An Act To Amend Title 10 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Limitation Of Actions. [HB-115]
This bill provides that causes of actions regarding the performance or furnishing of land surveys and the creation or furnishing of survey products must be brought within 6 years or 3 years after the discovery of an error or omission, whichever occurs first. Causes of actions based upon gross negligence are not covered by this section.
HB-115: An Act To Amend Title 10 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Limitation Of Actions.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Substituted By Hs 1 For Hb 115 on 04/08/2014
An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Registration Of Vehicles. [HB-122]
This bill would allow farmers who have a farm vehicle that is used within a 20 mile radius of their farm to register their vehicle with DMV. The “FV” tag would replace the white plastic “Farm Vehicle” tags. The FV tag fee is $10 which is comparable to what the “Farm Vehicle” tags sell for. A vehicle with an “FV” tag would be exempt from inspection.
HB-122: An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Registration Of Vehicles.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Outten
Signed By Governor on 04/10/2014
An Act To Amend Title 30 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Taxes On Tobacco Products. [HB-138]
This youth tobacco prevention bill eliminates the taxing disparity between moist snuff and “other tobacco products,” not including cigarettes. It also raises the tax rate from 15% to 30% of the wholesale price, and designates tax revenue over $3.5 million to The Delaware Health Fund. This bill does not affect taxes on cigarettes. This bill attempts to make moist snuff and other tobacco products less attractive to minors by making them more expensive, as well as designating a new funding source for The Delaware Health Fund, which promotes preventive
HB-138: An Act To Amend Title 30 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Taxes On Tobacco Products.
Sponsored by: Sen. Margaret Henry
Introduced And Assigned To Revenue & Finance Committee In House on 05/14/2013
An Act To Amend Title 30 Of The Delaware Code Relating To State Taxes. [HB-145]
This bill facilitates emergency response by infrastructure companies when it is necessary for them to temporarily provide out-of-State resources and personnel during a State of emergency declared by the Governor or the President of the United States, by deeming the presence of such companies and their property and employees to not have established nexus or residence for tax, licensing or related requirements during such State of emergency.
HB-145: An Act To Amend Title 30 Of The Delaware Code Relating To State Taxes.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Signed By Governor on 07/16/2013
An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Police Chief Due Process. [HB-147]
This bill updates the Delaware Code relating to Police Chief Due Process by providing that the hearing, which may be private or public, at the police chief’s request, is conducted by a panel of three persons appointed by the Delaware Police Chiefs’ Council, the Delaware League of Local Governments and the Delaware Criminal Justice Council. Furthermore, this bill authorizes the panel discretion to award attorney’s fees for a police chief in certain cases when there is a finding that just cause does not exist for dismissal, demotion or removal from
HB-147: An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Police Chief Due Process.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Outten
Signed By Governor on 06/30/2013