Explanation of H. RES. 1314
Explanation of H. RES. 1314
This bill reaffirms the importance of the United States promoting the safety, health, and well-being of refugees and displaced persons both within the United States and around the world. It acknowledges significant international days related to refugees, provides statistics on the current global refugee crisis, and highlights the contributions of refugees to society.
The bill also emphasizes the need for comprehensive, fair, and humane policies to address forced migration and refugee challenges. It recognizes the bipartisan commitment of the United States to support refugees and asylum seekers, calls for the restoration of asylum protections, and urges government officials to uphold the nation's international leadership role in responding to displacement crises.
The bill further calls for cooperation with the international community to find solutions to conflicts, provide humanitarian assistance, and protect vulnerable refugee populations. It also stresses the importance of including refugees in policy discussions, meeting refugee admissions goals, and addressing barriers faced by refugees with disabilities.