An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To End Of Life Options. [HB-160]
The Delaware End of Life Options Act provides an additional option which terminally ill adults nearing their death can decide to select, to lessen their pain and suffering. The bill clarifies the procedures necessary for making the request, including 1) the presentation of all end of life options which include comfort care, hospice care, and pain control, 2) a physicians evaluation, 3) medical confirmation by a second physician, 4) psychiatric/psychological counseling when indicated, 5) the passage of two waiting periods, and 6) the completion of
HB-160: An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To End Of Life Options.
Sponsored by: Sen. Margaret Henry
Amendment Ha 2 To Hb 160 - Introduced And Placed With Bill on 01/19/2018
An Act To Amend Title 11, 16 And 29 Of The Delaware Code Related To Dangerous Animals And Animal Welfare Laws. [HB-173]
This bill further consolidates animal welfare law enforcement roles and responsibilities under Title 16. The Office of Animal Welfare enforces all animal control and animal cruelty laws of this state. Upon the transfer of such responsibilities to the Office of Animal Welfare, officers were given greater enforcement authority than previously assigned under the Delaware State Constable Board. As such, animal welfare officers were removed from the Boards oversight and the additional laws enforced previously as constables need to be added to the section
HB-173: An Act To Amend Title 11, 16 And 29 Of The Delaware Code Related To Dangerous Animals And Animal Welfare Laws.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Wilson
Signed By Governor on 07/21/2017
An Act To Amend Title 11 Relating To Illegal Purchases Of Firearms. [HB-174]
This Act raises the first offense of purchasing or obtaining a firearm for someone not legally qualified to own, possess or purchase one from a Class F to a Class E Felony. This change is to deter such "straw purchases" by making jail time more likely for the offender, and consequently, to reduce the number of people who cannot legally possess firearms but obtain them in this manner.
HB-174: An Act To Amend Title 11 Relating To Illegal Purchases Of Firearms.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gary Simpson
Signed By Governor on 04/18/2018
An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Responses To Child Abuse And Neglect. [HB-181]
This Act makes updates to how reports of child abuse and neglect are handled by the various members of the multidisciplinary team. The Act codifies the multidisciplinary team and case. The Act adds additional duties to the Investigation Coordinator, law enforcement, the Department of Justice and the Division of Family Services that are current best practices but not required by law. The Act reorganizes the section pertaining to the Division of Family Services to reflect current best practices. The Act allows nurse practitioners to take emergency
HB-181: An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Responses To Child Abuse And Neglect.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Signed By Governor on 08/30/2017
An Act To Amend Titles 16 And 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Responses To Child Abuse And Neglect. [HB-182]
This bill clarifies that the reviews of child abuse and neglect deaths and near deaths are confidential and should not be used in any proceedings. It ensures that the committees and panels who do the work on behalf of the Child Protection Accountability Commission are protected. Finally, the bill clarifies that any duties of the State for public disclosure in these cases under the federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act will not be fulfilled by these confidential reviews conducted by the Commission as Delawares Citizen Review Panel.
HB-182: An Act To Amend Titles 16 And 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Responses To Child Abuse And Neglect.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Wilson
Signed By Governor on 08/30/2017
An Act To Amend Title 23 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Board Of Pilot Commissioners. [HB-184]
This bill adds to the requirements for licensure as a River Pilot Apprentice that an applicant not have been convicted of a crime substantially related to the practice of river piloting. This bill empowers the Board of Pilot Commissioners to waive such a disqualifier to licensure if it finds that the applicant is otherwise capable of practicing in a safe and competent manner, and the granting of a waiver will not endanger the public health, safety, or welfare. This language tracks that which is already included in most Title 24 boards statutes.
HB-184: An Act To Amend Title 23 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Board Of Pilot Commissioners.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Ramone
Signed By Governor on 07/11/2018