An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Weapons. [HB-124]
Importers, manufacturers and dealers of destructive weapons are licensed and regulated under Federal law. Under existing Delaware law, importers, manufacturers and dealers of destructive weapons are not permitted to deliver them to purchasers in Delaware who are otherwise permitted to own such weapons, such as military or police forces. This Bill will permit properly licensed importers, manufacturers and dealers to possess and store destructive weapons in this State and engage in activities associated with the sale and delivery of such weapons to
HB-124: An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Weapons.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Outten
Passed By House. Votes: 32 Yes 7 No 2 Absent on 06/27/2018
An Act To Amend Title 4 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Direct Purchasing And Shipment Of Wine. [HB-165]
This Act permits wine producers holding a valid license within this State or another state to obtain a license and ship wine directly to Delaware consumers so long as it is done through a common carrier with a carrier permit. This Act requires that wine producers pay the taxes normally due for wines; limits the amount of wine that a direct shipper of wine can sell to a single household to 3 9-liter cases per year; and limits the total amount of wine that the direct shipper of wine can ship directly to Delaware consumers to 1,800 9-liter cases annually.
HB-165: An Act To Amend Title 4 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Direct Purchasing And Shipment Of Wine.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Hocker
Defeated By House. Votes: 19 Yes 21 No 1 Absent on 06/30/2018
An Act To Amend Title 11 Relating To Illegal Purchases Of Firearms. [HB-174]
This Act raises the first offense of purchasing or obtaining a firearm for someone not legally qualified to own, possess or purchase one from a Class F to a Class E Felony. This change is to deter such "straw purchases" by making jail time more likely for the offender, and consequently, to reduce the number of people who cannot legally possess firearms but obtain them in this manner.
HB-174: An Act To Amend Title 11 Relating To Illegal Purchases Of Firearms.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gary Simpson
Signed By Governor on 04/18/2018
An Act To Amend Title 7 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Coastal Zone Act. [HB-190]
This Act, which shall be known as the Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act, makes changes to the Coastal Zone Act (CZA), which has not been significantly updated since its enactment almost a half century ago. The CZA, enacted in 1971, has enabled Delaware to preserve and protect our coastline, one of Delawares greatest natural resources. However, the CZA has also allowed property that has been in use by heavy industry for nearly 50 years, most suitable for similar industrial uses, to go unused unless the owner is willing to engage in the same heavy
HB-190: An Act To Amend Title 7 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Coastal Zone Act.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Outten
Signed By Governor on 08/02/2017