Senate Joint Resolution No. 29: Allow No-Excuse Absentee Voting
This bill is a resolution that proposes an amendment to the State Constitution of Connecticut. The amendment would allow for "no-excuse" absentee voting, meaning that qualified voters would be able to vote by absentee ballot without having to provide a specific reason for being unable to vote in person at the polling place.
In the previous regular session of the General Assembly in 2021, a resolution proposing this amendment was approved by a majority, but not by the required three-fourths of the total membership of each house. As per the Constitution, the proposed amendment was published and carried over to the current regular session of the General Assembly.
Proposed Amendment
Section 7 of article sixth of the Constitution would be amended to allow the general assembly to make laws for voting by qualified voters who are unable to appear at the polling place on election day. The previous reasons for being unable to vote in person (absence from the city/town, sickness/physical disability, or religious reasons) would no longer be necessary.
Next Steps
The proposed amendment will be continued to the next session of the General Assembly, which will be elected on November 8, 2022. It will be published with the laws passed at the current session and presented to the electors at the general election to be held on November 8, 2022. If approved, the amendment will be added to the State Constitution.
This resolution approves the proposed amendment and authorizes its presentation to the electors at the general election on November 5, 2024.