Ensuring Access to Primary Care for Women & Children Act [S.4088]
Temporarily applies a Medicare payment rate floor to Medicaid primary care services that are provided after the date of enactment of the bill or during a public health emergency, extends the payment rate to additional types of practitioners (e.g., obstetricians), and establishes other requirements with respect to payment for such services.
S.4088: Ensuring Access to Primary Care for Women & Children Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Blumenthal
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 06/25/2020
Removing Confederate Names and Symbols from Our Military Act of 2020 [S.4076]
Requires the Department of Defense (DOD) to remove from its property, and prohibits DOD from using or displaying in the future, any name, symbol, display, monument, or paraphernalia that honors or commemorates the Confederacy or anyone who served voluntarily with the Confederacy. The removal requirement does not apply to grave markers.
S.4076: Removing Confederate Names and Symbols from Our Military Act of 2020
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Armed Services. on 06/25/2020
Background Check Completion Act of 2020 [S.4068]
Prohibits a licensed gun dealer from transferring a firearm to an unlicensed person prior to the completion of a background check. Current law permits a licensed gun dealer to transfer a firearm to an unlicensed person if a submitted background check remains incomplete after three business days.
S.4068: Background Check Completion Act of 2020
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 06/25/2020
Coronavirus Child Care and Education Relief Act [S.4112]
Provides approximately $430 billion in FY2020 appropriations for child care, child abuse prevention and treatment, elementary and secondary education, postsecondary education, and career and technical education in response to the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) public health emergency. The amounts provided by the bill are designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (PAYGO) and the Senate PAYGO rule.
S.4112: Coronavirus Child Care and Education Relief Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. on 06/30/2020
SR-638: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the Department of Justice should defend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148 Stat. 119) and halt its efforts to repeal, sabotage, or undermine health care protections for millions of people in the United States in the midst of the public health emergency relating to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 06/30/2020
You have voted SR-638: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the Department of Justice should defend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148 Stat. 119) and halt its efforts to repeal, sabotage, or undermine health care protections for millions of people in the United States in the midst of the public health emergency relating to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)..
SR-644: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States Postal Service should remain a strong and universal service for the people of the United States, and should receive an appropriation to offset revenues lost due to the COVID-19 emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Referred To The Committee On Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs. on 07/01/2020
You have voted SR-644: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States Postal Service should remain a strong and universal service for the people of the United States, and should receive an appropriation to offset revenues lost due to the COVID-19 emergency..
Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act [S.3599]
Makes previously unused immigrant visas available to nurses and physicians who petition for such a visa before the date that is 90 days after the end of the declared national emergency relating to the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) outbreak. The number of visas available shall be the total number of unused employment-based immigrant visas from FY1992-FY2020, up to 40,000. Of such visas, 25,000 shall be reserved for nurses and 15,000 for physicians. Certain family members may accompany the principal beneficiary of a visa provided under
S.3599: Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 05/05/2020