An Act To Amend Title 18 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Health Insurance. [HB-118]
This Act provides that if an entity requires a pharmacy to submit a request for payment electronically, then the pharmacy or its designated agent may choose to be reimbursed electronically, and in that event the entity shall electronically reimburse such pharmacy and shall provide the appropriate payment data electronically. In addition, an entity subject to this section may not impose a processing fee for the electronic reimbursement or for providing payment data electronically.
HB-118: An Act To Amend Title 18 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Health Insurance.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Signed By Governor on 07/06/2009
An Act To Amend Title 19 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Construction Industry Independent Contractor Act. [HB-129]
This bill is the Construction Industry Independent Contractor Act. Employers in the construction industry who improperly classify construction employees as independent contractors deprive these employees of proper Social Security benefits and other benefits, while reducing the employers’ State and federal tax withholdings and related obligations. Moreover, this practice puts businesses that bear higher costs by complying with the law at a competitive disadvantage. This bill imposes substantial penalties on employers who improperly classify their
HB-129: An Act To Amend Title 19 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Construction Industry Independent Contractor Act.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Outten
Introduced And Assigned To Labor Committee In House on 04/22/2009
An Act To Amend Title 19 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Unemployment Compensation Fund Assessments. [HB-130]
Currently, a seasonal employer, for example, the owner of a Christmas tree farm, must contribute to the Unemployment Compensation Fund if he or she pays employees in agricultural labor $20,000 or more during any calendar quarter in either the current or the preceding calendar year. This bill changes the requirement to contribute to the Fund only if the employer pays employees $80,000 during either the current or preceding calendar year.
HB-130: An Act To Amend Title 19 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Unemployment Compensation Fund Assessments.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Introduced And Assigned To Labor Committee In House on 04/22/2009
An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Pertaining To Compensation For Innocent Victims Of Crime. [HB-133]
This bill will allow innocent victims of crime to receive compensation for mental health counseling, costs of attending criminal proceedings, and expenses related to essential personal safety property. Such compensation would only be available in cases where a “cold case” is reopened, or the offender seeks release through the Board of Parole or appears in court for purposes of post-conviction relief or appeal of the conviction. Victims would also be eligible to apply for such compensation in the event of a retrial of the offender on the original
HB-133: An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Pertaining To Compensation For Innocent Victims Of Crime.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Signed By Governor on 08/24/2009
An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Sex Offenders And Sexual Offenses. [HB-136]
This Act increases the criminal penalties of 779A, Title 11 of the Delaware Code against a person who has previously been convicted of a sex offense and is on the sex offender registry who then commits a sex offense against a child under the age of twelve years. This Act would make the penalty for a sex offender who commits a sex offense classified as a misdemeanor against a child under twelve years of age a class C felony. This Act would make the penalty for a sex offender who commits a sex offense classified as a class C, D, E, F, or G felony
HB-136: An Act To Amend Title 11 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Sex Offenders And Sexual Offenses.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gary Simpson
Introduced And Assigned To Judiciary Committee In House on 04/22/2009