Bring Jobs Home Act [S.2884]
Bring Jobs Home Act - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) grant business taxpayers a tax credit for up to 20% of insourcing expenses incurred for eliminating a business located outside the United States and relocating it within the United States, and (2) deny a tax deduction for outsourcing expenses incurred in relocating a U.S. business outside the United States. Requires an increase in the taxpayer's employment of full-time employees in the United States in order to claim the tax credit for insourcing expenses.
S.2884: Bring Jobs Home Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 05/08/2012
Preserving Access to Life-Saving Medications Act [S.296]
Preserving Access to Life-Saving Medications Act - Amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require a prescription drug manufacturer to notify the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) of a discontinuance, interruption, or other adjustment of the manufacture of the drug that would likely result in a shortage of such drug. Requires: (1) six months notice of any discontinuance or planned interruption or adjustment, and (2) notice as soon as practicable after becoming aware of such interruption or adjustment in the case of any other
S.296: Preserving Access to Life-Saving Medications Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. on 02/07/2011
S.3049: A bill to amend title 39, United States Code, to expand the definition of homeless veteran for purposes of benefits under the laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Committee On Veterans' Affairs. Hearings Held. on 06/27/2012
You have voted S.3049: A bill to amend title 39, United States Code, to expand the definition of homeless veteran for purposes of benefits under the laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs..
Password Protection Act of 2012 [S.3074]
Password Protection Act of 2012 - Amends the federal criminal code to subject to a fine any employer who knowingly and intentionally: (1) compels or coerces any person to provide the employer with a password or similar information to access a protected computer not owned by such employer; or (2) discharges, disciplines, discriminates, or threatens to take such actions, against any person who fails to authorize access to such computer, has filed a complaint or instituted a proceeding regarding such action, or testified or is about to testify in any
S.3074: Password Protection Act of 2012
Sponsored by: Sen. Ron Wyden
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. on 05/09/2012
Tobacco Tax Equity Act of 2012 [S.3081]
Tobacco Tax Equity Act of 2012 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to tax pipe tobacco, smokeless tobacco products, and large cigars at the same level as cigarettes. Revises the definition of "tobacco products" to include any other product containing tobacco that is intended or expected to be consumed. Makes smokeless tobacco products sold in discrete single-use units subject to an excise tax of $50.33 per thousand.
S.3081: Tobacco Tax Equity Act of 2012
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Blumenthal
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 05/10/2012
Medical Foods Equity Act of 2011 [S.311]
Medical Foods Equity Act of 2011 - Amends titles XVIII (Medicare), XIX (Medicaid), and XXI (Children's Health Insurance Program) (CHIP, formerly known as SCHIP) of the Social Security Act to include coverage of: (1) medically necessary food and food modified to be low protein that is formulated to be consumed or administered under the supervision of a physician and the medical equipment and supplies necessary to administer such food; and (2) pharmacological doses of vitamins and amino acids used for the treatment of inborn errors of metabolism.
S.311: Medical Foods Equity Act of 2011
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr S633-634) on 02/08/2011
Jobs Originated through Launching Travel Act of 2012 [S.3199]
Jobs Originated through Launching Travel Act of 2012 or the JOLT Act of 2012 - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to direct the Secretary of State (Secretary) to establish a pilot fee-based premium processing service to expedite visa interview appointments. Authorizes the Secretary to collect and set fee amounts. Directs the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) to admit into the United States a qualifying Canadian citizen over 50 years old and spouse for a period not to exceed 240 days if the person maintains a Canadian residence and owns
S.3199: Jobs Originated through Launching Travel Act of 2012
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Lee
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 05/17/2012