Access to Mental Health Services Act [HB-8892]
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a public outreach campaign to inform individuals covered under a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage of Federal requirements relating to mental health and substance use disorder crisis services, and for other purposes.
HB-8892: Access to Mental Health Services Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Darin LaHood
Referred To The Subcommittee On Health. on 09/20/2022
Protect Farmers from the SEC Act [HB-9063]
To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to prohibit the Securities and Exchange Commission from requiring an issuer to disclose information related to certain greenhouse gas emissions, and for other purposes.
HB-9063: Protect Farmers from the SEC Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Johnson
Introduced In House on 09/29/2022
Military Spouse Hiring Act [HB-2974]
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make employers of spouses of military personnel eligible for the work opportunity credit.
HB-2974: Military Spouse Hiring Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney
Assuming First Sponsorhip - Mr. Beyer Asked Unanimous Consent That He May Hereafter Be Considered As The First Sponsor Of H.r. 2974, A Bill Originally Introduced By Representative Delgado, For The Purpose Of Adding Cosponsors And Requesting Reprintings Pursuant To Clause 7 Of Rule Xii. Agreed To Without Objection. on 06/13/2022