Paycheck Fairness Act [S.182]
Paycheck Fairness Act - Amends the portion of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) known as the Equal Pay Act to revise remedies for, enforcement of, and exceptions to prohibitions against sex discrimination in the payment of wages. Revises the exception to the prohibition for a wage rate differential based on any other factor other than sex. Limits such factors to bona fide factors, such as education, training, or experience. States that the bona fide factor defense shall apply only if the employer demonstrates that such factor: (1) is not
S.182: Paycheck Fairness Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. Hearings Held. on 03/11/2010
Child Support Protection Act of 2009 [S.1859]
Child Support Protection Act of 2009 - Amends part D (Child Support and Establishment of Paternity) of title IV of the Social Security Act to repeal the exclusion from federal matching payments of any amounts expended by a state from child support incentive payments it has received from the Secretary of Health and Human Services. (Thus reinstates federal matching of state spending of child support incentive payments.)
S.1859: Child Support Protection Act of 2009
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr S10705-10706) on 10/22/2009
Credit Card Rate Freeze Act of 2009 [S.1927]
Credit Card Rate Freeze Act of 2009 - Prohibits a creditor, during a specified nine-month period, from: (1) increasing any annual percentage rate (APR), fee, or finance charge applicable to any outstanding balance of any credit card account under an open end consumer credit plan; or (2) changing the terms governing repayment of any outstanding balance, except as permitted by the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009. Authorizes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to prescribe implementing regulations.
S.1927: Credit Card Rate Freeze Act of 2009
Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Reed
Read The Second Time. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 189. on 10/27/2009
Agent Orange Equity Act of 2009 [S.1939]
Agent Orange Equity Act of 2009 - Includes as part of the Republic of Vietnam, for purposes of the presumption of service connection for diseases associated with exposure by veterans to certain herbicide agents while in Vietnam, such Republic's inland waterways, ports, and harbors, waters offshore, and airspace above. Includes as veterans eligible for such presumption those who: (1) served on Johnston Island during the period beginning on April 1, 1972, and ending on September 30, 1977; or (2) received the Vietnam Service Medal or the Vietnam Campaign
S.1939: Agent Orange Equity Act of 2009
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Committee On Veterans' Affairs. Hearings Held. on 05/19/2010
Global Child Survival Act of 2009 [S.1966]
Global Child Survival Act of 2009 - Amends the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to authorize the President to furnish assistance to reduce mortality and improve the health of newborns, children, and mothers in developing countries and to support efforts to strengthen systems of maternal, newborn, and child health services and link the formal health system with communities. Directs the President to develop a comprehensive strategy to reduce mortality and improve the health of newborns, children, and mothers, including reducing newborn, child, and maternal
S.1966: Global Child Survival Act of 2009
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr S11196-11197) on 11/05/2009
Prevention First Act [S.21]
Prevention First Act - Title X Family Planning Services Act of 2009 - Authorizes appropriations for family planning services grants and contracts under the Public Health Service Act (PHSA). Equity in Prescription Insurance and Contraceptive Coverage Act of 2007 [sic]- Amends the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and PHSA to prohibit a group health plan from excluding or restricting benefits for prescription contraceptive drugs, devices, and outpatient services if the plan provides benefits for other outpatient prescription
S.21: Prevention First Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Reed
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. (text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S47-53) on 01/06/2009
United States Marshals Service 225th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act [S.2106]
United States Marshals Service 225th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act - Directs the Secretary of the Treasury, in commemoration of the 225th anniversary of the establishment of the United States Marshals Service, to mint and issue $5 gold and $1 silver coins emblematic of the 225 years of exemplary and unparalleled achievements of the U.S. Marshals Service. Requires all such coin sales to include a surcharge of: (1) $35 per $5 coin; and (2) $10 per $1 coin. Requires distribution of the first $5 million to the Director of the United States Marshals
S.2106: United States Marshals Service 225th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Cardin
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. on 10/29/2009
Calling for 2-1-1 Act of 2009 [S.211]
Calling for 2-1-1 Act of 2009 - Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award a grant to each state to carry out a program for making available throughout that state the 2-1-1 telephone service for information and referral on human services. Requires a participating state to ensure that at least 50% of the resources of the program funded by the grant will be derived from other sources. Requires a state seeking a grant to carry out its activities through a lead entity to be known as a 2-1-1 Collaborative. Requires grant amounts to be
S.211: Calling for 2-1-1 Act of 2009
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. on 01/12/2009
National Women's History Museum Act of 2009 [S.2129]
National Women's History Museum Act of 2009 - (Sec. 3) Directs the Administrator of General Services (GSA) to convey, by quitclaim deed, to the National Women's History Museum, Inc. (the Museum) specified property in the District of Columbia, on terms which the Administrator deems appropriate. Requires the terms and conditions of the conveyance to address, among other things, mitigation of developmental impacts to existing federal buildings and structures, security concerns, and operational protocols for development and use of the property. Requires
S.2129: National Women's History Museum Act of 2009
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins
Committee On Environment And Public Works. Reported By Senator Boxer With Amendments. With Written Report No. 111-216. on 06/28/2010