An Act To Amend Title 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Buildings And Grounds. [HB-271]
The National League of Families POW/MIA flag, is "a symbol of our Nation's concern and commitment to resolving as fully as possible the fates of Americans still prisoners, missing, or unaccounted for in all U.S. wars" 36. U.S.C. 902. In 1989 the United States required the National League of Families POW/MIA flag be flown on Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, National POW/MIA Recognition Day, and Veterans Day. In 2012, Delaware required the National POW/MIA flag to be flown on National POW/MIA Recognition Day. This bill expands
HB-271: An Act To Amend Title 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Buildings And Grounds.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Hocker
Introduced And Assigned To Administration Committee In House on 01/09/2020
An Act To Amend The Charter Of The Town Of Ocean View Relating To Council Terms Of Office. [HB-269]
Under the current language of Section 2.301, it is unclear what constitutes a "term" when computing term limits and determining a potential candidate's eligibility when they have previously filled a vacancy on the Council. By adding the proposed language, there will be a clear standard for determining whether a potential candidate has exceeded the two-term limit imposed by the Charter.
HB-269: An Act To Amend The Charter Of The Town Of Ocean View Relating To Council Terms Of Office.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Hocker
Signed By Governor on 08/06/2020
An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Reports Of Accidents. [HB-281]
This bill increases the minimum amount of property damage that triggers the mandatory reporting of a vehicular collision to police from $500 to $2,000. This bill also increases the minimum amount of property damage requiring police agencies to investigate from $1,000 to $2,000. This increase makes Delaware more consistent with other states and reflects the Legislatures intention in 1997 to increase the amount annually by $100.
HB-281: An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Reports Of Accidents.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Passed By House. Votes: 37 Yes 4 Absent on 01/28/2020
An Act To Amend Title 6 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Marinas And Fuels. [HB-244]
This bill will allow marinas in Sussex County to sell gasoline that does not contain ethanol. Sussex County comfortably meets the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ground level ozone, and removing ethanol from marine fuel will have no significant impact on ambient ozone levels.
HB-244: An Act To Amend Title 6 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Marinas And Fuels.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Introduced And Assigned To Economic Development/banking/insurance & Commerce Committee In House on 06/20/2019
An Act To Amend Title 14 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Requiring Schools To Start Each School Year After Labor Day. [SB-204]
This Act requires public schools to begin their school year after Labor Day. There have been many economic impact reports done that show a positive impact from starting public schools after Labor Day. A report by the Virginia Hospitality and Travel Association estimates that $369 million would be lost if schools were not required to start after Labor Day. This includes $104 million in wages and $21 million in state and local taxes. Maryland is considering similar legislation. A study of Maryland found that pushing the start of school back would
SB-204: An Act To Amend Title 14 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Requiring Schools To Start Each School Year After Labor Day.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Reported Out Of Committee (education) In Senate With 3 On Its Merits, 1 Unfavorable on 01/23/2020