Rep. David Cicilline


District HD-RI-1
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 167

Sponsored Legislation

US Congress 113th Congress

Support Assault Firearms Elimination and Reduction for our Streets Act [HB-226]
Support Assault Firearms Elimination and Reduction for our Streets Act - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow an individual taxpayer to elect a tax credit of $2,000 for surrendering a specified assault weapon, as defined by this Act, as part of a public safety program to reduce the number of privately owned weapons. Terminates such credit two years after the enactment of this Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Referred To The House Committee On Ways And Means. on 01/14/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

Buyback Our Safety Act [HB-227]
Buyback Our Safety Act - Directs the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to establish a gun buyback program under which the Assistant Attorney General may make grants to assist in funding gun buyback programs carried out by state, local, and Indian tribal law enforcement agencies. Conditions such a grant on the law enforcement agency providing assurances that: (1) it will adequately advertise the program to the public, (2) such program will be administered by law enforcement personnel, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Lee Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations. on 01/25/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

Commuter Parity Act of 2013 [HB-2288]
Commuter Parity Act of 2013 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to modify the exclusion from gross income, for income tax purposes, of certain transportation benefits provided by an employer to an employee, to allow a monthly exclusion amount of: (1) $220 for transportation in a commuter highway vehicle from home to work and any transit pass, (2) $220 for qualified parking, and (3) $35 for qualified bicycle commuting reimbursement. Allows an annual cost-of-living adjustment to such exclusion amounts after 2014.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney Referred To The House Committee On Ways And Means. on 06/06/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

Success in the Middle Act of 2013 [HB-2316]
Success in the Middle Act of 2013 - Directs the Secretary of Education to make grants to states, based on their proportion of poor children aged 5 to 17, to: (1) implement state middle grades needs analyses and, on the basis of such analyses, improvement plans that describe what students must master to complete successfully the middle grades and succeed in academically rigorous secondary school coursework; and (2) award competitive subgrants to local educational agencies (LEAs) or partnerships of LEAs and institutions of higher education, educational (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Referred To The Subcommittee On Early Childhood, Elementary, And Secondary Education. on 07/08/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

Counseling for Career Choice Act [HB-2317]
Counseling for Career Choice Act - Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to direct the Secretary of Education to award competitive establishment grants to states to develop and implement comprehensive school counseling programs that provide students with effective postsecondary education planning and career guidance services. Requires each program to be aligned with a statewide counseling framework that: (1) encompasses grades 6 through 12 and postsecondary education; and (2) is developed in consultation with, or exists with (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. James Langevin Referred To The Subcommittee On Early Childhood, Elementary, And Secondary Education. on 07/08/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

To amend chapter 31 of title 31, United States Code, to provide for an orderly process by which the debt ceiling is increased. [HB-233]
Authorizes an extension of the presidential authority to modify the public debt ceiling (subject to enactment of a congressional joint resolution of disapproval). Authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to borrow an additional amount estimated to be sufficient to meet commitments for one year whenever the President certifies to Congress that the public debt subject to limit is within $100 billion of the $16.394 trillion limit and that further borrowing is required to meet existing commitments. Prohibits the debt limit from being raised if, within (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Lee Referred To The Committee On Ways And Means, And In Addition To The Committee On Rules, For A Period To Be Subsequently Determined By The Speaker, In Each Case For Consideration Of Such Provisions As Fall Within The Jurisdiction Of The Committee Concerned. on 01/14/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

All-American Flag Act [HB-2355]
All-American Flag Act - Requires any flags of the United States acquired for use by the federal government to be entirely manufactured in the United States from articles, materials, or supplies entirely grown, produced, or manufactured in the United States.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Cicilline Referred To The House Committee On Oversight And Government Reform. on 06/13/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

Crackdown on Deadbeat Gun Dealers Act of 2013 [HB-236]
Crackdown on Deadbeat Gun Dealers Act of 2013 - Amends the federal criminal code to authorize the Attorney General to inspect or examine the inventory and records of a licensed importer, manufacturer, or dealer of firearms to ensure compliance with recordkeeping requirements not more that three times a year (currently, not more than once a year) without reasonable cause and a warrant. Authorizes the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to hire at least 50 additional personnel to carry out the additional inspections. (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations. on 01/25/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

Freedom from Discrimination in Credit Act of 2013 [HB-2364]
Freedom from Discrimination in Credit Act of 2013 - Amends the Equal Credit Opportunity Act to prohibit discrimination on account of sexual orientation or gender identity when extending credit. Defines: (1) "gender identity" as the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual with or without regard to the individual's designated sex at birth; (2) "person" as a natural person, corporation, government or governmental subdivision or agency, trust, estate, partnership, cooperative, or association; (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney Referred To The House Committee On Financial Services. on 06/13/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

Encourage New Legalized Immigrants to Start Training Act [HB-2377]
Encourage New Legalized Immigrants to Start Training Act or the ENLIST Act - Authorizes the enlistment in the armed forces of aliens unlawfully present in the United States on December 31, 2011, who: (1) have been continuously present in the United States since such date; (2) were younger than 15 years of age when they initially entered the United States; and (3) are otherwise eligible for original enlistment in a regular component of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard. Requires the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) to adjust (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. David Valadao Referred To The House Committee On Armed Services. on 06/14/2013

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