Rep. Steve Bergquist


District HD-011B
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 48

Sponsored Legislation

State (Washington)
Washington 2021-2022 Regular Session

Using the taxation of vapor products to fund additional tobacco and vapor use prevention and cessation programs and services. [HB-1676]
Using the taxation of vapor products to fund additional tobacco and vapor use prevention and cessation programs and services.


Sponsored by: Sen. Marcus Riccelli Scheduled For Public Hearing In The House Committee On Finance At 8:00 Am In Anticipation Of Other Legislative Action. on 01/13/2022

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State (Washington)
Washington 2021-2022 Regular Session

Allowing providers to bill separately for immediate postpartum contraception. [HB-1651]
Allowing providers to bill separately for immediate postpartum contraception.


Sponsored by: Sen. Noel Frame Effective Date 6/9/2022. on 03/24/2022

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State (Washington)
Washington 2021-2022 Regular Session

Permitting funds in the transportation vehicle fund to be used for electric and other clean pupil transportation vehicle feasibility planning and fueling station infrastructure. [HB-1644]
Permitting funds in the transportation vehicle fund to be used for electric and other clean pupil transportation vehicle feasibility planning and fueling station infrastructure.


Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Tharinger Effective Date 6/9/2022. on 03/30/2022

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State (Washington)
Washington 2021-2022 Regular Session

Concerning the Washington national guard postsecondary education grant program. [HB-1642]
Concerning the Washington national guard postsecondary education grant program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Sullivan Effective Date 6/9/2022. on 03/17/2022

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State (Washington)
Washington 2021-2022 Regular Session

Establishing restrictions on the possession of weapons in certain locations. [HB-1630]
Establishing restrictions on the possession of weapons in certain locations.


Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Tharinger Governor Signed. on 03/23/2022

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State (Washington)
Washington 2021-2022 Regular Session

Advancing equity in programs for highly capable students. [HB-1611]
Advancing equity in programs for highly capable students.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Sullivan By Resolution, Returned To House Rules Committee For Third Reading. on 03/10/2022

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State (Washington)
Washington 2021-2022 Regular Session

Increasing public school participation in the community eligibility provision of the United States department of agriculture. [HB-1878]
Increasing public school participation in the community eligibility provision of the United States department of agriculture.


Sponsored by: Rep. Timm Ormsby Effective Date 3/4/2022. on 03/04/2022

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State (Washington)
Washington 2021-2022 Regular Session

Concerning participating in insurance plans and contracts by separated plan 2 members of certain retirement systems. [HB-1911]
Concerning participating in insurance plans and contracts by separated plan 2 members of certain retirement systems.


Sponsored by: Sen. Marcus Riccelli Returned To Rules Committee For Second Reading. on 02/22/2022

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State (Washington)
Washington 2021-2022 Regular Session

Providing a monthly diaper subsidy for parents or other caregivers receiving temporary assistance for needy families. [HB-1947]
Providing a monthly diaper subsidy for parents or other caregivers receiving temporary assistance for needy families.


Sponsored by: Rep. Timm Ormsby Referred To Appropriations. on 02/01/2022

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State (Washington)
Washington 2021-2022 Regular Session

Honoring Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior. [HR-4635]
Honoring Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Sullivan Introduced. on 01/17/2022

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