SJR-9: Urging All Delawareans To Honor The Memory And Momentous Achievements Of The Honorable John Patten, Delaware Revolutionary War Hero And U. S. Congressman.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gary Simpson
Signed By Governor on 08/02/2012
You have voted SJR-9: Urging All Delawareans To Honor The Memory And Momentous Achievements Of The Honorable John Patten, Delaware Revolutionary War Hero And U. S. Congressman..
An Act To Amend Title 7 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Hunting, Trapping, And Fishing Licenses. [HB-113]
This bill allows a nonresident farm owner, who owns but is not an occupant of a farm in this State containing 20 acres or more and where the science of husbandry is practiced, and the immediate members of the family of the nonresident farm owner to hunt, trap, and/or fish on the farm if the farm occupant or resident, if any, gives the owner written permission or if hunting, trapping, and/or fishing is permitted pursuant to a written lease, if any, between the farm owner and the occupant or resident of the farm.
HB-113: An Act To Amend Title 7 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Hunting, Trapping, And Fishing Licenses.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Outten
Signed By Governor on 07/31/2013
An Act To Amend Title 20 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Delaware National Guard. [HB-117]
This bill permits the Delaware National Guard Counterdrug unit to receive equitably shared funds to finance law enforcement functions under the National Guard Mutual Assistance Counterdrug Activities Compact. Functions may include, but not be limited to, drug interdiction, counterdrug and drug demand reduction activities.
HB-117: An Act To Amend Title 20 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Delaware National Guard.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Signed By Governor on 07/31/2013
An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Confiscated Contraband Interdiction Fund. [HB-12]
This Bill expands the Confiscated Contraband Interdiction Fund so that it applies to the Baylor Women’s Correctional Institution and updates the name of the Howard R. Young Correctional Institution. This Bill also expands the permissible uses of the fund to include any legitimate correctional investigatory or security purpose while continuing the requirement that all such uses be documented and reported appropriately. This Bill also requires that the Confiscated Contraband Interdiction Fund be administered by the Bureau Chief of Prisons.
HB-12: An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Confiscated Contraband Interdiction Fund.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Signed By Governor on 05/03/2013
An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Registration Of Vehicles. [HB-122]
This bill would allow farmers who have a farm vehicle that is used within a 20 mile radius of their farm to register their vehicle with DMV. The “FV” tag would replace the white plastic “Farm Vehicle” tags. The FV tag fee is $10 which is comparable to what the “Farm Vehicle” tags sell for. A vehicle with an “FV” tag would be exempt from inspection.
HB-122: An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Registration Of Vehicles.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Outten
Signed By Governor on 04/10/2014