Protecting Local Business Opportunity Act [S.2686]
Protecting Local Business Opportunity Act This bill amends the National Labor Relations Act to allow two or more employers to be considered joint employers for purposes of the Act only if each shares and exercises control over essential terms and conditions of employment and such control over these matters is actual, direct, and immediate.
S.2686: Protecting Local Business Opportunity Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins
Committee On Small Business And Entrepreneurship. Hearings Held. on 06/16/2016
Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015 [S.269]
Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015 Expresses the sense of Congress that: it is U.S. policy that Iran not be allowed to develop or acquire nuclear weapon capabilities; Iran does not have an inherent right to enrichment and reprocessing capabilities under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; the goal of international negotiations with Iran should be to conclude a long-term comprehensive solution that will reverse the development of Iran's illicit nuclear infrastructure; and the United States should continue to impose sanctions
S.269: Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. on 01/27/2015
Protecting Workplace Advancement and Opportunity Act [S.2707]
Protecting Workplace Advancement and Opportunity Act This bill declares that the proposed or the final rule of the Department of Labor entitled "Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales and Computer Employees" shall cease to have any force or effect. The rule revises the "white collar" exemption of executive, administrative, professional, outside sales, and computer employees from minimum wage and maximum hour, or overtime, requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA). If the
S.2707: Protecting Workplace Advancement and Opportunity Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins
Committee On Small Business And Entrepreneurship. Hearings Held. on 05/11/2016
Combat-Injured Veterans Tax Fairness Act of 2016 [S.2712]
Combat-Injured Veterans Tax Fairness Act of 2016 This bill directs the Department of Defense (DOD) to identify: certain severance payments to veterans with combat-related injuries paid after January 17, 1991, from which DOD withheld amounts for tax purposes, and the individuals to whom such severance payments were made. DOD shall provide each such veteran with: notice of the amount of improperly withheld severance payments, and instructions for filing amended tax returns to recover such amount. The period for filing a related claim with the Internal
S.2712: Combat-Injured Veterans Tax Fairness Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Warner
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 03/17/2016
Separation of Powers Restoration Act of 2016 [S.2724]
Separation of Powers Restoration Act of 2016 This bill modifies the scope of judicial review of agency actions to authorize courts reviewing agency actions to decide de novo all relevant questions of law, including the interpretation of constitutional and statutory provisions and rules.
S.2724: Separation of Powers Restoration Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Chuck Grassley
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 03/17/2016
Iran Ballistic Missile Sanctions Act of 2016 [S.2725]
Iran Ballistic Missile Sanctions Act of 2016 This bill amends the Iran-Iraq Arms Non-Proliferation Act of 1992 to cover ballistic missile or related technology. The Iran Sanctions Act of 1996 is amended to: (1) extend the Act through December 31, 2031, and (2) require sanctions on Iran and related entities and persons for actions to acquire or develop ballistic missiles and launch technology. The Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 is amended to direct the President to report to Congress biannually on: (1) identified persons
S.2725: Iran Ballistic Missile Sanctions Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Rob Portman
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. on 03/17/2016
Iran Terrorism and Human Rights Sanctions Act of 2016 [S.2726]
Iran Terrorism and Human Rights Sanctions Act of 2016 This bill prescribes requirements for mandatory sanctions with respect to: Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and entities it owns in whole or in part, Mahan Air, Iran's support of terrorism, Iran's human rights abuses, certain Iranian individuals, persons who conduct transactions with or on behalf of certain Iranian individuals, and financial institutions that engage in certain transactions on behalf of persons involved in human rights abuses or that export sensitive technology to Iran.
S.2726: Iran Terrorism and Human Rights Sanctions Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Rob Portman
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 03/17/2016
Fallen Heroes Flag Act of 2016 [S.2755]
Fallen Heroes Flag Act of 2016 (Sec. 3) This bill allows the Representative or Senator of an immediate family member of a deceased firefighter, law enforcement officer, member of a rescue squad or ambulance crew, or public safety officer who died in the line of duty to give the family, on request, a Capitol-flown flag, together with a certificate, signed by the official providing the flag (the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Representative, or the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Senator), that contains an expression of
S.2755: Fallen Heroes Flag Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Signed By President. on 05/16/2016
Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act of 2016 [S.2763]
Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act of 2016 (Sec. 5) This bill allows civil claims or causes of action for the recovery of artwork or certain other property lost between January 1, 1933, and December 31, 1945, because of Nazi persecution to be commenced within six years after the claimant's actual discovery of: (1) the identity and location of the artwork or other property, and (2) a possessory interest in the artwork or property. Such statutory limitation period of six years after actual discovery preempts any other statutes of limitation or
S.2763: Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Chuck Grassley
By Senator Grassley From Committee On The Judiciary Filed Written Report. Report No. 114-394. on 12/06/2016