An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Prisons And Prisoners. [HB-258]
This bill allows the Department of Correction to implement prison nurseries, which would allow women inmates that give birth during their time incarcerated the option of raising their infant up to the age of 18 months. Studies have shown that prison nurseries allow a mother and child to bond during this critical time of infancy and in turn lowers recidivism rates of these women inmates. This bill would further take the burden off of the foster care system and reduce the damage done between the mother and child relationship as a result of imprisonment.
HB-258: An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Prisons And Prisoners.
Sponsored by: Sen. Colin Bonini
Assigned To Appropriations Committee In House on 01/29/2020
An Act To Amend Title 30 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Taxes On Personal Income. [HB-80]
Section 1 of this Act modifies Delawares Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to allow recipients to choose the most beneficial credit to be applied against their Delaware Personal Income Taxes. Under this Act, recipients can choose between a non-refundable credit of up to 20% of the value of the corresponding federal EITC or a refundable EITC credit of up to 4.5% of the value of the corresponding federal EITC.
HB-80: An Act To Amend Title 30 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Taxes On Personal Income.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Bentz
Assigned To Appropriations Committee In House on 01/30/2020
An Act To Amend The Delaware Code Relating To Criminal Violence Risk Assessment. [SB-215]
On November 3, 2015, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a report titled "Elevated Rates of Urban Firearm Violence and Opportunities for Prevention Wilmington, Delaware" in which the CDC made 2 major recommendations: (1) the creation and adoption of a robust risk assessment tool and (2) an integrated, statewide data collection system. To date, no meaningful action has been taken at any level to implement the CDC's recommendations.
SB-215: An Act To Amend The Delaware Code Relating To Criminal Violence Risk Assessment.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Introduced And Assigned To Judicial Committee In Senate on 02/28/2020
An Act Proposing An Amendment To Article Viii, § 6 Of The Delaware Constitution Relating To Limitations On Appropriations. [HB-155]
This Act is the first leg of a Constitutional Amendment reflecting the recommendations of the Advisory Panel to the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council (DEFAC) on Potential Fiscal Controls and Budget Smoothing Mechanisms established as per House Joint Resolution 8 of the 149th General Assembly (Panel). This Act would build upon the States existing appropriation limit methodology by moving the Budget Reserve Account into a newly defined Budget Stabilization Fund, defining rules for deposits to and withdrawals from said Budget Stabilization
HB-155: An Act Proposing An Amendment To Article Viii, § 6 Of The Delaware Constitution Relating To Limitations On Appropriations.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Hocker
Introduced And Assigned To Administration Committee In House on 05/14/2019
An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Egregious Crimes Accountability Act. [HB-299]
This act will be known as the Egregious Crimes Accountability Act. This Act revises Delaware's death penalty statute to ensure its compliance with the United States Constitution, as interpreted by the United State Supreme Court in Hurst v. Florida, and by the Delaware Supreme Court in Rauf v. State. In accord with those cases, this Act will require that before a death sentence can be imposed, a jury (unless the Defendant waives their right to one) must first determine unanimously and beyond a reasonable doubt:
HB-299: An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Egregious Crimes Accountability Act.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Introduced And Assigned To Judiciary Committee In House on 03/12/2020
An Act To Amend Title 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Redistricting Of The General Assembly. [HB-309]
The constitutional requirement to create new legislative districts following the U.S. Census was intended to ensure equal representation at all levels of government. However, Delawares current process of redistricting is deeply flawed. It allows the majority party in each legislative chamber to gerrymander state legislative maps in a self-serving attempt to preserve and expand partisan political power. All other considerations have become secondary in this process. This defect is common to many states and some have tried to address the issue by
HB-309: An Act To Amend Title 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Redistricting Of The General Assembly.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Hocker
Introduced And Assigned To Administration Committee In House on 03/12/2020
An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Gun Shop Project. [HB-302]
In 2009, New Hampshire was the first state to develop a statewide Gun Shop Project, reaching out to gun shops regarding the role they can play in suicide prevention. In the years since, at least 21 other states have implemented similar campaigns. This Act establishes the Delaware Gun Shop Project.
HB-302: An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Gun Shop Project.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Bentz
Introduced And Assigned To Health & Human Development Committee In House on 03/12/2020