The bill, H. Res. 489, emphasizes the importance of immigrants and their contributions to the United States. It recognizes that America was founded as a safe haven for those fleeing religious and political persecution and that welcoming new people seeking freedom and livelihood has benefited the nation. The bill also highlights how immigration has shaped American history and propelled social, economic, political, scientific, cultural, artistic, and technological progress. It states that American patriotism is not defined by race or ethnicity but by dedication to equality, liberty, inclusion, and democracy, and by serving our communities and working for the common good. The bill condemns President Donald Trump's racist comments that have fueled fear and hatred towards immigrants and people of color. It asserts that immigrants and their descendants are as American as those who have lived in the United States for generations and expresses commitment to keeping America open to those seeking refuge and asylum from violence and oppression, regardless of their race, ethnicity, faith, or country of origin.