COVID–19 Pandemic Moment of Silence Act [S.3817]
Directs the President to issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe a moment of silence on June 1, 2020, to honor the memory of the lives lost in the United States due to the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic.
S.3817: COVID–19 Pandemic Moment of Silence Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 05/21/2020
Cash Refunds for Coronavirus Cancellations Act of 2020 [S.3727]
Requires air carriers and ticket agents to offer full cash refunds for all cancelled tickets during the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) emergency period, regardless of whether the air carrier cancelled an entire flight or the passengers cancelled their individual tickets. The bill permits air carriers and tickets agents to offer alternative forms of compensation, including credit, or vouchers, provided that such offer is valid indefinitely and the offer includes a clear and conspicuous notice of the passenger's right to a cash refund.
S.3727: Cash Refunds for Coronavirus Cancellations Act of 2020
Sponsored by: Sen. Edward Markey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. on 05/13/2020
Equitable Data Collection and Disclosure on COVID-19 Act [S.3850]
Establishes the Commission on Ensuring Health Equity During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and adds reporting requirements for certain demographic data related to COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019). Among other activities, the commission must (1) determine approaches to using data to reduce demographic disparities in COVID-19 prevalence and outcomes, and (2) submit findings and recommendations to Congress on a specified timeline until the end of the public health emergency. During the public health emergency, the Centers for Disease
S.3850: Equitable Data Collection and Disclosure on COVID-19 Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Cory Booker
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. on 06/01/2020
COVID-19 Pandemic Moment of Silence Act [S.3846]
Directs the President to issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe a moment of silence on June 1, 2020, to honor the memory of the lives lost in the United States due to the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic.
S.3846: COVID-19 Pandemic Moment of Silence Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Message On Senate Action Sent To The House. on 06/04/2020
United States Secret Service Mission Improvement and Realignment Act of 2020 [S.3636]
Transfers the U.S. Secret Service from the Department of Homeland Security to the Department of the Treasury. The bill directs the Office of Management and Budget to make incidental dispositions of personnel, assets, and liabilities held in connection with the functions transferred. The Secret Service, by December 31 of each year, shall submit to specified congressional committees an annual report on any trip by a protected individual with a stop at a location that is not owned or controlled by the federal government, including any such trip that
S.3636: United States Secret Service Mission Improvement and Realignment Act of 2020
Sponsored by: Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 05/06/2020
Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2020 [S.3894]
A bill to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to develop a program to reduce barriers to entry for farmers, ranchers, and private forest landowners in certain private markets, and for other purposes.
S.3894: Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2020
Sponsored by: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
Committee On Agriculture, Nutrition, And Forestry. Hearings Held. on 06/24/2020
Congressional Power of the Purse Act [S.3889]
A bill to amend the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 to strengthen congressional control and review, and for other purposes.
S.3889: Congressional Power of the Purse Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Reed
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs. on 06/04/2020
SCR-39: A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the constitutional rights of Americans to peaceably assemble, exercise freedom of speech, and petition the Government for redress of grievances must be respected; that violence and looting are unlawful, unacceptable, and contrary to the purpose of peaceful protests; and that Congress condemns the President of the United States for ordering Federal officers to use gas and rubber bullets against the Americans who were peaceably protesting in Lafayette Square in Washington, DC on the night of June 1, 2020, thereby violating the constitutional rights of those peaceful protestors.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 06/04/2020
You have voted SCR-39: A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the constitutional rights of Americans to peaceably assemble, exercise freedom of speech, and petition the Government for redress of grievances must be respected; that violence and looting are unlawful, unacceptable, and contrary to the purpose of peaceful protests; and that Congress condemns the President of the United States for ordering Federal officers to use gas and rubber bullets against the Americans who were peaceably protesting in Lafayette Square in Washington, DC on the night of June 1, 2020, thereby violating the constitutional rights of those peaceful protestors..