Sen. Richard Blumenthal


District SD-CT
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 373

Sponsored Legislation

US Congress 112th Congress

A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to protect certain veterans who would otherwise be subject to a reduction in educational assistance benefits, and for other purposes. [S.745]
Makes the amount payable for programs of education at nonpublic institutions of higher education pursued by individuals enrolled in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) post-9/11 educational assistance program (post-9/11 program) during the period beginning on August 1, 2011, and ending on December 31, 2014, the lesser of: (1) the established charges for that program; (2) the established charges payable under a VA maximum payments table published on October 27, 2010; or (3) the amount for the previous academic year, increased by the authorized (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Committee On Veterans' Affairs. Reported By Senator Murray With An Amendment In The Nature Of A Substitute. Without Written Report. on 07/19/2011

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US Congress 112th Congress

Discount Pricing Consumer Protection Act [S.75]
Discount Pricing Consumer Protection Act - Amends the Sherman Act to declare that any contract, combination, conspiracy, or agreement setting a minimum price below which a product or service cannot be sold by a retailer, wholesaler, or distributor violates the Act.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dianne Feinstein Committee On The Judiciary. Ordered To Be Reported Without Amendment Favorably. on 11/03/2011

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US Congress 112th Congress

Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction Act of 2011 [S.752]
Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction Act of 2011 - Amends the Public Health Service Act to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to implement a comprehensive program to achieve a 50% reduction in the mortality rate of lung cancer by 2020. Requires the program to include initiatives throughout HHS, including: (1) a strategic review and prioritization by the National Cancer Institute of research grants; (2) the establishment by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of quality standards and guidelines for facilities that conduct computed (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr S2208-2209) on 04/06/2011

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US Congress 112th Congress

Payroll Fraud Prevention Act [S.770]
Payroll Fraud Prevention Act - Amends the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) to require every person (including every employer and enterprise) that employs an employee or non-employee who performs labor or services, including through an entity such as a trust, estate, partnership, association, company, or corporation, to: (1) classify such individuals accurately as employees or non-employees; and (2) notify each new employee and new non-employee of his or her classification as an employee or non-employee, together with information concerning (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Blumenthal Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. on 04/08/2011

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US Congress 112th Congress

Tom Lantos Pulmonary Hypertension Research and Education Act of 2011 [S.775]
Tom Lantos Pulmonary Hypertension Research and Education Act of 2011 - Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), acting through the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, should continue aggressive work on pulmonary hypertension; and (2) the Director of the Institute should continue research to expand the understanding of the causes of, and to find a cure for, pulmonary hypertension. Requires inclusion of information (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. on 04/08/2011

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US Congress 112th Congress

Veterans Pensions Protection Act of 2011 [S.780]
Veterans Pensions Protection Act of 2011 - Excludes from annual income, for purposes of eligibility for pensions for veterans and their surviving spouses and children, reimbursements resulting from: (1) any accident; (2) any theft or loss; (3) any casualty loss; (4) medical expenses resulting from any such accident, theft, or loss; and (5) pain and suffering (including insurance settlement payments and general damages awarded by a court) related to such accident, theft, or loss.


Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Blumenthal Committee On Veterans' Affairs. Hearings Held. on 06/08/2011

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US Congress 112th Congress

Paycheck Fairness Act [S.797]
Paycheck Fairness Act - Amends the portion of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) known as the Equal Pay Act to revise remedies for, enforcement of, and exceptions to prohibitions against sex discrimination in the payment of wages. Revises the exception to the prohibition for a wage rate differential based on any other factor other than sex. Limits such factors to bona fide factors, such as education, training, or experience. States that the bona fide factor defense shall apply only if the employer demonstrates that such factor: (1) is not (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr S2396) on 04/12/2011

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US Congress 112th Congress

Safe Routes to School Program Reauthorization Act [S.800]
Safe Routes to School Program Reauthorization Act - Amends the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) to reauthorize appropriations for FY2012-FY2016 for the safe routes to school program. Revises program requirements to specify children kindergarten through 12th grade as the ones to be benefited by the program. Revises criteria used to determine state apportionment of program funds. Includes projects for other nonmotorized modes of transportation besides walking and bicycling as noninfrastructure-related (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Environment And Public Works. on 04/12/2011

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US Congress 112th Congress

Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act of 2011 [S.810]
Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act of 2012 - (Sec. 4) Prohibits: (1) conducting invasive research on great apes; (2) possessing, maintaining, or housing a great ape for the purpose of conducting invasive research; (3) using federal funds to conduct such research or to support an entity conducting or facilitating such research within or outside of the United States; (4) knowingly breeding a great ape for the purpose of conducting or facilitating such research; (5) transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, leasing, renting, donating, purchasing, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Reed Committee On Environment And Public Works. Reported By Senator Boxer With An Amendment In The Nature Of A Substitute. With Written Report No. 112-242. on 11/30/2012

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US Congress 112th Congress

Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2011 [S.811]
Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2011 - Prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity by covered entities (employers, employment agencies, labor organizations, or joint labor-management committees). Prohibits preferential treatment or quotas. Allows only disparate treatment claims. Prohibits related retaliation. Makes this Act inapplicable to: (1) religious organizations, and (2) the relationship between the United States and members of the Armed Forces. Declares that this Act (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. Hearings Held. on 06/12/2012

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