Retirement Freedom Act [HB-2108]
Allows an individual to opt out of Medicare hospital services benefits without also having to opt out of Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance benefits and without having to repay Medicare hospital services benefits already received. The bill also allows an individual to opt back in with no penalty.
HB-2108: Retirement Freedom Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Biggs
Introduced In House on 04/04/2019
Ensuring Quality in the Unemployment Insurance Program (EQUIP) Act [HB-1121]
Allows states to enact unemployment compensation laws that require an applicant for unemployment compensation, before receiving any such compensation, to (1) complete a substance abuse risk assessment, and (2) test negative for controlled substances within one week after the results of such assessment if determined to be high-risk. It prescribes retesting requirements and payment suspensions for applicants who test positive.
HB-1121: Ensuring Quality in the Unemployment Insurance Program (EQUIP) Act
Sponsored by: Rep. David Roe
Introduced In House on 02/08/2019
World War I Valor Medals Review Act [HB-2249]
Requires review of the service records of certain decorated World War I veterans to determine whether they should be awarded the Medal of Honor for valor during that war. Specifically, the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Navy shall review the records of any African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, Jewish American, or Native American war veteran who was recommended for review by a veterans service organization and who, for action that occurred between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918 was awarded the Distinguished Service
HB-2249: World War I Valor Medals Review Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Scalise
Referred To The Subcommittee On Military Personnel. on 04/11/2019
Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019 [HB-336]
Authorizes assistance and weapons transfers to Israel, and extends defense cooperation with Jordan. It establishes additional sanctions related to the conflict in Syria, and allows states to divest from entities boycotting Israel. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2019 The bill reauthorizes through FY2028 Foreign Military Financing to Israel. It extends loan guarantees to Israel through FY2023, and authorizes the President to transfer precision-guided munitions to the country. The bill directs the
HB-336: Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019
Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Johnson
Referred To The Subcommittee On Space And Aeronautics. on 02/12/2019
Opposing efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel and the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement targeting Israel. [HR-246]
This resolution opposes the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement and other efforts targeting Israel. The resolution urges both sides to return to direct negotiations and expresses support for a solution resulting in the state of Israel existing alongside a democratic Palestinian state. It also affirms the right of U.S. citizens to free speech, including the right to protest or criticize U.S. or foreign government policies.
HR-246: Opposing efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel and the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement targeting Israel.
Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney
Mr. Engel Moved To Suspend The Rules And Agree To The Resolution, As Amended. on 07/23/2019
You have voted HR-246: Opposing efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel and the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement targeting Israel..
A PLUS Act Academic Partnerships Lead Us to Success Act [HB-3149]
Creates a framework under which states may receive federal elementary and secondary education funds on a consolidated basis and use such funds for any educational purpose permitted by state law.
HB-3149: A PLUS Act Academic Partnerships Lead Us to Success Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney
Introduced In House on 06/05/2019
National Purple Heart Hall of Honor Commemorative Coin Act [HB-1830]
Directs the Department of the Treasury to mint and issue $5 gold coins, $1 silver coins, and half-dollar clad coins emblematic of the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor. The bill limits the issuance of such coins to the one-year period beginning on January 1, 2022. The bill prescribes surcharges for coin sales, which shall be paid to the National Purple Heart Honor Mission, Inc., to support the mission of such organization, including capital improvements to the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor facilities.
HB-1830: National Purple Heart Hall of Honor Commemorative Coin Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney
Became Public Law No: 116-247. (txt | Pdf) on 12/22/2020