Saving America's Pollinators Act of 2015 [HB-1284]
Saving America's Pollinators Act of 2015 This bill requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to suspend the registration of members of the nitro group of neonicotinoid insecticides that are registered under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) for use in seed treatment, soil application, or foliar treatment on bee-attractive plants, trees, and cereals until the EPA determines that the insecticides will not cause unreasonable adverse effects on pollinators. The determination must be based on: an evaluation of the
HB-1284: Saving America's Pollinators Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Referred To The Subcommittee On Biotechnology, Horticulture, And Research. on 03/23/2015
Child Tax Credit Permanency Act of 2015 [HB-1286]
Child Tax Credit Permanency Act of 2015 This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code, with respect to the child tax credit, to: (1) adjust the earned income threshold for determining the amount of the refundable portion of such credit, and (2) provide for an inflation adjustment to the $1,000 credit amount for calendar years after 2013.
HB-1286: Child Tax Credit Permanency Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Introduced In House on 03/04/2015
John Muir National Historic Site Expansion Act [HB-1289]
John Muir National Historic Site Expansion Act The Department of the Interior may acquire by donation approximately 44 acres of land to include in the John Muir National Historic Site in Martinez, California. The acquired land shall be administered as part of such site.
HB-1289: John Muir National Historic Site Expansion Act
Sponsored by: Rep. James Langevin
Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 584. on 08/30/2016
Income Equity Act of 2015 [HB-1305]
Income Equity Act of 2015 Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) deny employers a tax deduction for payments of excessive compensation to any full-time employee (i.e., compensation for services exceeding the greater of 25 times the median compensation paid to full-time employees during such taxable year or $500,000); and (2) require such employers to file a report with the Secretary of the Treasury on excessive compensation (as defined by this Act) paid to their employees. Defines "compensation" to include wages, salary, deferred compensation,
HB-1305: Income Equity Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Lee
Introduced In House on 03/04/2015
Economy in Motion: The National Multimodal and Sustainable Freight Infrastructure Act [HB-1308]
Economy in Motion: The National Multimodal and Sustainable Freight Infrastructure Act Directs the Secretary of Transportation to: (1) establish a Multimodal Freight Funding Formula Program to distribute funds to states, and a National Freight Infrastructure Competitive Grant Program to make grants to entities for projects, to improve the efficiency and reliability of freight movement in the United States; (2) establish a multimodal national freight network to accomplish the goals of the national freight policy, including increasing the productivity
HB-1308: Economy in Motion: The National Multimodal and Sustainable Freight Infrastructure Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Earl Blumenauer
Referred To The Subcommittee On Aviation. on 03/05/2015
National Health Service Corps Improvement Act of 2015 [HB-1312]
National Health Service Corps Improvement Act of 2015 This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to include optometry services in primary health services for purposes of the National Health Service Corps. Optometrists are eligible for the fellowship program for the delivery of primary health services in health professional shortage areas, the National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program, and the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program.
HB-1312: National Health Service Corps Improvement Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney
Referred To The Subcommittee On Health. on 03/06/2015
Home Health Care Planning Improvement Act of 2015 [HB-1342]
Home Health Care Planning Improvement Act of 2015 Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act to revise conditions of and limitations on payment for home health care services. Allows payment for home health services to Medicare beneficiaries by: (1) a nurse practitioner, (2) a clinical nurse specialist working in collaboration with a physician in accordance with state law, (3) a certified nurse-midwife, or (4) a physician assistant under a physician's supervision.
HB-1342: Home Health Care Planning Improvement Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney
Referred To The Subcommittee On Health. on 03/18/2015
Redistricting Transparency Act of 2015 [HB-1346]
Redistricting Transparency Act of 2015 Requires states to carry out congressional redistricting in accordance with a process under which members of the public are informed of redistricting proposals via the Internet and have the opportunity to participate in the development of such proposals prior to their adoption. Requires each state redistricting entity to establish and maintain a public Internet site meeting specified requirements. Requires the state redistricting entity to: (1) solicit the input of members of the public in its work to develop
HB-1346: Redistricting Transparency Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Rep. Gerald Connolly
Referred To The Subcommittee On The Constitution And Civil Justice. on 03/31/2015
Permanently Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act of 2015 [HB-1354]
Permanently Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act of 2015 This bill amends the Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act of 2009 to repeal its sunset date December 31, 2014 (thus making the Act permanent). This bill restores and revives such Act, the provisions of law amended or repealed by it, and any regulations promulgated pursuant to it, as were in effect on December 31, 2014, as if the sunset had not taken effect.
HB-1354: Permanently Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Introduced In House on 03/13/2015
Women Veterans Access to Quality Care Act of 2015 [HB-1356]
Women Veterans Access to Quality Care Act of 2015 Directs the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to: (1) establish standards to ensure that all VA medical facilities have the structural characteristics necessary to adequately meet the gender-specific health care needs of veterans at such facilities, including privacy, safety, and dignity; (2) integrate such standards into its prioritization methodology with respect to requests for funding major medical facility projects and major medical facility leases; and (3) report on such standards, including
HB-1356: Women Veterans Access to Quality Care Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney
Referred To The Subcommittee On Health. on 03/19/2015