You have voted HB-110: An Act To Amend Title 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To A Pilot Program Exempting Delaware Public Schools From Prevailing Wage Requirements..
An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Sex Offenders And Sexual Offenses. [HB-136]
This Act increases the criminal penalties of 779A, Title 11 of the Delaware Code against a person who has previously been convicted of a sex offense and is on the sex offender registry who then commits a sex offense against a child under the age of twelve years. This Act would make the penalty for a sex offender who commits a sex offense classified as a misdemeanor against a child under twelve years of age a class C felony. This Act would make the penalty for a sex offender who commits a sex offense classified as a class C, D, E, F, or G felony
HB-136: An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Sex Offenders And Sexual Offenses.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gary Simpson
Introduced And Assigned To Judiciary Committee In House on 04/22/2009