101(1).
Sponsored by: Sen. Bill Ketron
Pub. Ch. 145 on 04/24/2013
You have voted SB-848: As enacted, for certain purposes, modifies the definition of the term "code" to include provisions relating to fire prevention measures. - Amends TCA Section 5-20-101(1)..
SB-492: As enacted, updates electric safety code, from 2006 version to 2011 version, for electric-supply stations and lines. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 101.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ken Yager
Pub. Ch. 56 on 04/03/2013
You have voted SB-492: As enacted, updates electric safety code, from 2006 version to 2011 version, for electric-supply stations and lines. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 101..
SB-281: As introduced, makes various changes concerning a local government's ability to exempt itself from minimum statewide building construction safety standards. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 120.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bill Ketron
P2c, Ref. To S. C&l Comm. on 01/31/2013
You have voted SB-281: As introduced, makes various changes concerning a local government's ability to exempt itself from minimum statewide building construction safety standards. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 120..
HB-2163: As enacted, specifies that the words "or fuel-fired appliances" in exception 2 of R501.3 of the 2012 IRC will be disregarded by any state or local government official in determining the applicability of the provision to any residential construction prior to January 1, 2016. - Amends TCA Section 68-120-101.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Powell
Pub. Ch. 679 on 04/21/2014
You have voted HB-2163: As enacted, specifies that the words "or fuel-fired appliances" in exception 2 of R501.3 of the 2012 IRC will be disregarded by any state or local government official in determining the applicability of the provision to any residential construction prior to January 1, 2016. - Amends TCA Section 68-120-101..
HB-1649: As introduced, removes fire sprinkler requirements from places of worship under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 56, Chapter 19; Title 62, Chapter 32; Title 68, Chapter 102 and Title 68, Chapter 120.
Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Hill
Action Def. In S/c Local Government Subcommittee To Summer Study on 03/12/2014
You have voted HB-1649: As introduced, removes fire sprinkler requirements from places of worship under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 56, Chapter 19; Title 62, Chapter 32; Title 68, Chapter 102 and Title 68, Chapter 120..
HB-1119: As enacted, for certain purposes, modifies the definition of the term "code" to include provisions relating to fire prevention measures. - Amends TCA Section 5-20-101(1).
Sponsored by: Sen. Bill Ketron
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 145 on 04/24/2013
You have voted HB-1119: As enacted, for certain purposes, modifies the definition of the term "code" to include provisions relating to fire prevention measures. - Amends TCA Section 5-20-101(1)..
HB-876: As introduced, places all responsibility for building standards and fire safety inspections on business occupancies and places of assembly in buildings less than three stories in height with certain local jurisdictions that have been approved by the state fire marshal to enforce codes inspections. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 120, Part 1.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gerald McCormick
Assigned To S/c State Government Subcommittee on 02/13/2013
You have voted HB-876: As introduced, places all responsibility for building standards and fire safety inspections on business occupancies and places of assembly in buildings less than three stories in height with certain local jurisdictions that have been approved by the state fire marshal to enforce codes inspections. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 120, Part 1..