An Act To Amend Title 14 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Sexual Assault Reporting. [HB-1]
This bill will require responsible employees of institutions of higher educations to report incidents of sexual assault perpetrated by or against a student to the law enforcement authorities or public safety officials serving the institution of the alleged assault within 24 hours. The law enforcement authorities or public safety officials serving an academic institution are then required to report the sexual assault to the proper municipal or state authorities within 24 hours as well as the Delaware Department of Justice every 30 days. The victim
HB-1: An Act To Amend Title 14 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Sexual Assault Reporting.
Sponsored by: Rep. Melanie Smith
Hs 1 For Hb 1 - Passed By Senate. Votes: Passed 21 Yes 0 No 0 Not Voting 0 Absent 0 Vacant on 05/18/2016
An Act To Amend Title 10 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Delinquency Proceedings In The Family Court. [HB-126]
This Act adopts the ABA standard for juvenile delinquency by establishing the age of 10 as the minimum age of responsibility in juvenile prosecutions. Currently, at least 11 other states (including Pennsylvania) have adopted the ABA standard. Since 2009, approximately 90 children between the ages of 7-9 have arrested and prosecuted in Delaware’s Family Court. Most of the charges brought against these children were minor, low-level misdemeanor offenses, and the vast majority of all charges against children in this age range were dismissed or otherwise
HB-126: An Act To Amend Title 10 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Delinquency Proceedings In The Family Court.
Sponsored by: Sen. Nicole Poore
Signed By Governor on 07/10/2015
An Act To Amend Title 14 Of The Delaware Code Relating To School Safety. [HB-13]
This bill requires all new school construction or major renovation to include the following features: an intruder alarm, bulletproof glass in entrance areas and interior doors and windows, and doors lockable with keys on both sides. Further, the bill would require all new school construction plans to be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget’s Facilities Management Section for compliance with these requirements as well as with Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles.
HB-13: An Act To Amend Title 14 Of The Delaware Code Relating To School Safety.
Sponsored by: Sen. Nicole Poore
Stricken on 01/15/2015
An Act To Amend Title 4 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Alcoholic Liquors. [HB-156]
This bill continues the process of updating the Liquor Control Act to make it more consumer-friendly. The bill allows stores that sell alcohol to open at 8:00 a.m., instead of 9:00 a.m., on Fridays and Saturdays during the months of October, November and December. The bill also allows stores that sell alcohol to open at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays, instead of noon, during the months of October, November and December.
HB-156: An Act To Amend Title 4 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Alcoholic Liquors.
Sponsored by: Sen. Catherine Cloutier
Signed By Governor on 06/30/2015
An Act Amending Titles 9 And 22 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Taxes On Special Betterments. [HB-171]
This bill establishes a Telecommunications Tax Modernization Review Group to study and make recommendations for establishing a future funding mechanism to replace the property tax on telecommunications equipment and addressing the projected decrease in revenue to the counties, municipalities and school districts from the transition to new technologies throughout the State. The resulting mechanism should be revenue-neutral to the localities and competitively neutral to providers of like services. To encourage investment in broadband infrastructure,
HB-171: An Act Amending Titles 9 And 22 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Taxes On Special Betterments.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gary Simpson
Hs 2 For Hb 171 - Passed By Senate. Votes: Passed 21 Yes 0 No 0 Not Voting 0 Absent 0 Vacant on 07/01/2015
An Act To Amend Title 10 And Title 30 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Judgments. [HB-179]
This bill establishes a writ of attachment of tax refunds and lottery winnings. This bill provides a procedure for interception of tax refunds and lottery winnings by the Department of Finance for judgments resulting from a breach of a residential or commercial rental agreement. This bill provides for the opportunity to contest the amount owed in regards to funds seized pursuant to a writ of attachment of tax refunds or lottery winnings. The bill directs the Department of Finance to work with the Courts to develop an electronic system relating to
HB-179: An Act To Amend Title 10 And Title 30 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Judgments.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ronald Gray
Necessary Rules Are Suspended In Senate on 07/01/2015