An Act To Amend Title 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Delaware Lottery. [SB-100]
This Act would provide that a video lottery agent’s reporting and auditing information regarding the video lottery is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. The Act would also require each video lottery agent to provide the General Assembly with an annual profit or loss report for video lottery operations. Author: Senator DeLuca
SB-100: An Act To Amend Title 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Delaware Lottery.
Sponsored by: Sen. Colin Bonini
Assigned To Finance Committee In Senate on 05/13/2009
You have voted SB-103: An Act To Amend Title 1 Of The Delaware Code By Establishing May As Melanoma And Skin Care Detection And Prevention Month In Delaware..
An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Motor Vehicles And Brakes. [SB-130]
The Bill removes the ban on “Jake Brakes” which applies to motor vehicles generally, but not emergency vehicles. The purpose of Jake Brakes is to slow the vehicle when approaching a stop light, stop sign or just slowing down for any reason. Most of these systems have a switch on the dash to activate it which cuts the fuel off when the accelerator is lifted. The regular brakes do not have to be applied as hard or as soon and thus saves the drums and brake shoes which also saves money for the owners. If an owner normally has three brake replacements
SB-130: An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Motor Vehicles And Brakes.
Sponsored by: Sen. Colin Bonini
Defeated By Senate. Votes: Defeated 7 Yes 13 No 0 Not Voting 1 Absent 0 Vacant on 06/16/2009
An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Motor Vehicles And Weights Limits. [SB-133]
The purpose of these idle reduction technology units is to prevent having to run the engine at idle speed when the temperature is below 40 degrees or above 75 degrees Fahrenheit when the driver is off duty and has to stay in the truck and he or she does not have to run the truck engine. It will save on fuel costs to the owner and help the environment with less pollution and still keep the driver comfortable without running the engine over the legal time. This Bill allows a 400 pound weight limit exemption for trucks that have auxiliary engines.
SB-133: An Act To Amend Title 21 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Motor Vehicles And Weights Limits.
Sponsored by: Sen. Colin Bonini
Signed By Governor on 07/08/2009