An Act To Amend Title 11 Relating To Illegal Purchases Of Firearms. [HB-174]
This Act raises the first offense of purchasing or obtaining a firearm for someone not legally qualified to own, possess or purchase one from a Class F to a Class E Felony. This change is to deter such "straw purchases" by making jail time more likely for the offender, and consequently, to reduce the number of people who cannot legally possess firearms but obtain them in this manner.
HB-174: An Act To Amend Title 11 Relating To Illegal Purchases Of Firearms.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gary Simpson
Signed By Governor on 04/18/2018
An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Habitual Criminals. [HB-18]
This bill clarifies the General Assemblys intent last session in amending the states habitual offender law, specifically (a) that the changes made by the General Assembly were intended to affect minimum mandatory sentences, not sentences where judges had already exercised complete discretion, (b) that the changes were not designed to reduce minimum mandatory sentences associated in the Delaware Code with specific crimes (e.g. illegal gun possession), and (c) allows the sentencing judge to impose probation after the minimum mandatory sentence required
HB-18: An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Habitual Criminals.
Sponsored by: Sen. Nicole Poore
Signed By Governor on 04/13/2017
An Act To Amend Title 7 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Coastal Zone Act. [HB-190]
This Act, which shall be known as the Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act, makes changes to the Coastal Zone Act (CZA), which has not been significantly updated since its enactment almost a half century ago. The CZA, enacted in 1971, has enabled Delaware to preserve and protect our coastline, one of Delawares greatest natural resources. However, the CZA has also allowed property that has been in use by heavy industry for nearly 50 years, most suitable for similar industrial uses, to go unused unless the owner is willing to engage in the same heavy
HB-190: An Act To Amend Title 7 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Coastal Zone Act.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Outten
Signed By Governor on 08/02/2017
An Act Proposing An Amendment To Article I Of The Delaware Constitution Relating To Equal Protection. [HB-2]
This Act is the first leg of an amendment to the Delaware Constitution to provide for equal protection. This amendment would advance human dignity and equality for all under the Delaware Constitution, and would correct a constitutional shortcoming. It subjects unequal treatment based on discrimination to strict scrutiny, and enables courts in Delaware to establish jurisprudence concerning equal rights violations under State law reflecting Delaware values. Currently, while the federal and many state constitutions afford equal protection, Delawares
HB-2: An Act Proposing An Amendment To Article I Of The Delaware Constitution Relating To Equal Protection.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Bentz
Stricken In House on 06/06/2017
An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Diabetes. [HB-203]
This Act directs the Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance, Division of Public Health, and Office of Management and Budget Human Resources Management (the Agencies) to report to the General Assembly every 2 years the impacts and costs associated with diabetes. The first report is due by June 30, 2019. The report shall include:
HB-203: An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Diabetes.
Sponsored by: Sen. Margaret Henry
Signed By Governor on 09/14/2017
An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Release Of Persons Accused Of Crimes. [HB-204]
This Act makes a number of changes to Chapter 21, Title 11 of the Delaware Code, with the goal of modernizing the pretrial process, reducing reliance on monetary conditions, improving the efficiency and outcomes for the criminal justice system, and ensuring the safety of the community. An analysis of data for pretrial detention and bail shows that Delawares bail system is failing in two ways: we unnecessarily detain individuals who lack funds for their release, and on the other end of the spectrum, we release defendants who fail to appear or remain
HB-204: An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Release Of Persons Accused Of Crimes.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Bentz
Signed By Governor on 01/25/2018
An Act To Amend Title 7 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Recycling And Waste Reduction. [HB-215]
This bill eliminates the sunset provision on the at-store recycling program for plastic bags. The program established in 2009 included a sunset provision until 2014. In 2014, the General Assembly extended that sunset provision to 2017. This bill eliminates the sunset provision permanently to encourage the continued routine for consumers to recycle plastic bags through at-store programs.
HB-215: An Act To Amend Title 7 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Recycling And Waste Reduction.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Bentz
Signed By Governor on 07/17/2017
An Act To Amend The Home Rule Charter Of The City Of Wilmington Relating To Contracts And Procurement Requirements. [HB-216]
This amendment to Section 8-200 of the Charter of the City of Wilmington raises some of the threshold amounts for bid requirements in the procurement process. The purpose of the amendment is to improve City of Wilmington procurement procedures, increase public access to City of Wilmington contracting opportunities through the authorization of internet advertising, and authorize the City of Wilmington to participate in cooperative purchasing agreements with other public procurement agencies.
HB-216: An Act To Amend The Home Rule Charter Of The City Of Wilmington Relating To Contracts And Procurement Requirements.
Sponsored by: Sen. Harris McDowell
Signed By Governor on 08/30/2017
An Act To Amend Title 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Interactive Fantasy Contests. [HB-249]
An estimated 100,000 people in Delaware participate in some form of fantasy sports, whether it is a football or baseball league with their friends and family, or more recently, a daily or weekly contest against players from across the country. This legislation confirms that those contests are "games of skill" and, therefore, not a form of illegal gambling under Delaware law. It also requires operators to apply for a license and comply with some of the strictest consumer protection safeguards in the nation. Finally, the legislation subjects operators
HB-249: An Act To Amend Title 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Interactive Fantasy Contests.
Sponsored by: Sen. Colin Bonini
Signed By Governor on 07/26/2017