Social Security Fairness Act of 2011 [HB-1332]
Social Security Fairness Act of 2011 - Amends title II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) (OASDI) of the Social Security Act to repeal: (1) government pension offset requirements applicable to husband's and wife's insurance benefits, widow's and widower's insurance benefits, and mother's and father's insurance benefits with respect to OASDI payments; and (2) windfall elimination requirements with respect to computation of an individual's primary insurance amount.
HB-1332: Social Security Fairness Act of 2011
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Referred To The Subcommittee On Social Security. on 04/07/2011
To designate the City of Salem, Massachusetts, as the Birthplace of the National Guard of the United States. [HB-1339]
Designates Salem, Massachusetts, as the Birthplace of the National Guard of the United States. Directs the Chief of the National Guard Bureau to provide military ceremonial support at the dedication of any monument, plaque, or other official recognition celebrating such designation. Prohibits federal funds from being used in connection with such recognition.
HB-1339: To designate the City of Salem, Massachusetts, as the Birthplace of the National Guard of the United States.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Poe
Became Public Law No: 112-241. on 01/10/2013
Financial Crisis Criminal Investigation Act [HB-1350]
Financial Crisis Criminal Investigation Act - Authorizes appropriations for FY2011-FY2014 for the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to hire 1,000 FBI agents as well as additional forensic experts to investigate corporate, securities, and mortgage fraud, and associated violations of law relating to the U.S. financial markets. Authorizes the hiring also of additional employees by the Attorney General and by the Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Division of Enforcement to conduct related investigations and prosecutions.
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary, And In Addition To The Committee On Financial Services, For A Period To Be Subsequently Determined By The Speaker, In Each Case For Consideration Of Such Provisions As Fall Within The Jurisdiction Of The Committee Concerned. on 04/04/2011
United States Postal Service Pension Obligation Recalculation and Restoration Act of 2011 [HB-1351]
United States Postal Service Pension Obligation Recalculation and Restoration Act of 2011 - Prescribes the "average pay" and the appropriate percentage thereof to be used in determining annuities for civilian employment with the United States Postal Service (USPS) for purposes of provisions relating to future benefits attributable to such employment in order to calculate the amount of any USPS surplus or supplemental liability under the Civil Service Retirement System. Requires the Office of Personnel Management (OPM): (1) within six months after
HB-1351: United States Postal Service Pension Obligation Recalculation and Restoration Act of 2011
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Referred To The Subcommittee On Federal Workforce, U.s. Postal Service, And Labor Policy . on 04/08/2011
Advanced Vehicle Technology Act of 2011 [HB-1367]
Advanced Vehicle Technology Act of 2011 - Authorizes appropriations to the Secretary of Energy for research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of vehicles and related technologies for FY2012-FY2016. Directs the Secretary to: (1) conduct a program of basic and applied research, development, engineering, demonstration, and commercial application activities on materials, technologies, and processes with the potential to substantially reduce or eliminate petroleum use and related emissions of the nation's passenger and commercial
HB-1367: Advanced Vehicle Technology Act of 2011
Sponsored by: Rep. Gerald Connolly
Referred To The Subcommittee On Energy And Environment. on 04/07/2011
Fairness in Political Advertising Act of 2011 [HB-137]
Fairness in Political Advertising Act of 2011 - Amends the Communications Act of 1934 to require each licensee for a television broadcasting station to make available free broadcast time in each even-numbered year for political advertising. Provides standards for time allotment, including total time to be allotted, the length of each unit of such free time, the hours of the day and the time of the year in which such free time must be allowed, a limitation on such free time, and the use of such free time. Requires candidates meeting certain minimum
HB-137: Fairness in Political Advertising Act of 2011
Sponsored by: Rep. Marcy Kaptur
Referred To The Subcommittee On Communications And Technology. on 02/01/2011
Josh Miller HEARTS Act [HB-1377]
Josh Miller Helping Everyone Access Responsive Treatment in Schools Act of 2011 or Josh Miller HEARTS Act - Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to direct the Secretary of Education to award matching grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) to: (1) purchase automated external defibrillators (AEDs) for use in their schools, and/or (2) provide training to meet the grant requirement that at least five adult employees or volunteers at each school where an AED is to be used successfully complete training in its use and in cardiopulmonary
HB-1377: Josh Miller HEARTS Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Referred To The Subcommittee On Early Childhood, Elementary, And Secondary Education. on 04/15/2011
Ethics in Foreign Lobbying Act of 2011 [HB-138]
Ethics in Foreign Lobbying Act of 2011 - Amends the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to prohibit contributions and expenditures in federal elections by multicandidate political committees or separate segregated funds sponsored by foreign-controlled corporations and associations (at least 50% owned by a non-U.S. citizen or foreign national). Sets forth ownership and operating fund reporting requirements. Prohibits a foreign national from participating in the decision-making process of any person's election-related activities (such as those
HB-138: Ethics in Foreign Lobbying Act of 2011
Sponsored by: Rep. Marcy Kaptur
Referred To The Subcommittee On Elections. on 04/01/2011
New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions Act of 2011 [HB-1380]
New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions Act of 2011 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) allow an excise tax credit through 2016 for alternative fuels and fuel mixtures involving compressed or liquefied natural gas; (2) allow an income tax credit through 2016 for alternative fuel motor vehicles powered by compressed or liquefied natural gas and make Indian tribal governments eligible for such credit; (3) modify the tax credit percentage for alternative fuel vehicles fueled by natural gas or liquefied natural gas; (4) allow
HB-1380: New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions Act of 2011
Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Poe
Referred To The Committee On Ways And Means, And In Addition To The Committees On Science, Space, And Technology, And Energy And Commerce, For A Period To Be Subsequently Determined By The Speaker, In Each Case For Consideration Of Such Provisions As Fall Within The Jurisdiction Of The Committee Concerned. on 04/06/2011