Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act [HB-2299]
Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act - Amends the federal criminal code to prohibit transporting a minor child across a state line to obtain an abortion (deems such transporting to be a de facto abridgment of the right of a parent under any law in the minor’s state of residence that requires parental involvement in the minor’s abortion decision). Makes an exception for an abortion necessary to save the life of the minor. Makes it an affirmative defense to a prosecution or civil action under this Act that a defendant: (1) reasonably
Memorialize Our Guardsmen and Reservists Act [HB-2305]
Memorialize Our Guardsmen and Reservists Act - Directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) to make available for purchase a memorial headstone or marker for the marked or unmarked grave of: (1) an individual who performed inactive duty training or active duty for training as a member of a reserve component, but did not serve on active duty and is not otherwise ineligible for a memorial headstone or marker on account of the nature of the individual's separation from the Armed Forces or other cause; or (2) such an individual whose remains are unavailable.
HB-2305: Memorialize Our Guardsmen and Reservists Act
Sponsored by: Rep. James McGovern
Referred To The Subcommittee On Disability Assistance And Memorial Affairs. on 07/08/2011
SEC Regulatory Accountability Act [HB-2308]
SEC Regulatory Accountability Act - (Sec. 2) Amends the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to direct the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), before issuing a regulation, to: (1) identify and evaluate the significance of the problem that the proposed regulation is designed to address in order to assess whether any new regulation is warranted; (2) use the SEC Chief Economist to assess the costs and benefits of the intended regulation and adopt it only upon a reasoned determination that its benefits justify the costs; (3) identify and assess available
HB-2308: SEC Regulatory Accountability Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Walter Jones
Reported (amended) By The Committee On Financial Services. H. Rept. 112-453. on 04/25/2012
Department of Defense Textile and Apparel Procurement Fairness Act [HB-2312]
Department of Defense Textile and Apparel Procurement Fairness Act - Prohibits the Secretary of Defense from purchasing a textile or apparel product (an individual end item purchased by Department of Defense [DOD] or an item with an individual National Stock Number) for which Federal Prison Industries has a market share determined by the Secretary to be greater than 5% of the DOD market for the product. Prohibits Federal Prison Industries from: (1) submitting a DOD contract offer for any textile or apparel product reserved for small businesses;
HB-2312: Department of Defense Textile and Apparel Procurement Fairness Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Walter Jones
Referred To The House Committee On Armed Services. on 06/23/2011
HB-2313: To repeal the authority to provide certain loans to the International Monetary Fund, the increase in the United States quota in that Fund, and certain other authorities, and to rescind related appropriations.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Poe
Referred To The Subcommittee On International Monetary Policy And Trade. on 07/19/2011
You have voted HB-2313: To repeal the authority to provide certain loans to the International Monetary Fund, the increase in the United States quota in that Fund, and certain other authorities, and to rescind related appropriations..
Medal of Honor Stipend Increase Act [HB-2318]
Medal of Honor Stipend Increase Act - Authorizes the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA), subject to the availability of appropriations, to increase by up to $500 a month the rate of the Medal of Honor special pension.
HB-2318: Medal of Honor Stipend Increase Act
Sponsored by: Rep. H. Morgan Griffith
Referred To The Subcommittee On Disability Assistance And Memorial Affairs. on 07/08/2011
Southeastern Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2011 [HB-2321]
Southeastern Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2011 - Extends certain disaster-related tax relief provisions to the Southeastern disaster area. Defines "Southeastern disaster area" as an area with respect to which a major disaster has been declared by the President under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act due to severe storms, tornados, or flooding occurring after April 13, 2011, and before June 7, 2011, in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. Rescinds $12
HB-2321: Southeastern Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2011
Sponsored by: Rep. David Roe
Referred To The Committee On Ways And Means, And In Addition To The Committee On Appropriations, For A Period To Be Subsequently Determined By The Speaker, In Each Case For Consideration Of Such Provisions As Fall Within The Jurisdiction Of The Committee Concerned. on 06/23/2011
Eminent Domain Tax Relief Act of 2011 [HB-2327]
Eminent Domain Tax Relief Act of 2011 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to exclude from gross income gain from the conversion of property by reason of eminent domain.
HB-2327: Eminent Domain Tax Relief Act of 2011
Sponsored by: Rep. Steve King
Referred To The House Committee On Ways And Means. on 06/23/2011
Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act of 2011 [HB-2335]
Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act of 2011 - Amends the National Labor Relations Act to provide that any enterprise or institution owned and operated by an Indian tribe and located on its lands is not considered an employer (thus excluding such enterprises or institutions from coverage by such Act).
HB-2335: Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act of 2011
Sponsored by: Rep. Steve King
Referred To The Subcommittee On Health, Employment, Labor, And Pensions. on 09/08/2011
Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act of 2011 [HB-2337]
Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act of 2011 - Amends the Peace Corps Act to require the Director of the Peace Corps: (1) as part of the training provided to all volunteers, to develop and implement comprehensive sexual assault risk-reduction and response training that conforms to best practices in the sexual assault field; and (2) once a trainee has arrived in such trainee's country of service, to provide that individual with training tailored to such country, including cultural training relating to gender relations, risk-reduction strategies,
HB-2337: Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act of 2011
Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Poe
Committee Consideration And Mark-up Session Held. on 09/21/2011