An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Sex Offenders And Sexual Offenses. [HB-136]
This Act increases the criminal penalties of 779A, Title 11 of the Delaware Code against a person who has previously been convicted of a sex offense and is on the sex offender registry who then commits a sex offense against a child under the age of twelve years. This Act would make the penalty for a sex offender who commits a sex offense classified as a misdemeanor against a child under twelve years of age a class C felony. This Act would make the penalty for a sex offender who commits a sex offense classified as a class C, D, E, F, or G felony
HB-136: An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Sex Offenders And Sexual Offenses.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gary Simpson
Introduced And Assigned To Judiciary Committee In House on 04/22/2009
An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Delaware Healthy Children Program. [HB-139]
This Bill extends Delaware’s Childrens’ Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to include reduced-cost health insurance coverage for children of families with personal incomes above 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. However, a cost-sharing program is to be implemented under CHIP whereby payments, as determined by DHSS, must be paid on behalf of the child for such care; notwithstanding the above, the cost-sharing provision of the bill is designed to have the new program impose no cost whatsoever on the State unless funds are specifically appropriated for
HB-139: An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Delaware Healthy Children Program.
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Bushweller
Signed By Governor on 08/27/2009
An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Drivers' Licenses And Identification Cards. [HB-160]
The Division of Motor Vehicles has seen a large increase in individuals producing fraudulent Delaware drivers’ licenses, identification cards and documents. These fraudulent drivers’ licenses and identification cards can be used to assume another individual’s identity. This bill updates the current law and makes it illegal for applicant to present fraudulent documents. In addition, this bill assigns specific penalties and allows the Division of Motor Vehicles to confiscate any fraudulent documents used by individuals attempting to obtain a driver’s
HB-160: An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Drivers' Licenses And Identification Cards.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Signed By Governor on 07/22/2009
HB-180: An Act To Amend Title 4 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Alcoholic Beverage Control Licenses And Taxes, And Direct Purchasing And Shipment Of Wine.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Outten
Amendment Ha 1 - Introduced And Placed With Bill on 05/06/2010
You have voted HB-180: An Act To Amend Title 4 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Alcoholic Beverage Control Licenses And Taxes, And Direct Purchasing And Shipment Of Wine..
An Act To Amend Title 30 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Lodging Tax. [HB-188]
This Act expands the scope of Delaware’s public accommodations lodging tax to include temporary and seasonal rentals for less than 5 months. It also provides for a reduction in the amount of the lodging tax imposed to take into consideration any existing tax imposed by a county or municipality as of the effective date of the Act’s provisions. Finally, the act requires owners of rental unit to annually obtain a Rental Unit License from the Department of Finance at a cost of $50.00.
HB-188: An Act To Amend Title 30 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Lodging Tax.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Introduced And Assigned To Revenue & Finance Committee In House on 06/04/2009
An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Specific Offenses. [HB-196]
This act is intended to address the alarming increase in the number of robberies of delivery and service employees. This act makes it a robbery of the most serious degree (Robbery in the First Degree: 3-25 years in prison) to lure or entice a person lawfully performing the duties his or her employment to a location for the purpose committing a robbery against such person.
HB-196: An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Specific Offenses.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Hocker
Reported Out Of Committee (judiciary) In Senate With 5 On Its Merits on 01/20/2010