DSH Reduction Relief Act of 2013 [HB-1920]
DSH Reduction Relief Act of 2013 - Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act (SSA) to delay from FY2014 to FY2016 commencement of the period during which the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) is required to pay to any "subsection (d) hospital": (1) 25% of the amount of the disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payment that would otherwise be made to it for the fiscal year, plus (2) an additional payment amount according to a specified formula. (Generally, a subsection [d] hospital is an acute care hospital, particularly
HB-1920: DSH Reduction Relief Act of 2013
Sponsored by: Rep. Gerald Connolly
Referred To The Subcommittee On Health. on 05/10/2013
Supporting Working Moms Act of 2013 [HB-1941]
Supporting Working Moms Act of 2013 - Amends the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to extend the requirement that certain employers provide reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child to bona fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity employees or outside salesmen who are exempt from federal labor laws that limit the number of hours in a workweek.
HB-1941: Supporting Working Moms Act of 2013
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr E632) on 05/09/2013
State Mineral Revenue Protection Act [HB-1972]
State Mineral Revenue Protection Act - Amends the Mineral Leasing Act to direct the Secretary of the Interior, on the request of a state (other than Alaska) and in lieu of any payments to the state under the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982, to convey to the state all right, title, and interest in and to 50% of all amounts otherwise required to be paid into the Treasury from sales, bonuses, royalties (including interest charges), and rentals for all public land or deposits located in the state. (Current law requires payment to
HB-1972: State Mineral Revenue Protection Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Coffman
Referred To The Subcommittee On Energy And Mineral Resources. on 05/21/2013
Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act [HB-1998]
Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act - Amends the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 to prohibit any person from importing, exporting, transporting, selling, receiving, acquiring, purchasing in interstate or foreign commerce, breeding, or possessing any prohibited wildlife species (current law prohibits importing, exporting, transporting, selling, receiving, acquiring, or purchasing such a species in interstate or foreign commerce). Includes among exemptions to such prohibition the breeding transportation, or possession of such species by authorized
HB-1998: Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Referred To The Subcommittee On Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans, And Insular Affairs. on 05/21/2013
Government By the People Act of 2014 [HB-20]
Government By the People Act of 2014 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to allow a refundable credit of 50% of qualified congressional House campaign contributions paid or incurred during the taxable year (contributions of cash by an individual to a House candidate or a political committee established and maintained by a national political party if the contribution is not prohibited under the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 [FECA], to be known as "My Voice Federal" contributions). Directs the Government by the People Oversight Commission,
HB-20: Government By the People Act of 2014
Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney
Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr H2246-2250) on 03/06/2014
Community College Energy Training Act of 2013 [HB-2029]
Community College Energy Training Act of 2013 - Directs the Secretary of Energy (DOE), in coordination with the Secretary of Labor, to create a program awarding grants to community colleges to provide workforce training and education in sustainable energy industries and practices, such as: (1) alternative energy; (2) high-performance green building construction, design, and redevelopment; (3) sustainable energy technologies; (4) water, energy, and resource conservation; (5) recycling and waste reduction; and (6) sustainable agriculture and farming.
HB-2029: Community College Energy Training Act of 2013
Sponsored by: Rep. Janice Schakowsky
Referred To The Subcommittee On Higher Education And Workforce Training. on 07/08/2013
Native American Psychiatric and Mental Health Care Improvement Act [HB-2037]
Native American Psychiatric and Mental Health Care Improvement Act - Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to award a five-year grant to one department of psychiatry in, or one non-profit entity affiliated with, an accredited medical school in this country to carry out a demonstration program to recruit, train, deploy, and professionally support psychiatric physicians who agree to provide primary and specialty health care services in Indian health programs for at least two years. Requires the grantee to: (1) create a nationally-replicable
HB-2037: Native American Psychiatric and Mental Health Care Improvement Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Referred To The Subcommittee Indian And Alaska Native Affairs. on 06/03/2013
Preserving America's Downtowns and Heritage Act of 2013 [HB-2042]
Preserving America's Downtowns and Heritage Act of 2013 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) increase the rate of the rehabilitation tax credit for commercial buildings and for certified historic structures, and (2) allow a new 20% rehabilitation tax credit for certified historic buildings used by a taxpayer as a principal residence.
HB-2042: Preserving America's Downtowns and Heritage Act of 2013
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Tonko
Referred To The House Committee On Ways And Means. on 05/17/2013
Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act Reauthorization of 2013 [HB-2068]
Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act Reauthorization of 2013 - Amends the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act (FLTFA) to reauthorize, until July 25, 2020, the program for the completion of appraisals and satisfaction of other legal requirements for the sale or exchange of public land identified for disposal under approved land use plans under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976. Directs the Secretary of the Interior to: (1) establish and maintain a database containing a comprehensive list of all of the public land identified
HB-2068: Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act Reauthorization of 2013
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Subcommittee Hearings Held. on 07/19/2013
Diagnostic Innovation Testing and Knowledge Advancement Act of 2013 [HB-2085]
Diagnostic Innovation Testing and Knowledge Advancement Act of 2013 - Sets forth additional factors for the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to consider in determining the payment amount for new clinical diagnostic laboratory tests under gapfilling procedures which are used when no comparable existing test is available. Directs the Secretary to convene an independent advisory panel to inform and make recommendations to the Secretary regarding any new test. Requires the Secretary to justify publicly the basis and rate determination for
HB-2085: Diagnostic Innovation Testing and Knowledge Advancement Act of 2013
Sponsored by: Rep. Leonard Lance
Referred To The Subcommittee On Health. on 06/03/2013