An Act Concerning Municipal Elections. [SB-353]
To require each municipality to hold its biennial municipal election in November, unless a two-thirds vote of such municipality's legislative body decides that such election shall be held in May.
SB-353: An Act Concerning Municipal Elections.
Sponsored by: Jnt.
Moved To Foot Of The Calendar, Senate on 05/26/2021
An Act Expanding Automatic Application For Voter Registration To Certain State Agencies. [HB-5872]
To (1) establish automatic application for voter registration at certain state agencies that currently make available voter registration information, and (2) create a presumption that any removal from a party enrollment list through such automatic application for voter registration was unintentional.
HB-5872: An Act Expanding Automatic Application For Voter Registration To Certain State Agencies.
Sponsored by: Jnt.
Public Hearing 03/19 on 03/15/2021
An Act Concerning Absentee Ballots For Certain Detained Individuals. [HB-5651]
To allow certain individuals detained in correctional facilities to submit absentee ballot applications and be able to cast an absentee ballot if they expect to be unable to appear at the polling place on the day of any election, primary or referendum.
HB-5651: An Act Concerning Absentee Ballots For Certain Detained Individuals.
Sponsored by: Jnt.
Public Hearing 03/19 on 03/15/2021
An Act Concerning A Disparity Study. [SB-1052]
To require the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, in consultation with the Department of Administrative Services, to issue a request for proposals for the conducting of a disparity study.
SB-1052: An Act Concerning A Disparity Study.
Sponsored by: Jnt.
Reported Out Of Legislative Commissioners' Office on 04/14/2021