An Act To Amend Title 18 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Dental Insurance And Children With Severe Disabilities. [SB-65]
Parents of children with severe disabilities experience difficulty in identifying practitioners willing and able to provide effective dental care. Children with autism or mental deficiency are often uncooperative with treatment. Children with postural or mobility impairments may be unable to transfer from a wheelchair or sit in a standard dental treatment chair. Strict application of “in-network” insurance restrictions exacerbates the parents dilemma since there may be no nearby in-network dentist willing and able to treat their child. When parents
SB-65: An Act To Amend Title 18 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Dental Insurance And Children With Severe Disabilities.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Signed By Governor on 06/25/2009
An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Health And Safety. [SB-66]
This Act establishes a Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Prevention Program within the Division of Public Health. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in this state and stoke is the third leading cause of death. The intent of this act is to reduce to incidence of cardiovascular disease and stroke in Delaware through the creation of a state program to promote health education, public awareness and community outreach activities and to improve access to treatment for and prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
SB-66: An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Health And Safety.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Hocker
Amendment Sa 1 - Introduced And Placed With The Bill In Senate on 05/05/2009
An Act To Amend Title 14 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Student Assessment And Academic Promotion. [SB-68]
This legislation eliminates the DSTP, and requires its replacement beginning in the 2010-2011 school year with a test administered at a minimum in each grade level 2 through 10 at the beginning of the school year and at least one more time later in the year, to assess student progress over the course of the year as well as providing a benchmark for student, school, and district achievement. This new testing regimen will allow a student’s performance on state assessments to be based upon the student’s best results from the multiple assessments performed
SB-68: An Act To Amend Title 14 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Student Assessment And Academic Promotion.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gary Simpson
Signed By Governor on 08/13/2009
You have voted SB-70: An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Medical Certification For Handicapped License Plates And Parking Permits..
An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Delaware Health Consortium. [SB-80]
This Bill creates the Delaware Health Consortium, charged with implementing and operating a State wide health information network. The network will enable ready communication throughout the State of clinical and financial health information. It establishes a twelve member oversight board, governed under the Freedom of Information Act, to adopt bylaws and to govern the affairs of the DHC. The Bill also provides for criminal and civil immunity from suit for Board members and employees conducting the affairs of the DHC. It also requires an annual report
SB-80: An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Delaware Health Consortium.
Sponsored by: Sen. Harris McDowell
Ss 1 For Sb 80 - Assigned To Health & Social Services Committee In Senate on 06/08/2010
An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Tanning Facilities. [SB-90]
This Act will regulate indoor tanning facilities in the State. It creates a total ban on indoor tanning for any minors under the age of 14, unless it is medically necessary and prescribed by the specified practitioners. In addition, minors between the ages of 14 and 17 will be required to submit a consent form, signed by the parent or legal guardian in the presence of the tanning facility operator, before they are allowed to tan. This consent will need to be renewed annually. The Act also lays out record retention requirements for these consent
SB-90: An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Tanning Facilities.
Sponsored by: Sen. Catherine Cloutier
Signed By Governor on 08/13/2009
SCR-25: Welcoming Dr. Harry Lee Williams, 10th President Of Delaware State University, To Legislative Hall And Extending To Him Best Wishes For Success In His New Office.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Introduced In Senate on 01/19/2010
You have voted SCR-25: Welcoming Dr. Harry Lee Williams, 10th President Of Delaware State University, To Legislative Hall And Extending To Him Best Wishes For Success In His New Office..