S.3281: A bill to extend the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. (text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S5171) on 07/14/2016
Conservation Easement Incentive Act of 2015 [S.330]
Conservation Easement Incentive Act of 2015 Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) make permanent the tax deduction for charitable contributions by individuals and corporations of real property interests for conservation purposes, and (2) allow Native Corporations an increased tax deduction for donations of conservation easements related to lands conveyed under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.
S.330: Conservation Easement Incentive Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 02/02/2015
Clarification of Treatment of Electronic Sales of Livestock Act of 2016 [S.3350]
Clarification of Treatment of Electronic Sales of Livestock Act of 2016 This bill amends the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921 to expand the definition of "marketing agency" to include any person who engages in the business of buying or selling livestock, on a commission or other fee basis, through the use of online, video, or other electronic methods. The term "marketing agency" does not include a person whose annual average of online, video, or electronic sales of livestock, on a commission or other fee basis, is less than $250,000. The bill also
S.3350: Clarification of Treatment of Electronic Sales of Livestock Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Jon Tester
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Agriculture, Nutrition, And Forestry. on 09/15/2016
Providing Veterans Overdue Care Act of 2016 [S.3367]
Providing Veterans Overdue Care Act of 2016 This bill authorizes the Department of Veterans Affairs to carry out major medical facility leases in specified amounts for: outpatient clinics in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Daytona Beach, Florida, Gainesville, Florida, Hampton Roads, Virginia, Missoula, Montana, northern Colorado, Ocala, Florida, Oxnard, California, Pike County, Georgia, Portland, Maine, Raleigh, North Carolina, and Santa Rosa, California; an outpatient mental health clinic and an outpatient specialty clinic in Birmingham, Alabama; research
S.3367: Providing Veterans Overdue Care Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Veterans' Affairs. on 09/21/2016
FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 [S.337]
FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 (Sec. 2) This bill amends the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to: require federal agencies to make their disclosable records and documents available for public inspection in an electronic format; require agencies to make available for inspection in an electronic format records that have been requested three or more times (frequently requested records); prohibit an agency from charging a fee for providing records if the agency misses a deadline for complying with an FOIA request unless unusual circumstances apply and
S.337: FOIA Improvement Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Chuck Grassley
Became Public Law No: 114-185. (txt | Pdf) on 06/30/2016
A bill to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund. [S.338]
A bill to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Amends the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 to make permanent the authorization for the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Requires not less than 1.5% of the annual authorized funding amount or $10 million, whichever is greater, to be used for projects that secure recreational public access to existing federal public land for hunting, fishing, and other recreational purposes.
S.338: A bill to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins
Read The Second Time. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 10. on 02/03/2015
Museum and Library Services Act of 2016 [S.3391]
Museum and Library Services Act of 2016 This bill makes amendments to and reauthorizes the Museum and Library Services Act. The Institute of Museum and Library Services, under the 21st Century Museum Professional Program established by this bill, may enter into arrangements, including grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, and other forms of assistance, with museum, museum consortia and associations, institutions of higher education, and other entities that are determined appropriate, for projects that further the bill's purposes, such as projects
S.3391: Museum and Library Services Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Reed
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. (sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure: Cr S6042-6043) on 09/22/2016
Serving our Rural Veterans Act of 2016 [S.3403]
Serving our Rural Veterans Act of 2016 This bill authorizes payment by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for the costs associated with service by Veterans Health Administration medical residents and interns at facilities operated by Indian tribes, tribal organizations, or the Indian Health Service (covered facilities). The bill requires the VA to carry out a pilot program to establish graduate medical education residency training programs at such facilities that have an existing reimbursement agreement with the VA under the Indian Health Care
S.3403: Serving our Rural Veterans Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Jon Tester
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Veterans' Affairs. on 09/27/2016